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Weeks 2 - 3

Lesson 2:
Weeks 2 - 3

Lesson 2:
What is your opinion on the government’s move to implement community quarantine
measures in controlling the spread of COVID-19 infections in most cities and municipalities
in the country? Share your opinions about this topic by completing the table provided.
Argumentative Writing
- Also called persuasive writing
Argumentative Writing
- seeks to convince readers to support a stand on
a certain issue
Argumentative Writing

- requires the writer to examine a topic or issue

which involves the collection, generation and
evaluation of exhibits and/or evidence
Argumentative Writing

- emphasizes the writer’s agreement or

disagreement on a particular proposition
It serves as the point of reference of the
argumentative writer. It is where the writer
decides whether to express his/her agreement or
Argumentative essay
is an essay that presents a stand or a rationale on
a given proposition or issue. In this essay, the
main argument presented is elaborated and
explained through the presentation of its pros and
cons. The main objective of an argumentative
essay is to convince or persuade the reader into
considering your stand or argument on an issue.
Sample Argumentative Essay
As online learning becomes more common and
more and more resources are converted to digital BASIC ARGUMent component
form, some people have suggested that public
libraries should be shut down and, in their place, 1. CLAIM
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader
subscription. - answers the question, What do you
Proponents of this idea state that it will save
local cities and towns money because libraries are
want the reader to believe?
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will
encourage more people to read because they won’t - statement of position, a thesis in
have to travel to a library to get a book.
which you take a stand on an issue
However, it would be a serious mistake to
replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and
resources are associated with less learning and more
- has a valid counter-claim — an
problems than print resources. A study done on opposite or alternative that is as
tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information, sensible as the position that you take
and understand 10% less of what they read in your claim
compared to people who read the same information in
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to
assume that the only service libraries offer is book Writer’s Claim: He wants the readers
to believe that libraries are useful and
While it may seem like a simple solution,

PA G E 0 1
replacing libraries with tablets would end access to that libraries should not be replaced
the many benefits of libraries. with tablets.
In many areas, libraries are such an important
part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
Sample Argumentative Essay
As online learning becomes more common and
more and more resources are converted to digital BASIC ARGUMent component
form, some people have suggested that public
libraries should be shut down and, in their place, 2. REASONS
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader
subscription. - answers Why should a reader
Proponents of this idea state that it will save accept your claim?
local cities and towns money because libraries are
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will - mini-argumentative points that
encourage more people to read because they won’t support the core argumentative claim
have to travel to a library to get a book.
However, it would be a serious mistake to - NOT evidence
replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books
and resources are associated with less learning and - NOT data or statistics or quotes
more problems than print resources. A study done on
- idea that is used to support claim
tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information,
and understand 10% less of what they read
compared to people who read the same information in
print. - These statements are the reasons
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to
assume that the only service libraries offer is book
or sub-claims.
- These are the writer’s thoughts to
While it may seem like a simple solution,

PA G E 0 2
replacing libraries with tablets would end access to support his claim.
the many benefits of libraries.
In many areas, libraries are such an important
part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
Sample Argumentative Essay
As online learning becomes more common and
more and more resources are converted to digital BASIC ARGUMent component
form, some people have suggested that public
libraries should be shut down and, in their place,
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader
subscription. - answers: What makes your
Proponents of this idea state that it will save
local cities and towns money because libraries are
reasoning valid?   
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will - To validate the thinking that you use
encourage more people to read because they won’t
have to travel to a library to get a book. in your reasons, you need to
However, it would be a serious mistake to demonstrate that your reasons
replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books
and resources are associated with less learning and are not only based on your personal
more problems than print resources. A study done on opinion.
tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information,
and understand 10% less of what they read
compared to people who read the same information in
print. - This essay includes numerous
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to facts and cites studies to support
assume that the only service libraries offer is book
lending. its case.
While it may seem like a simple solution,

PA G E 0 3
replacing libraries with tablets would end access to
the many benefits of libraries.
In many areas, libraries are such an important
part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
Sample Argumentative Essay
As online learning becomes more common and
more and more resources are converted to digital BASIC ARGUMent component
form, some people have suggested that public
libraries should be shut down and, in their place,
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader
- answers: But what about other
Proponents of this idea state that it will save
local cities and towns money because libraries are perspectives?
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will
encourage more people to read because they won’t - perspectives that either challenge or
have to travel to a library to get a book.
However, it would be a serious mistake to
completely oppose your own claim.
replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books
and resources are associated with less learning and
more problems than print resources. A study done on
tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information,
and understand 10% less of what they read
compared to people who read the same information in
print. - Being open in this way shows
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to that you are an ethical arguer –
assume that the only service libraries offer is book
lending. you are considering many
While it may seem like a simple solution, viewpoints.

PA G E 0 4
replacing libraries with tablets would end access to
the many benefits of libraries.
In many areas, libraries are such an important
part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
Sample Argumentative Essay
As online learning becomes more common and
more and more resources are converted to digital BASIC ARGUMent component
form, some people have suggested that public
libraries should be shut down and, in their place,
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader
Proponents of this idea state that it will save - to show that you are fair-minded and
local cities and towns money because libraries are balanced, you must respond to the
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will
encourage more people to read because they won’t counterargument that you include
have to travel to a library to get a book.
However, it would be a serious mistake to - Failure to include the response to
replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books counterargument can confuse the
and resources are associated with less learning and
more problems than print resources. A study done on reader.
tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information,
and understand 10% less of what they read
compared to people who read the same information in
print. For every argument the other side
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to
makes, the author makes sure to
assume that the only service libraries offer is book
lending. refute it and follow up with why
While it may seem like a simple solution, her opinion is the stronger one.

