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Strategic Culture of Pakistan

Meaning and Definiton
 Particular approach of each state towards it security
 Culture; ideas, values, attitudes and behaviours
 Culture is the root and foundation of strategy.
 Stephen Rosen defines SC as it is made up of shared
beliefs and assumptions that frame international military
behavior particularly those concerning decisions to go to
war, offensive and defensive modes of warfare etc.
 Long hurst defines SC as a distinctive body of beliefs,
attitudes and practices regarding the use of force.
 It portrays a historical sketch.
Sources of strategic culture
Political culture
 A political culture is a set of attitudes and practices held by a people that
shapes their political behavior. It includes moral judgments, political myths,
beliefs, and ideas about what makes for a good society. ... Political cultures
matter because they shape a population's political perceptions and actions
 Pakistan evolve in Islamic fashion.
 Solidarity for Kashmir, Palestine etc
Strategic Environment
 Geographic Location
 Relations with Neighbors
 Pakistan is a lower Riparian country
 Sandwich b/w India and Afghanistan
Determinants of Pak’s SC
Security competition with India
 Unfair partition
 Role of India in separation of Dhaka
 Kashmir, Junagarh, Hyder abad
Afghanistan as source of Instablity
 Durand line issue
 Pak wanted Afghanistan as “Strategic depth”
 Claims on Baluchistan, FATA and NWFP
 Aid to Baloch and Pashtun separtists
 Pakistan believed that the active Indian Presence in Afg is pushing Pak for two
from war.

Ideological Difference with India

 Indian hatred for Muslim
 Citizenship amendment Act
 Dismantled Babari mosque
 Hostile attitude in Kashmir

Indian hegemonic attitude

 Extremists in India still dream of akhund Bharat (undivided India)
 Pakistan SC is to prevent India becoming hegemon in SA.

Identification with conservative Islamic causes

 Used Islamic world to pursue its FP goals
 Trying to instill Muslim Nationalism
Key elements of SC of Pakistan
 Opposition to Indian hegemony
 Nuclear Deterrence
 Acceptance but not reliance on outside assistance
 Till 1979 reliance on US, 1980s turned towards China
 Stability on Pakistan’s Western border
Changing in SC

 Started developing Nuclear weapons

 Post 9/11 shift
 NAP 2015
i. Safe heavens of terrorists
ii. Reforms in the region of FATA
iii. Sleeper cells
iv. Internal security

Q no. 12
Define Strategic Culture? What are the
determinants of Pakistan Strategic culture?

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