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College of Computing and

Department Of Information Science

A Project Proposal for Web Based Clearance

System for ASU
Project Proposal for
Web Based Clearance
Management System for ASU
Chapter ONE

 Clearance is a status granted individuals, typically members of

Military, University graduates and Employees of Government and
their contractors, allowing them access to classified information.
 The term “clearance” is also sometimes used in private
organizations that have a formal process to vet employees for
access to sensitive information. A clearance by itself normally not
sufficient to gain access; the organization must determine that the
cleared individual has a “need to know” the information. No one
is supposed to be granted access to classified information only
because of rank or position, but once a clearance is obtained,
access to certain information or gain of freedom will be granted.
 Assosa University higher educational institution that consists of
many manual and automated processes.
Background of organization
 Assosa University clearance processing system is one of
the processes that will be done to be cleared the system
from the university. Assosa University was established in
2002E.C. The University has seven colleges and one Law
school. Each college has many departments except school
of law.
 The system gives its function to many users of the

university. The numbers of user grow from year to year in

many numbers. Now a day, there are many users of the
clearance processing system. But the project gives a
service to use teachers and students.
 The clearance get one copies of clearance sheet from
department and get signature and stamp from different
offices. These are register, dormitory, Librarian, Bookstore,
Cafeteria, Student loan , Department head, Collage dean,
 after they finished all necessary requirements, finally the

system take copies of sheet that has all signature and stamp
from all offices.
 Not only for users and also for the officers who give these

services the process was boring therefore, it is important to

automate clearance system for the members of the university.
Statement of problem
 This clearance processing system service currently uses
manual system which creates problems. With the existing
system all the activities are performed manually to clarify
the users using process oriented methods.
 In order to clarify the user goes to each of the available

office such as register, dormitory, Librarian, Bookstore,

Cafeteria, Student loan , Department head, Collage dean,
Due to this the following problems are faced:-

 There is no way to get clearance form in one office.

 Most of the activities are time consuming and stressful.

 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to

users repeatedly visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her

clearance form.
 It creates wastages of material &time.

 Error is happened during process the clearance System.

 Need more manpower to process the clearance in the respective

 When the Clearance form is lost it causes delaying of readmission date.

 Data redundancy &loss of data.

 Unauthorized body may sign Clearance form.

 General objective
 The main objective of this project is developing web based
Clearance system for ASU.
 Specific Objectives
The specific objective of this project includes:-
 Develop and dploy the new system.
 To elicit requirements from the existing system
 To analyze the identified the requirements
 To design the system based of the requirements specified
 To implement the system based on the system design
 To test the system using different testing metrics
 To deploy the system in the working environment
Scope of study
 Currently the university performs clearance system manually
or paper based processing system. Generally the scope of this
project includes:-
 Our system used for ASU.
 The System contains all the recorded information that can be

handled by the registrar,HRD and other offices.

 The scope of the project includes the tasks performed by the

following units (as of the new organizational structure):-

register, dormitory, Librarian, Bookstore, Cafeteria, Student
loan , Department head, Collage dean, College,
 Clearance System for students. This is belongs to the
students who needs their clearance form. And these students may
 Year break
 with drawls
 graduation
 transfer to other university
 Clearance System for Teacher. This is belongs to the
teachers who needs their clearance form. And these teacher may be:
 Taking a permit
 transfer to other works
 they leave university
Significance of the Project
The project will have a lot of significant to the
university society.
Give work satisfaction for workers as well as for user.
Faster decision making.
Increases accuracy and availability.
It facilitates and improves the development of the organization.
It saves a time.
It is very convenient to use it right from the dormitories, office or

anywhere in the campus.

Help the University in reducing cost such as labor and stationary.
Process clearance effectively and efficiently.
Provides a reliable and transparent clearance processing system.
 For Users: -
 Avoids going around the school and staffs to sign clearance forms.

 To avoid the problems and stress of travelling and queuing up of users

during clearance.
 Information processing is very fast and delays can be avoided so there

is efficient use of time.