PA G E 0 5
replacing libraries with tablets would end access to
the many benefits of libraries.
In many areas, libraries are such an important
part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
The pattern of idea development in argumentative writing may
vary from one writer to another. The structure of developing an
argumentative essay largely depends on how a writer intends to
present his or her main argument, and how he or she wishes to
develop the main idea presented by backing it up with supporting
details or evidences.

As an essay is usually made up of an introduction, a body, and a

conclusion, argumentative essays may use a pattern or structure that
conforms to how a writer intends to present and further establish a
The table below presents various patterns of how ideas or arguments
in an argumentative essay may be presented and developed.
In Pattern A, the thesis statement
about the issue is presented in the
topic sentence. It is followed by the
first set of pros (supporting ideas)
relative to the thesis statement. Then,
the second set of pros (supporting
ideas) is also presented to further
support and strengthen the

claim regarding the thesis statement. It is followed by the presentation of the

cons (counterarguments) and refutations. Lastly, a conclusion that summarizes
the ideas presented in the essay and highlights the benefits of the thesis
statement is presented to the readers.
Pattern B, meanwhile, is almost
similar to the first one. The only
difference is that it presents the cons
(opposing ideas) and refutations first
before building up the thesis
statement using the pros (supporting
Finally, Pattern C presents the simplest flow of arguments starting with
the presentation of the thesis statement. Then, the three (3) sets of cons
(opposing ideas) of the issue together with their corresponding
refutations are provided. Not a single pro (supporting idea) is given in
this pattern. This means that the conclusion needs to focus on justifying
the refutations to fully support the claim.
The use of evaluativ
The form
useof of modal
adjectives,use ref
towards a great
certain inPA
partidea. mai
should and must to expres
Language and
opinions, argumentative
or judgments tex
wordsto can
on an connectives, you
idea. help
contributes to the achi
Features of sentences
that provide su




main argument.
It is incredibly narrow
shown to caus
only service libraries offe
Example: blurred vision,
have a multitude of ben
strain, at much
available if the library has
It would be a Other serious
replace libraries with
the othertable
Other effective evalu
disgusting | dreadful
similarly|| incre
in co
| terrible | wonderful
Learning Task 1: Read the statements carefully. On a whole sheet of paper,
write AGREE if the statement expresses the truth about argumentative
texts, and DISAGREE if it says otherwise.

______________ 1. The main goal of an argumentative text is to tell a story.

______________ 2. An argumentative text persuades readers to believe a
certain claim or opinion.
______________ 3. When writing an argumentative text such as an essay, it
is important to include evidences that support your claim.
______________ 4. Argumentative texts basically present and describe a
______________ 5. Understanding the pros and cons of an issue is an
essential aspect of argumentative writing.
______________ 6. One’s choice of words matters in clearly expressing
his/her arguments about an issue.
______________ 7. An argumentative essay presents a writer’s stand or
rationale regarding a certain issue.
______________ 8. The pattern of idea development in an argumentative text
is the same for every author.
______________ 9. Research plays a big role in ensuring the worth and
validity of one’s claims and ideas in an argumentative essay.
______________ 10. Argumentative writing usually shows a more subjective
style of writing as the writer explains his or her views about the topic.
Learning Task 2: Get a copy of an editorial written in English from old
newspapers (e.g. broadsheets, school publications). Cut and paste it. If you
have a way to connect to the Internet, you may use an online editorial for this
task. Read and examine it. Then, answer the questions below.

 1. What is the main idea portrayed by the editorial you have just read?
 2. Are there evidences that support the main idea? Cite at least three
 3. How would you describe the way the editorial board proved its point?
 4. What can you say about the use of language and the words used in the
given reading material?
 5. Were you prompted to believe the claims based on the ideas presented in
the material? Why or why not?
 Learning Task 3:
Take some time to learn about things that are currently
happening around you. Watch news programs, listen to the radio, or
read a newspaper. After doing at least one of these suggested activities,
list down 10 events or issues which may serve as good topics for
writing an argumentative essay.
Learning Task 4: This time, you will be prompted to draft an
argumentative essay for a given topic. Provide the key elements using
the template given.

Topic: Conduct of Limited Face-to-Face Classes in the Time of Pandemic

Learning Task 5: Look for a good sample of an argumentative text in English
tabloids or broadsheets published here in the Philippines. Cut the said sample
out and paste it in a whole sheet of paper. Examine the argumentative text,
then answer the questions that follow.
Note: If you have a way to connect to the Internet, you may also use news websites as the source of your text sample.

1. What is the main argument presented in the sample you have chosen? How
was it presented?
2. What cons and pros were presented? Enumerate.
3. How did the writer conclude the text?
4. What can you say about the use of language features like modals,
evaluative words, and transitional devices in the text? How did these
elements contribute to the achievement of the writer’s purpose?
Learning Task 6: Imagine that you are a writer for a leading newspaper
company in the Philippines. You are asked to write an argumentative text
about one of the topics listed below. Your output should not be less than
400 words and should reflect key structural elements and language
features of an argumentation.

 1. Revival of GMRC and Values Education Subjects in Basic

 2. Establishment of the Department of Overseas Filipino Workers
 3. Implementation of 24-Hour Curfew for Minors in the Time of
Using the graphic organizer
provided, show the
different key structural
elements and language
features in an
argumentative text. You
may provide additional

TIP: Researching substantial information and background about issues you will write about is a
must in order to have sufficient knowledge on how to present your argument and support your

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