Biomimetic (Latest)

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• "Bio" meaning life 
   "mimetic" related to imitate biochemical process from
Biomimetic Aspects • Biomimetics refers to the repair of affected dentition
of Restorative mimicking the characteristics of a natural tooth in terms of
Dentistry appearance, biomechanical, and functional competences 

Sohail Zafar m. 2020


 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
• Highly mineralized crystalline lattice structure of HA 
• brittle and higher elastic modulus and compressive strength compared to resilient and flexible
• Enamel has a hard, dense crystalline structure, still permeable  pass through rod sheaths due to
crack formation and hypomineralization

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

Dentin-Pulp Complex (DPC)
• Dentin is composed of inorganic and organic material
• Dentin and pulp are considered to a single tissue unit, that the integrated dynamics of DPC
impact not only the quality and quantity of dentin but also the pulpal component

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

• Cementum is composed of inorganic, organic matrix (collagen and proteins) and water
• Acellular cementum (without cementoblasts) is present in the coronal portion
• Cellular cementum is associated with the apical half of root structure

Sohail Zafar m. 2020


 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
Biomimetic Mechanical Perspective of
Restorative Materials

•  Elasticmodulus
•  Surface hardness
Elastic modulus
• Elastic modulus of dental restorative materials should be harminized with tooth 
      → to facilitate uniform sharing of stresses in the tooth-restoration interface
• The discrepancy of elastic modulus across tooth-restoration interface enhance the probability of
fracture of remaining tooth structure and bonding may fail to microleakage and secondary caries

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

Surface hardness
• Surface hardness of restorative materials should closely match to hardness of tooth structure
• Lower SH are more susceptible to abrasion in surface wear and porosity

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

• The restoration of severely damaged teeth, an alternative to cuspal coverage is direct restorations
utilizing short fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) materials

• The direct restorations with FRC material comprise 2 layers  

• FRC base covered with resin composite

Bijelic D,2019
• FRC base > >  Multidirectional irregular 
• Main advantage is the fracture pattern deviation from
non-reparable to restorable 
• Properties of short FRC 
• High aspect ratio (Lc/d)  → everX Posterior 
• Lc : critical fiber length
• d : diameter  
• Fiber loading
• Fiber orientation

Bijelic D,2019
Adhesion between everX Posterior and conventional composite is a key factor

The fibers in everX Posterior increase the adhesion to overlying

composite by providing mechanical retention
• The anatomical placement of short FRC with cusp-supporting design will enhance chewing
fracture resistance of damaged teeth 

Limiting the thickness of

The cusp-supporting
overlaying material to
design is to substitute all
equal the enamel
lost dentin tissue 

Bijelic D,2019
Most of the direct composite restorations without a short-FRC base fractured unfavorably with or
without endodontically for 75%

The anatomical cusp-supporting short-FRC base design provided enhanced resistance to fracture and
preserved tooth integrity by stopping the fracture propagation towards the CEJ and the root

Bijelic D,2019
• Short FRC is dentin-like in two aspects,

• structurally (short fibers resembling the collagen network in dentin)

• mechanically (having flexural modulus, tensile strength and fracture toughness close to

Absorb and distribute the occlusal stress

Bijelic D,2019
Catastrophic non-restorable
Restorable fracture of biomimetic
fracture of direct composite resin
bilayered restoration in ETT
restoration in non-ETT

Non-restorable fracture of
Possibly restorable fracture of direct composite resin restoration
biomimetic bilayered restoration in in ETT

Bijelic D,2019

 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
Aesthetic Perspective of Restorative

• Resin composite are presently the direct restorative materials that has conservative, aesthetics and
• In recent years, porcelain veneers have become the treatment of choice for restoration of anterior
teeth in terms of morphology and optical properties and mimicking natural enamel.

Bijelic D,2019

 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
Biocompatibility of
Dental Restorative Materials

      Ideally, a restorative dental material or

                                          its breakdown products 
      should not incite any allergic or toxic reaction
Biocompatibility of
Dental Restorative Materials

Chemical/light-cured RDCs and GIC:

             cytotoxic reactions following initial setting
                       and further decreased soon

Goldberg M. 2008
Gao W. 2001
Biocompatibility of
Dental Restorative Materials

Dental porcelains : 
  - highly stable and insoluble → bioinert, highly biocompatible

Matinlinna J. 2007
Ho G. 2011
Biomimetic mineralization
• synthesis of enamel-like apatite structures 
• enamel biomimetic mineralization 

• application of non-collagenous proteins (NCP) analogues 
and bioactive materials for the biomimetic mineralization of dentin

• However, it's hard to mimic in vivo conditions of complex oral

environment  during experiment.

