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"Seek first the Kingdom of God

and His righteousness, and all
(the breakthroughs and
blessings) will be added unto
Even in the days of the great Roman Empire;
the time when Jesus was born, slavery was
In those days, slaves were not treated as a
person; they are things.
Almost like an animal that can be used and
oftentimes abused by their masters.
These are people who have been
kidnapped from other places and
auctioned at their local market called
The highest bidder gets to buy the
slave. And once paid in full, the
purchaser takes the slave and does
what he wants with them.
First to PAY for the
price of the slave
To take care of the slave; to give a
shelter, food, and clothing.
And to provide medication if and when
the slave gets sick.
On the other hand, the slave, having no right of his
own, also makes a commitment

But unlike the earthly Masters who
purchase slaves to make them work
hard for their own benefits, our God
does things differently.
He purchased us TO
Galatians 5:1 NLT
“So, Christ has truly set us
free. Now make sure that you
stay free, and don’t get tied up
again in slavery…”
2 Corinthians 3:7 NLT

“For the Lord is the Spirit,

and wherever the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is
Exodus 21:1 NLT

“These are the

regulations you must
present to Israel.
Exodus 21:2 NLT
“If you buy a Hebrew slave, he
may serve for no more than six
years. Set him free in the seventh
year, and he will owe you nothing
for his freedom.
Exodus 21:3 NLT
If he was single when he became your
slave, he shall leave single. But if he
was married before he became a slave,
then his wife must be freed with him.
Exodus 21:4 NLT
“If his master gave him a wife while he
was a slave and they had sons or
daughters, then only the man will be
free in the seventh year, but his wife
and children will still belong to his
Exodus 21:5 NLT
But the slave may declare, ‘I
love my master, my wife, and
my children. I don’t want to go
Exodus 21:6 NLT
If he does this, his master must present
him before God. Then his master must
take him to the door or doorpost and
publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After
that, the slave will serve his master for life.
From that moment on, the slave makes a
lifetime commitment to serve his master on
his own volition. He is saying, “Because my
master has been good to me, I will now make
a choice to be his slave for the rest of my life”
That’s the essence of being COMMITTED
We make a declaration that we are serving
God on our own volition.
I serve because I want to serve;
NOT because I am compelled or
forced to serve.
We willingly serve because He has
purchased us with his own blood and has
assured of a permanent home in heaven
after our life here on earth is over. It is a
life-long commitment!
Jesus our example of
Matthew 20:20 NLT

Then the mother of James and

John, the sons of Zebedee, came to
Jesus with her sons. She knelt
respectfully to ask a favor.
Matthew 20:21 NLT
“What is your request?” he asked. She
replied, “In your Kingdom, please let
my two sons sit in places of honor next
to you, one on your right and the other
on your left.”
Matthew 20:22 NLT
But Jesus answered by saying to them,
“You don’t know what you are asking!
Are you able to drink from the bitter cup
of suffering I am about to drink?” “Oh
yes,” they replied, “we are able!”
Matthew 20:23 NLT
Jesus told them, “You will indeed drink
from my bitter cup. But I have no right
to say who will sit on my right or my left.
My Father has prepared those places for
the ones he has chosen.”
Matthew 20:24 NLT
When the ten other disciples heard
what James and John had asked,
they were indignant.
Matthew 20:25 NLT
But Jesus called them together and said,
“You know that the rulers in this world
lord it over their people, and officials
flaunt their authority over those under
Matthew 20:26 NLT

But among you it will be

different. Whoever wants to be a
leader among you must be your
Matthew 20:27 NLT

and whoever wants to be first

among you must become your
Matthew 20:28 NLT
For even the Son of Man came not
to be served but to serve others and
to give his life as a ransom for
John 13:14 NLT
And since I, your Lord and Teacher,
have washed your feet, you ought to
wash each other’s feet.
John 13:15 NLT

I have given you an

example to follow. Do as I
have done to you.

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