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The Global Energy Transition


What is renewable energy?

y Natural resources which

are naturally replenished y Renewable is Do-Able in Ontario y Hydro, wind, solar, rain, biogas and geothermal heat y Replenishes conventional fuels

Why do we need this transition?

ENERGYBULLETIN.NET y To control the escalating pace of change and to allow the climate to re-stabilize, humanity has to cut its burning of fossil fuels by at least 70% in a very short time y Unless the world is getting half its energy from noncarbon sources by 2018, we will be locked into an inevitable doubling--and possible tripling--of preindustrial carbon dioxide (CO2) levels later in this century

The World and Renewable Energy

y 48 countries now have some type of renewable energy

promotion policy, including 14 developing countries

Whats Coming?

Mainstream Forms of Renewable Energy

-Wind Powery Air flows can be used to

turn wind turbines y fastest growing source of global electricity generation y Canada has the opportunity to generate 20% of its power by wind by 2025 y Canada generates 1% of its power from wind (National Energy Board 2008)

Wind-Generated Power
y Reliability of wind y Wildlife can be y y y y

y Clean, renewable y Create new jobs y Decrease high-

polluting energy sources y Free and in abundance y tax credits from the Federal Government

endangered (birds etc.) Lightning can cause damages stored with a battery Noise pollution Site possibilities limited

Global Status: Wind Power

y growth rates of over

25% for the past 15 years y cost-effective source y Europe is the leader (Denmark, Germany and Spain) y 68,000 operational wind turbines

Chart: Global Annual Wind Installations (MW) 1980-2005

Canadian Status: Wind Power

y Slower start y Annual 30% increase in

wind energy development y Turbine technology is increasing y The Canadian Wind Associations goal is 10000 MW of installed wind energy (enough to supply 5% of Canadas electricity needs) y Government is encouraging wind energy growth

Chart: Canadian Installed Capacity (MW) 20002006

-Solar Powery Energy derived from the

sun in the form of solar radiation y Every year, the sun radiates the equivalent of 19,000 billion tons of oil y In 20 minutes, the amount of solar radiation falling on the earth could power the entire planet for 1 year.

Capturing Solar Energy

PASSIVE SOLAR y Measures used to trap and store solar energy inside buildings y Annual costs to heat a home can be reduced by 50%

Capturing Solar Energy

SOLAR HEAT COLLECTORS y Absorb the solar radiation falling on them and focus this energy on small areas y This includes solar water heating systems, solar wall air heaters etc.

Capturing Solar Energy

SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) COLLECTORS y Use the photovoltaic principal to convert sunlight directly into direct current (DC) electricity y New manufacturing techniques have began to drastically reduce costs

Solar-Generated Power

y energy from the sun is

y Not always available y All the costs are

virtually free y unlimited and available everywhere y Flexible and modular

required up-front y Some jurisdictions in Canada have not updated their policies to make it affordable to connect to the energy grid

Global Status: Solar Energy

y The fastest growing

technology is gridconnected solar PV (World Watch Institutes Renewable 2005 report) y grown by 60% each year from 2000-2004 y 4000 homes in Japan, Germany and the U.S.A that have rooftop solar PV y production is expected to rise

Canadian Status: Solar Energy

y 14th/20 countries in

deployment of PV y 17th/22 for solar thermal (International Energy Association) y Our government invests only 16% of the international average y Ontario introduced premium prices for electricity fed into the grid


y Derived from biomass y used to produce a variety

of energy-related products y Biofuels include ethanol and biodiesel

-BioenergyPROS CONS

y Benefits for

y Impact on food prices/

agricultural and forestry industries y Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when compared to traditional fuels

availability y Possibility of indirect deforestation resulting in a higher amount of greenhouse gas emissions

Status and Potential: Bioenergy

y Ranks second (to

hydropower) in the U.S primary renewable energy production y Brazil is the worlds largest producer of biofuels y Industry is growing rapidly y Market-based incentives are increasing in popularity

Investing in Renewables
y Public and private sector

investment in renewable energy is growing rapidly y Government policies and raised awareness of renewable energy opportunities are speeding up the development y The total global investment in clean energy in 2005 was over US $42 billion (Pembina.org)

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