Descriptive Text

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A. Descriptive text adalah teks yang

menggambarkan/menyebutkan ciri-
ciri orang, hewan, tempat atau
benda secara rinci.
B. Generic Structure ( Struktur Kebahasaan)

1) Identification : Bagian awal cerita yang

memperkenal apa atau siapa yang akan
2) Description : Berisi tentang ciri-ciri fisik,
sifat, ataupun kebiasaan yang dilakukan
atau benda, tempat dan hewan
Contoh soal :
Malioboro is the name of street in
Yogyakarta. Malioboro street is very
populer and becomes on of tourist
destination. Even if we want to take our
picture next to text the street signs, we have
to stand in line. The name of malioboro
comes from Sanskrit which means bouquet.
What makes Malioboro street populer?
Malioboro street offers the never ending
culinary and shopping experience. We will
see many street vendors who sell clothes,
bags, sandals, key holders, handcrafted,
batiks, accessories, and other unique
merchandise in reasonable price at daytime.
In the evening, we will see many local food
stalls which provide traditional food along
the street.
The other thing we can enjoy in
Malioboro street is some people in
unique costumes, such as traditional
armies, and zombies. We can have
pictures with them by giving some
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Malioboro is one of the tourist destinations in
B. The history of Sanskrit is related to
C. People have to stand in line in Yogyakarta
D. Another place to visit is Yogyakarta
2. What do the local stalls have in the
A. Traditional food
B. Beautiful bouquet
C. Traditional armies
D. Unique merchandise

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