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Learning the historical context of a
primary source is critical for
understanding the attitudes and
influences that shaped the creation of
the primary cause. If not placed into a
historical context, a primary source's
true meaning might be misinterpreted.
 analyze the context and perspective of
different kinds of primary sources;

 determine the contribution of different

types of primary sources in
understanding Philippine History; and

 develop critical and analytical skills with

exposure to primary sources.
“ It is the process of critically
examining and analysing the records
of the past and survivals of the
- (Gottschalk, 1969)

Examine the
Select the probable
sources Extract credible
subject to sources of
genuineness, in “particulars”
investigate information on
part of in whole
the subject
It is a systematic evaluation of the
primary source that enable an
individual to present and develop an
argument based on his own
understanding of the evidences from
his readings.
It considers specifically the time, place, situation
when the primary sources was written.

The analysis as well includes the author’s

background, authority on the subject and intent
perceptible, and its relevance and meaning to
people and society today.
Identification of the Historical
Importance of Texts

Primary historical sources are

essential in understanding the
political, economic, social, and cultural
aspects of Philippine History.
Identification of the Historical
Importance of Texts
First-hand accounts written or in
audiovisual or digital form have
provided different perspectives on
specific historical events.
• María Corazón Sumulong
Cojuangco was born on January
25, 1933, in Paniqui, Tarlac
• The first female president (1986–
1992) of the Philippines
• restoring democratic rule in
that country after the
long dictatorship of Ferdinand
Marcos Sr.
In September 18, 1986, a former
President, Corazon Aquino,
stood before the U.S. Congress
in what is considered one of the
most important political and
diplomatic events in Philippine
Jewish Talmud reminds us that, to save one life is to save
humanity (Sanhedrin 37a). Cory Aquino’s speech somehow
has parallelism to the Jewish Talmud, because the EDSA
bloodless revolution saves millions of lives from the tyranny of
Ferdinand Marcos. President Marcos consented the
bloodshed of many people by declaring Martial law “by virtue
of Proclamation No. 1081”, which causes multiple ‘Human
Rights’ violations. On the other hand, Cory Aquino responded
to this in her presidency by empowering the Bill of Rights in
the 1987 Constitution.
Cory Aquino in her speech tries to exemplify the
nexus of catastrophic events in the Philippines
during the declaration of martial law. Aquino first
instigated Marcos’s crimes should be unveiled for
the public. Aquino did not specify Marcos’ crimes
but many researchers and scholars provided
evidence of the political unrest during the martial
The Marcos regime was also responsible for
3,257 murders, 35,000 torture cases, and
70,000 incarcerations, according to members
of Akbayan party-list group, of whom many
suffered under the dictatorship
 Furthermore, the pride of Cory Aquino to present
in the Congress of America that the Philippines
attained its democracy on its own. Yet, Aquino
tries to make an impression that she needs
America’s help for sustaining the democracy
which has reigned again. Tyranny is not the
dream of every Filipino. They would fight with full
of might for the Philippines’ hidden light.
   In a nutshell, the struggling Philippines despite its
despair and political unrest will surely prosper, for all
the sacrifices are rendered not for selfishness but for
the common good. The Talmud speaks aloud when the
bloodless revolution drove Marcos from his oppressive
office. The Filipinos save many lives for driving Marcos
away, and Cory Aquino ought to restore what was being
lost, the Filipino’s dignity, by strengthening the Bill of
Rights which is evident until the present day.
External Criticism Internal Criticism

 examination of the content of the

 process of verifying material, including its
historical evidence through truthfulness.
its physical characteristics,
 author's analysis of the source, its
 analyzing its material context when it was made or
written, and its possible agenda
consistency with the Period, or intended purpose, among
it was produced. others.

Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian
nobleman commissioned by Spain's
king to document the Spanish empire's
expansion. His loyalties and social
standing, compounded with the
circumstance of the-text production,
influenced his narrative of pre-colonial
Analysis of Antonio Pigafetta's First
Voyage Around the World.

The Chronicles document Magellan's

arrival in the Visayas, his interaction
with the locals and his death, and his
fleet's subsequent departure. That
said, no primary source should be
exempt from scrutiny.
Pigafetta's document on the first
voyage around the world greatly
impacted and changed the
understanding and perception of
people in the 16th century in terms
of their culture. This has connected
various societies and civic
establishments. The document also
shows what people from those time
do for survival.
Primary sources
Primary sources are valuable tools
to develop an understanding of
Philippine History. Analyzing the
content and context behind these
sources can lead to a critical
appraisal of certain situations or
periods in the country's history.

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