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- Some historians say that the beginning of the MIDDLE AGES began in AD476 when the barbarian
ODOACER overthrew Emperor ROMOLUS AUGUSTULUS, ending the Western roman Empire; others say
about AD 500or even later.

- Historians also say that the Middle Ages ended with the fall of CONSTANTINOPLE IN 1453, with the
discovery of AMERICA in 1492; or with the beginning of the REFORMATION in 1517.

- GERMAN BARBARIANS sacked and pillaged the declining Western Roman Empire. The invaders,
however, lacked the knowledge and skills to carry on Roman achievements in ART, LITERATURE, and
ENGINEERING. In effect, highly developed systems of Roman law and government gave way to the rude
forms of the BARABRIANS
- The EARLY MEDIEVAL PERIOD is sometimes referred to as the DARK AGES.

- This was the time of preparation, like working afield before planting seeds. For instance, to the
Romans, the State had been more important than the individual. From the Barbarians’ ideal personal
rights grew respect for women, their “government by the people”, and their crude but representative
law courts where kings and chiefs were elected by tribal councils (which also served as court of laws).

- The way of life in the Middle Ages is called FEUDALISM, which comes from the medieval Latin word
FEUDUM, which means property or possession.

- Peasants, about nine-tenths of them, are farmers or village laborers. All peasants-- men, women and
children worked to support their Lord. Many peasants built their village or huts near the castles of their
Lords for protection exchange of their sevices.

1. Recognize how individuals from societies and how

individuals are transformed by societies.
2. Compare different forms of societies and individualities
(Agrarian, Industrial and virtual)
3. Explain how human relations are transformed by social
4. Evaluate the transformation of human relationships by social
systems and how societies transform individual human
ACTIVITY 1 (PPT11/12-Ilf-7.1)
Explain the following statements and give concrete examples. Write your
inputs in your notebook.

1. The relationship of individuals and societies

2. Human relations are transformed by social systems


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