Cao C. 2015
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

• antimicrobial property 

• without harming the healthy tissues and stem cells    


• dissolve pulp remnants and necrotic tissues

• remove smear layer → may alter dentinal surface in the
root canal

Dioguardi M. 2018
Scott II 2018
Yu C. 2007
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

• Commonly used : sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)

Endodontic                                    hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
                                   chlorhexidine (CHX)
Irrigants                                    ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)

• chemical irrigants + intra-canal medicaments

1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Irrigant Main Outcome Reference

CHX (2%) No survival of SCAPs Trevino E.G. 2011

Endodontic Toxicity to SCAPs Wifbiller M. 2019

NaOCl (1.5%) Survival of SCPAs Martin D.E. 2014

EDTA (17%) Survival of SCPAs Trevino E.G. 2011

Martin D.E. 2014
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

• eliminate the residual microorganisms following

Intra-canal cleaning and irrigating
• prevents regrowth of microorganisms in the empty
pulp space 

Bansal R. 2014
Hedge J. 2009
Ruparel N.B. 2012
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Calcium Hydroxide - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

• alkaline (pH ~12.5) white odorless compound

• acts on the bacterial cells to denatures their proteins by disrupting the cytoplasmic

• induces remineralization, repair/regeneration of dentin and inhibits resorptive activity 

• prolonged time during the apexification : may weaken the root dentin by resorptive activity
and even fracture of the root  

Mohammadi Z. 2011
Kaval M.E. 2018
Bakkal M. 2018
Lin J. 2017
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Calcium Hydroxide - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

• alkalinity of Ca(OH)2  → free hydroxyl ions (OH) 

• Deep penetration of OH into dentinal tubules → raise pH and solubilize organic matrix 

• Concentrations up to 500 mg/mL is conducive to survival of SCAPs


• Concerns
• Prolonged time should be avoided 
• Incomplete removal of Ca(OH)2 from root canals 

Shetty S. 2017
Althumairy R.I. 2014
Nerness A. 2016
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Triple Antibiotic Paste - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

• three antimicrobial agents including 

bacteriostatic (minocycline) and bactericidal (metronidazole, ciprofloxacin)

• target the complete eradication of microorganisms from the root canals

Sideridou I. 2003
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Triple Antibiotic Paste - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

Ciprofloxacin (belongs to fluoroquinones) 

• good penetration, highly effective against anaerobes present in necrotic pulp 
• not very effective against the Gram-positive bacteria

• against the obligate anaerobes originating from the necrotic pulp

Minocycline (derivative of tetracycline) 

• interfere with the bacterial protein synthesis

Adefurin A. 2011
Ramu C. 2012
Windlet III. 2005
Ahmed N. 2013
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Triple Antibiotic Paste - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

• Concentration of 1mg/mL (1:1:1)

• elimination of root canal microorganisms up to 99.99% 
• promotion of revascularization in immature permanent tooth 

• Due to acidic pH, TAP demineralized the dentin surface  

          → surface roughness of dentin → facilitates  stem cells 
                                                                   differentiation and attachment  

Krittika R. 2017
Ivica A. 2019
Alyas S.M. 2016
Latham J. 2016
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
- Calcium Hydroxide

Triple Antibiotic Paste - Triple Antibiotic Paste

3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements
- Bioceramics

• Concentration :
• 1mg/mL or lower : no unfavorable effect on the stem cell viability 
• higher than 1mg/mL : detrimental effects on dental stem cells

• tooth-staining due the presence of minocycline is common

Krittika R. 2017
Ivica A. 2019
Alyas S.M. 2016
Latham J. 2016
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Bioceramics - Bioceramics

Bioactive bioceramics  
• bioresorbable (CaP bone substitutes) 
• non-bioresorbable (calcium silicate or hydraulic cements) 

• induces a favorable response from host tissues

• deposition of HA layer when exposed to calcium and phosphate enriched tissue fluid 
• good biocompatibility
• osteoconductivity
• osteoinductivity
• sealing ability

Brave A.D. 2012

Koch K. 2009
Skallevold H.E. 2019
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Bioceramics - Bioceramics

Gray mineral trioxide aggregate (GMTA)

ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (GMTA; Dentsply Endodontics, Tulsa, OK, USA)

• contains bismuth oxide, tricalcium and dicalcium silicates

• discoloration of teeth 

Camilleri J. 2005
Perez A. 2003
Song J. 2006
Bodrumlu E. 2008
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Bioceramics - Bioceramics

White MTA ProRoot(white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA)); Dentsply Endodontics, Tulsa, OK,


• lack of tetracalcium aluminoferrite

Camilleri J. 2005
Perez A. 2003
Song J. 2006
Bodrumlu E. 2008
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Bioceramics - Bioceramics

