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Geography resurch work

on different methords of re
claiming land
By Muhammad Rayyan Baqai
Methord 1
What is land infilling ?
Infill devlopment is the process in which vacant or underemplored
parcles within existing urban areas, that are already largely developed.
Methord 2
Land Dredging
What is land dredging ?
Land dredging is the process of removing sediments from the bottom
banks of bodies of water, including rivers, lakes or streams.
Methord 3
What is land drain ?
Land drain also known as the french drain is a name given to flexable
pipes which are placed under ground to take out excess ground water
And last but not least methord 4
Reclamation of arid land by irrigation
Since all irrigation waters carry at least some salt irrigation may hasten
the process of salt accumulation in soils and reclamation of arid lands
by irrigation may be followed by a need for reclamation of salty lands
by drainage and leaching.
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