Comparison of Adjectives

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When we compare two things we use a comparative.
Kadar primerjamo dve stvari uporabimo pimernik.

Pazi, da v stavku
besedo THAN.
African elephants are taller than Asian elephants.
African elephants have got bigger ears than Asian elephants.
Asian elephants‘ tusk are shorter than African elephants‘ tusks.
pridevnikom dodamo končnico -er

small smaller

short shorter
tall taller
fast faster
dark darker
Če se pridevnik konča s črko –e, dodamo samo -r

large larger
nice nicer
simple simpler
Če se pridevnik konča z enim samoglasnikom in enim soglasnikom,
se soglasnik podvoji. Kratkim pridevnikom zadnjo črko podvojimo.

big bigger
thin thinner
fat fatter
sad sadder
Če se pridevnik konča s črko –y in je pred njim soglasnik, y
spremenimo v i in dodamo -er

pretty prettier
happy happier
silly sillier
funny funnier
Dolge pridevnike, ki na koncu nimajo črke –y in ostale večzložne
pridevnike ne spreminjamo, pred njimi uporabimo MORE

dangerous more dangerous

beautiful more beautiful
expensive more expensive
interesting more interesting

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