• Drawbacks : cost, wash out during irrigation, delayed

setting and difficult manipulation 

Despite MTA is the gold standard for root-end restorations 

Camilleri J. 2005
Perez A. 2003
Song J. 2006
Bodrumlu E. 2008
1. Endodontic Irrigants
2. Intra-canal Medicaments
3. Biomimetic Endodontic Cements

Bioceramics - Bioceramics

Biodentine (Septodont, Saint Maur des Fosse´s, France) 

• contain zirconia, tricalcium silicate and radio-opacifier which
interacts with the living cells and have proven good biocompatibility

• overcome major concerns of MTA (such as discoloration) and can be

preferred in anterior teeth

Gomes-Filho J.E. 2009

Laurent P. 2008
Bezgin T. 2015
Mullaguri H. 2016
Valles M. 2015

 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
Biomimetic Tissue-Engineering 

3. Growth factors:
support  cell functions

1. Scaffold:
Facilitates cells differentiation,
proliferation and biosynthesis

2. Cells:

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Desired Properties

- biocompatible
- mimic physical & mechanical properties
mimic extracellular matrix - high porosity
- bioactivity 
- bioresorbable & biodegradable rate

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Material  Polymers, 
      • natural polymers
      • synthetic polymers

- main benefit is enzymatic biodegradation and mechanical properties
- can be altered with inorganic compounds, e.g., H, chitosan, gelatin.

- mouse calvarial defect was implanted by collagen–HA

scaffold derived from mesenchymal stem cells of mouse-
bone marrow.
-The defect was healed after 3 weeks.

Others: Chitosan, Platelet-rich fibrin 

Sohail Zafar m. 2020
1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Material  Polymers
      • natural polymers
      • synthetic polymers

- longer shelf life and cost effectively.

- better mechanical and physical properties.
- but less ability to interact with cells and biocompatibility issues. 
- Solution is to fabricate composite scaffolds.
- Ex. Hydrogel, polypropylene fumarate (PPF), polylactic acid (PLA)

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Material
  Polymers, Bioceramics

Calcium phosphate (CaP)

- widely used in the regeneration of hard tissues 

- biocompatibility, good bioactivity, osteoinductivity, and osteoconductivity. 
- but poor mechanical properties, and difficulty of shaping
- limit their wide application in tissue engineering.

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Material
  Polymers, Bioceramics, Metal

- Recently, degradable metallic biomaterials known as “biodegradable metals” (BMs) 

          - gradual corrosion that releases corrosion products which elicited appropriate host response
          - Examples of BMs include Iron (Fe), calcium(Ca), magnesium (Mg)          
          - lack of data regarding biocompatibility and cell viability the potential of these materials is currently

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Method of processing 3D biomimetic scaffold

1. Porogens in biomaterials
for example, particulate-leaching, freeze-drying 

2. Rapid prototyping techniques including 3D Printing​

(3DP), Bioprinting (3D plotting or direct-writing)

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

1.Biomimetic Scaffolds: Method of processing 3D biomimetic scaffold

3. Woven or non-woven fibers scaffolds using electrospinning  and microsphere sintering

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

2. Dental stem cell therapy for biomimetic tissue regeneration

• Stem cells are undifferentiated, capable of cell differentiation and self-renewal

• Adult stem cells are referred as multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs)

• There are various types and sources of post-natal dental stem cells.

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

3. Biological signaling growth factors

 -  complex system of communicate interactions within the cell and directs different cell activities
  -  major role in regulation of tissue differentiation


Bone morphogenetic proteins(BMP): 

     - cytological differentiation of pulp cells into pre-odontoblasts and odontoblasts.    

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

3. Biological signaling growth factors

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)

   - induce angiogenesis, chemotaxis and cell proliferation of periodontal ligament cells

Transforming growth factor (TGF)

   - major role of TGF-β in tissue homeostasis, osteo/chondrogenesis, tissue repair
   - TGF-β inhibits proliferation of macrophages and neutrophils

Sohail Zafar m. 2020

Tooth bioengineering and regenerative dentistry

1. Embryonic tooth bud-based


2. Postnatal dental cell 

3. Current challenges

Yelick PC. 2019

1.Embryonic tooth bud-based strategies for tooth regeneration

• Embryonic tooth formation: inductive signal

Oral ectoderm                 underlying mesenchyme                  dental epithelium

• Bioengineered tooth-based developmental signaling cascades

- Inductive signal from nondental source​: bone marrow
- Induce tooth formation in epithelial cells isolated from gingiva
   combined embryonic tooth mesenchyme
- constructs in a renal capsule mouse

Yelick PC. 2019

2. Postnatal dental cell for bioengineered whole-tooth tissue engineering

- the regenerative capacity of adult dental cells for applications in bioengineered replacement tooth

- Adult dental stem cells harvested from deciduous or adult exfoliated teeth are ideal sources for
applications in tooth regeneration because they are readily available, can be harvested and banked for
future use.

