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A non-empty subset H of a group G is said to be a subgroup of G if H itself is a group
under the same operation defined on G and with the same identity element.

• If G is a group, then G itself is a subgroup of G.

• If e is the identity of G, the subset containing only identity element i.e.
{e}, is also a subset of G.
These two are subgroup of any group.
Example :
1. The set of all integers is a subgroup of the set of all real numbers
under addition. That is (𝑍,+)is a subgroup of (𝑅,+)
2. The set of even integer 2𝑍={2𝑘/𝑘∈𝑍}is a subgroup of (𝑍,+)
3. The set of non-negative integers is not a subgroup of (𝑍,+), because,
except 0, no element have the additive inverse.
4. The subset {𝐼,(1,2,3),(1,3,2)}is a subgroup of 𝑃3.
5. Let G = {1, −1, i, −i} and H = {1, −1}.
Here G and H are groups with respect to the binary operation multiplication
and H is a subset of G. Therefore (H, ·) is a subgroup of (G, ·).

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