 Minimizes delaying registration date and pay fee due to loss of

Clearance form.
 For Officers (who work in the office in which will be clear their

clearance): -
 It helps to easily controls the resources which are borrow to students.

 It will prove more security mechanism (unauthorized person cannot

approve the Clearance).

 Information processing is very fast and delays can be avoided.

 To Minimizing the work load of officer signing clearance.

Beneficiaries of the Project

 Allcommunities within the university that use the

Clearance system are:
 Students
 Teachers
 Administrative workers e.t.c
Limitation of Project
Limitation is the thing that our system unable to perform.
However the following are the constraints:
 Time Constraints: Due to time constrain the web-page

covers only clearance for various departments by the

different users.
 Financial Constraints: Due financial constraints

people cannot afford this kind of process online

especially towards the cost of accessing the internet.
Therefore, it would cost a lot to develop a full web-
based clearance system.
Data collection methodology
 There are two types of sources of data. These are primary
and secondary. This project uses both of them.
 From the primary data source, the system uses

questionnaires, interview and observation because it can

get new and updated information from the sources.

 The secondary data source which this system uses

document analysis because of the following reasons:
To know the back history of the organization and the existing
To know the progress status of the organization within the
existing system.
To propose the developed system.
 Practical Observation: - we observed physically the
current existing system which is done by manually.
 Document Analysis: - For more information about the
existing system we refer relevant documents, others
reading materials and some forms in different offices and
observing different files and reporting documents.
 Interview: - To get the basic information and background
information about the existing system structure, we ask
different question from different persons who provide
clearance system. Interviewing the heads of the office and
the clerk (asking open and closed question).
 Questionnaires: those types of data are also collected by
distributing question and answering method by having
the fall and success to the users and instructors.
Programming language to be used

 Back-end: The back end of this project used MYSQL

and PHP because:
 It is more reliable.
 It is easy to use.
 It supports many operating systems

 Front end: The Front end of this project used HTML,

CSS and JavaScript because: -

 They can make effective design easily and understudy
 They use simple programming language
 They can be easily updated or changed
System Modeling Tools
 This project is developed using object-oriented program
approach, because:
 It supports reusability.
 It has maintainability.
 It has reliability.
 It simplifies the complex application development.
 It creates more flexible application.
System Requirement
Software Tools
Our project will be uses the following system software development tools for
different activities.
 Visual studio code: - to write different codes of the projects. It is important

because it support different languages like HTML, PHP, and JavaScript. It also
used to run and test the project
 HTML: -to display the web page.

 CSS: - for the formatting of the web site.

 JavaScript: - used for validation.

 Xampp Server: - this software assists to create database or back end of the system,

to run and test system application.

 Anti-Virus Software: - used to keep secure, scan, fix Flash Disk and to prevent

data destruction and corruption.

 Note Pad and Note pad++: -It used as reserve code to write this project.

 Microsoft Office window 2019: - used to write documentation part of this project.

 MS Visio: - used to design the diagram of the system or project.

 Hardware Tools
This project used the following hardware tools:-
 Laptop Computer: - used to develop the system.
 Pen: - used to write the drafting of the idea on the

 A4 Sized Paper: -used to organize the idea before

writing to computer.
 Flash Disk: - used to store and secure data as back up.
 CD/DVD: - used to store and secure data as back up.
System Analysis
The existing system
 Based on our data gathering the current clearance system of the Assosa

University is a manual one. When the user of the university leave the
university, they take clearance form from registrar ,HRD and go to different
office to sign clearance form.
 The students may sign clearance form when they want to fill withdrawal, to

take ID card for the second time, during the end of each year and finally
when they graduate and leave the university.
 This makes the system so tedious and time consuming. Here, user has to visit

all the clearance offices with a form for them to sign. Once these forms are
signed, this process takes a lot of time to be completed and possess a lot of
stress for all office and user involved. Before sign in the clearance form each
officer first check all the property borrowed by the user whether return or not.
 If that is returned, he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she didn’t

sign in to the clearance form. In the manual system, the clearance forms are
documented in a file cabinet.
Players of the existing system

