Leadership in Network Marketing

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Leadership in Network

By: Anam Malik
What is Leadership?
• In its simplest form, leadership is influencing other people to follow.
Therefore, anyone who can influence people to follow them has leadership
5 Top Leadership Qualities Of Network
• Network marketing can be a real time suck with little to no success if you
don’t build your organization correctly. As a leader in network marketing,
the key to your success rests on your ability to quickly identify those with
the following leadership traits
1. Confident
• A person who is confident is sure in their abilities. You see yourself in
terms of who you can become and what you can achieve. You have a clear
vision for where you are going and you are resourceful to figure things out
to achieve success
2. Capable
• Someone who is capable is one who when you sign them up as a new
builder into your business and you send them a welcome letter with all the
details of enrolling and duplicating, they actually read the letter and get to
work prospecting and enrolling. This leader type follows instructions and
takes initiative to figure it out.
3. Committed
• Committed means that when things are going poorly, you’re still there.
You attend all the corporate trainings and events, month after month. You
show up on leadership calls. You’re all in with no excuses.
4. Coachable
• You don’t have to recreate the formula required to be successful in this
business. This industry is over 60 years old and has created thousands of
6-7 figure income earners. Success shows clues. Follow the direction and
observe the actions of those who are successful. Then you seek out a
coach or mentor and be coachable.
5. Good Communicator
• The key to great leadership is being a good communicator. You need to
communicate correct expectations, educate and inspire others while
instilling confidence in team members. To develop and improve your
communication skills, mirror what other successful people do. Then figure
out what works and what doesn’t work for you and your team.
The key to your becoming the leader of
greatness you need to be in order to create the
level of success you desire is to see yourself
bigger than you think is possible to achieve and
then take action to make it happen.

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