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The emerging consumer

Consumers trends across the world

Technology, post Covid impacts and sustainability
major drivers-Changing value perceptions
Ownership trends-cars, homes, Green buying,
sustainable consumption
Postponing settling down
Consumers Expect Multiple Payment Options but also
ability to defer payments
The mindfulness market continues to grow at 10.4
cagr ($4.08 billion in 2019 to $9 billion in 2027
Wellness, active lifestyles with personalised solutions
becoming dominant
Pet ownership and expenditures rising
Home the hub of life
Trends: Stated preferences………..
Some defining trends
Rising affluence
Rising urbanistion- demographics new segments??
Information rich and time poor
Nuclearisation of the family unit
Changing gender roles
Changing reference groups- influencers as marketing
Social media influences and isolation
Technology as the universal enabler- Sustainability ??
Digital natives and immigrants
Stress and compulsive buying- the disposable catch
The India story
Population doubling from 1975-2019 nearly 1.28
Most populous country by 2025
> 50% of its population below age of 25 and > 65%
below the age of 35
 By 2022, the average age of an Indian 29 years, vs 37
for China and 48 for Japan; and, by 2030,
India's dependency ratio should be just over 0.4-
Sex ratio 944 females to 1000 males
Huge urban shift- 60% plus still rural
Generational shifts?
The New Indian- CCI 2016

Even by conservative GDP estimate of 6% to 7%,

consumption expenditures to rise by a factor of three
to reach $4 trillion by 2025.
India’s nominal year-over-year expenditure growth of
12% more than double the anticipated global rate of
5% making India the third-largest consumer market
by 2025.
3 important aspects for marketers
Some insights
 for spending- two top consumer categories—elite and
affluent , largest combined segment by 2025,
accounting for 40% of consumption compared to 27%
in 2016.
 share of next billion and strugglers will shrink from
49% in 2016 to 36% in 2025.
 40% of India’s population living in urban areas by
2025- implications??
 city dwellers will account for > 60% of consumption.
Much of this growth will take place in small towns.
Small pockets of big opportunity
Shifting family structures-nuclear families to form 74% by
Decision making structures different
Evolving consumption patterns –services, DIY
Trading up in emerging cities
Shift to Omnipresent communication
Accelerated Online buying and non cash spending
Women-both income and expenditure profile shifting
Rising appeal of ethnocentric brands and consumption
Growing importance of content marketing
Consumption and society
Sustainable consumer behavior is behavior that
attempts to satisfy present needs while simultaneously
benefiting or limiting environmental impact.
Post Covid reassessment of life priorities
General consciousness of environmental issues
Unsustainable pollution and health scenarios
Prudence in consumption vs conspicuous consumption
One out of four consumers say they are planning to focus
more on environmental issues and will pay more attention to
social aspects in their shopping behavior.-Sebastian Gatzer
Price, complexity , options awareness , availability major
Societal Marketing concept
Shifting behaviour
Consumer behavior is shifting, with 3 out of 4 consumers
reporting they want to do more to reach their sustainability goals
at home, including reducing water and energy consumption,
recycling products, and generating renewable energy at home.
The demand for sustainable consumer goods is on the rise, with 3
out of 5 consumers saying socially responsible or sustainable
products made up at least half of their last purchase.
 1 in 3 (35%) say they’ve either stopped using personal cars that
run on gasoline or use them less due to environmental concerns.
Trend towards natural, organic, back to nature products
Multiplier effect of variables

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