 Players represent external entities that interact with the system. Due to
this we will deal only with persons involved on those services or persons
who have responsible for this work. Here are the players involved:
 Users: - people who are getting service from the system.
 Registrar (Administrator): -are administrator of the system who cleared

the students at the end and where the student submits the cleared
clearance form.
 HRD: - are administrator of the system who cleared the teachers at the

end and where the teacher submits the cleared clearance form.
 Officers: -are office workers who sign clearance form for the users.

These includes employee at register, dormitory, Librarian, Bookstore,

Cafeteria, Student loan , Department head, Collage dean, College,
LD , IOSD ,ED, ACLS, EACG, HWMG, HRD and different officers
where the user of the university sign clearance form. They may also be
any employee who works in the university and who will sign clearance
The Existing System Clearance form preparation

Clearance form is prepared to each program for the students of the

university. Each Clearance form consists of the following thing.
❖The purpose of clearances with different options in student
 Clearance Form: -it is seasonal for the students, because the

process takes places at the end of academic year. At the end of

academic year each student gets clearance from various office of
the university.
 Withdrawal Form: -it takes places at any time in the academic

year. If one student wants to leave the university for different

purpose before the end of academic year so he/she get clearance
from various office of the university.
 ID Form: - is takes places at any time when the student wants

to take ID card of the university.

 Information of student include :-Full name ,Id
number ,School ,Level, Program ,Class/year, Semester , Last
date class attend, Reason for withdrawal it requires only if the
purpose is for withdrawal.
Clearance form is prepared to each program for the teachers of the
university. Each Clearance form consists of the following thing.
 The purpose of clearances with different options
 Clearance Form: -it is seasonal for the teachers, because the

process takes places at the lives of the universities.

 Information of teacher include :- Only Full name.

 In teacher’ clearance system based on program, the lists of

offices are different. The existing application form to be filled

by the teacher of the university.
The proposed system
 During our observation and interview of some of user we
have observed certain problems from their manual-based
system. Because of this we have proposed to solve the
problem of the existing clearance system by developing
automated clearance system.
 That means our proposed system will minimize the current
problem and weakness of existing system by providing
centralized clearance system, the user can get their clearance
from only one place without moving office to office.
 The proposed system will also provide easily resource
controlling mechanism and create communication between
selected offices.
System Requirement Analysis
This section deals with analyzing the proposed system by using different
UML analysis modeling techniques such as:-
 use case diagrams
 the use case descriptions (scenarios)
 sequence diagrams
 activity diagrams
 analysis class diagram
 user interface prototype

The purpose of System Requirements Analysis is to obtain a thorough and

detailed understanding of the business need as defined in Project Origination
and captured in the Business Case, and to break it down into discrete
requirements, which are then clearly defined, reviewed and agreed upon with
the Customer Decision-Makers. From the analysis of the document and the
interview we undergo and as well with the group members discussion we
have identified the current system’s actors as follows
 Users:
 Officer: are different office employees who sign clearance form. Like

register, dormitory, Librarian, Bookstore, Cafeteria, Student loan ,

Department head, Collage dean, College, AVP ,ADP,RASVP, SSD, RRD,
HWMG, HRD and so many offices.
 Registrar: are officers who administer our system, manage student’s

information and approve the student clearance at the end and take a
backup to student clearance form. Once we identify the system user
[Actors], the next thing will be to specify the various types of
functionalities that the system will offer to this actor and the various
functionality that they initiate from the system.
 HRD: are to manage teachers’ information and approve the teacher

clearance at the end and take a backup to teacher clearance form.

 Once list of the system user [Actors]

 Web admin , Registrar , Library , Academic Advisor, Cafeteria , Proctor,

Department and College , Student, AVP , Teacher ,ADP, RASVP,


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