Consumer Buying Process 28

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Do you ever walk into a store, aimlessly fill up the cart, and spend your hard-
earned cash without a second thought?

Sure, we may be susceptible to the odd impulse buy, but we’d be inclined to suggest
you fall into the same category as many consumers, focusing on what it is you’re
buying, why you need the product, and how the product will add value to your life.
Before arriving at the point when they pop their products through the register, a
buyer goes through a decision-making process that you as a product marketer
must also understand.

This decision-making process works in tandem with consumer behavior, but

what is consumer behavior, and more importantly, why is it applicable to
businesses, as well as the consumer?
• The importance of consumer behavior.
• What is the consumer buying process?
• Problem recognition.
• The search process.
• Considering alternatives.
• The selection stage.
• Post-purchase evaluation.
The importance of consumer Consumer behavior provides an understanding
of the people buying your product, whether
they’re individuals, groups of consumers, or
behavior organizations.

These behavioral trends provide invaluable

insights into the process a buyer(s) goes through
when they’ve decided to invest in your product
or service, as well as how they use and consume
your offering to fulfill their needs and
The consumer buying process helps companies
with the likes of:
Consumer differentiation

Consumer differentiation
Customer retention
Design and implementation of effective
Predicting market trends
Competitor intel
Innovate new products - successfully
Enhance customer service
Remain relevant
What is the consumer
buying process?
• Otherwise referred to as the consumer decision-making process, and buyer funnel, to name a
few, the consumer buying process refers to the stages a customer goes through, throughout
their customer journey.

• There are five steps in the consumer buying process, and the complexity and time taken to
pass through each stage is unique for each customer.

• For example, a consumer buying a new car may decide to test drive a model several times,
compare and contrast different brands, read reviews, and conduct thorough research before
making a purchase, or deciding to look at an alternative.

• On the other hand, another person may devote their loyalties to a particular manufacturer,
and be willing to invest after taking it for a spin. Point being, the fluidity of the consumer
buying process hinges on the personal preferences of the consumer - sometimes it’s
straightforward, and sometimes it’s convoluted.

• So, what are the stages, what role do they play, and what influence does a product marketer
have at each respective point?
Problem recognition
Problem recognition is the first in the quintet of phases
and is often considered the most important point of the
consumer buying process.
After all, how can a consumer be expected to invest in

‍a solution
🤷‍ ️ to a conundrum they’re yet to identify? 🤷‍️

When our vision’s impaired, we buy new glasses, if

we can’t sleep in our stuffy bedroom in the
summertime, then we buy a fan, and when you’re sick
to death of plugging the vacuum cleaner, you invest in
a cordless alternative.
• The common theme: Consumers buy products to solve a problem.
• Whether your company’s making flat-screen TVs, state-of-the-art coffee machines, or mobile
phones with “the most impressive, sophisticated megapixel camera”, as a product marketer, you
need to step into the mind of your prospective customer and position your product as the go-to-
option on the market that’ll solve their worries like that. *clicks fingers*
• To drive potential customers through the buyer’s journey, you need to research their purchasing
habits and buyer behaviors, and use your findings to craft messaging and communication that’ll
resonate with respective personas.
• There are also a ton of marketing automation tools to give consumers the support they need at
every stage of their customer journey, with plenty of PMA approved resources available in the 
PMA tech stack.
• You may not think marketing automation is your cup of tea but with research revealing humans
have a shorter attention span than a goldfish, (no, we’re not kidding), we strongly suggest using
these tools to enhance your customer onboarding experience and support your customers through
the recognition phase and beyond.

Recognition- A consumer identifies a need to restock something

they purchase regularly. For example, a consumer is running out
of there power adapter. So what he or she is supposed to do? They
will realize the deficiency and they will go to any of the shop or to
the online retailers to buy it.
 During this pre-purchase stage, the consumer conducts
multiple searches: online and offline, as well as
internally and externally, intending to collect
information on the products or services identified at the
preceding problem recognition point.

 Unsurprisingly, much of the consumer research is

completed online, so businesses need to ensure they
invest time, effort, and resources in their SEO (search
engine optimization) to enhance their online exposure
and brand presence.
 But consumers don’t only turn to the powers of the process
world wide web during the search process, with word
of mouth regarded by many as the most powerful form
of advertising. Previous experiences or testimonials
from family and friends are often cited as a key factor
behind a person being persuaded or dissuaded in
choosing one brand, instead of another.
After visiting their chosen sources, your
customer will now be at a stage where
they’ll have earmarked a few options,
before deciding where to invest.

Key Features
•Battery Capacity: 25,600 mAh
•Power Outputs: USB-C (60 watts), two USB-A (18 watts
Consider •Other: Bundled fast wall adapter
And let’s not forget the price!
alternatives When a consumer is making their
buying decision, they’ll always be
looking for the best product they can
get, at the best price. Evaluating
alternatives allows the consumer to
conclude which option would suit their
needs and address their pain points
before they make a final selection.
Comparing “X” to “Y”

It consists of a transformer, an electronic Mobile phone batteries, vehicle batteries,

filter, and a rectifier. Firstly, the transformer and solar cells are some examples. These
converts the high voltage current coming examples do not require the much supply of
from the main electrical outlet to a lower electricity that a DC power source normally
voltage of alternating current. The lower has. Difference Between AC/DC Adapter
voltage must be receivable for the device AC and DC adapters do have some different
being powered. Then, the rectifier changes characteristics concerning some basic
the format of the current from AC to DC topics.
Trends in “MARKET”
Chart Title

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Selection stage
Having identified their problem, searched for available products, and
compared and contrasted the options on the table, it’s time for the
consumer to decide which product they’re going to buy.
All going well, this is the point your hard work pays dividends and
you convert the lead into a customer. That said, it’s not always plain
sailing, with multiple factors contributing to a consumer taking their
custom elsewhere. This could be attributed to the likes of:

•Negative reviews
•Reluctance to invest
•Poor customer onboarding
•Company location
•Poor reputation
History of the merchandise
2000 2012

2008 2020
Post-purchase evaluation

The post-purchase evaluation is very much what it says on the tin:

it’s the point when the customer considers how useful their new
investment is, and whether or not it’s fulfilled the expectations
they had during the pre-purchase phases.
If the product surpasses expectations, the buyer often takes on the
role of an ambassador for the brand, in which case, they promote
the product and serve as an influencer for prospective future
• As a product marketer, it’s critical to
familiarize yourself with the 5 steps of
the customer buying process. Each stage
in the build-up to the consumer making a
final purchasing decision is an
opportunity to gain a new customer,
enhance their experience, and generate
repeat business.
• Always strive to hit the ground running;
the quicker you are out of the blocks, the
more chance you have of cranking up
those all-important sales figures.
The importance of What is the consumer
consumer behavior buying process?

Key Takeaways THREE:

Search process, Consider
Problem recognition

Selection stage Post-purchase evaluation
Call to Action

Thank You

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