- the first to characterize a clonogenic and rapidly proliferative population of cells harvested from adult
human dental pulp, called dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). 

Yelick PC. 2019

 Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth

- SHED are highly proliferative and capable of differentiation

- When implanted in vivo, SHED formed bone and dentin

• Another group: harvested from unerupted porcine tooth buds 

• culture and seeded onto available biodegradable scaffolds such as polyglycolic acid (PGA) 

• this approach could be used to generate small, anatomically correct tooth crowns, 
consisting of dental pulp, dentin, and enamel 

Young. 2002
 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) for Dental Tissue Regeneration

• iPSCs: The potential to create any type of autologous cell from cells easily and painlessly
obtained from any individual 

• Efforts are ongoing to regenerate dental pulp (Goldberg 2011), 

periodontal ligaments  (Cho et al. 2019), odontoblasts(Xie et al. 2018),
and ameloblasts(Abdullah et al. 2019)

Yelick PC. 2019

 Scaffold Materials for Whole-Tooth Tissue Engineering

•  hydrogel scaffolds such as gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogels ,

and natural decellularized tooth bud scaffolds 

adult dental cell sources and decellularized natural

tooth bud extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds,
close to full-sized teeth have been bioengineered
and grown in the jaws of mini pig hosts,

Yelick PC. 2019

3.Current challenges for whole-tooth tissue engineering

• Full-Sized Bioengineered Teeth of Predetermined Size and Shape?

• Proper vascularization and innervation?

• Fighting infection and maintaining oral health?

• Cost and dental insurance considerations?

Yelick PC. 2019


 Mechanical

 Aesthetic 

 Biocompatibility

 Tissue-Engineering Aspects

 Remineralization
Dental caries

Featherstone, 2008
Nuii et al., 2014
Pandya et al., 2018
Pandya et al., 2018
Pandya et al., 2018
Pandya et al., 2018

1st  fluoride fluorapatite / fluorhydroxyapatites

full- length recombinant fluoridated calcium phosphate coat with

2nd pig amelogenin rP172
with fluoride needle-like crystal

3rd amelogenin fragment promote enamel crystal nucleation and growth

polyamidoamine dendrimer self-assembling potential and an ability to induce

4th crystal remineralization in c-axis direction in vivo has
(PAMAM-PO3H2) been generated

Pandya et al., 2018

Pandya et al., 2018
Pandya et al., 2018
Buzalaf et al., 2011
Buzalaf et al., 2011
Golpayegani et al., 2012
Khijmatgar et al., 2020
Golpayegani et al., 2012
Khijmatgar et al., 2020
Thierens et al., 2011
Hannig et al., 2010
Hannig et al., 2010
Juntavee et al., 2021
Geeta et al., 2019
Bossù et al., 2019
Bossù et al., 2019
Bossù et al., 2019
Joshi et al., 2019
Joshi et al., 2019
Nuii et al., 2014
Nuii et al., 2014
Nuii et al., 2014
Nuii et al., 2014
Nuii et al., 2014
Nuii et al., 2014
Adhesive dentistry

Field of fixed prosthesis

• Principles of preparation Biomimetic approach
• Mechanical retention • Maximum preservaton
Paradigm shift • Minimally invasive
• Reparable

Magne P & Schlichting LH, 2016

Biotelle P et al, 2019
Restorative dentistry

Adhesive CAD/CAM Biomimetic

• IDS • Precise & quality • Study to design &

• Non retentive • User friendly engineer materials
• Minimal invasive • Chairside • Structure, function,
• Polymer & ceramic biology, esthi

Magne P & Schlichting LH, 2016

Conservative & reparable
Biomimetic Vitality & function

Stem cell Natural tooth Materials

• Entire Tooth
• Partial

Magne P & Schlichting LH, 2016

Concept of adding material to
Additive dentistry eroded teeth
• Impression
• waxing
Alternative choice – need further study
Endodontically treated tooth (ETT)
• Higher incidence of fracture compared to vital tooth due to
• Previous caries – large, deep
• Fracture of coronal structure
• Access for RCT
• Structural integrity decrease, flexibility increase
• Cuspal deflection during the function
• The preservation of tooth structure of endodontically
treated teeth is paramount  higher fractur resistance 
higher survival rate
Preserving coronal structure
• Fracture resistance
• PFM crown with Coronal structure < 50%  fail more
• 1.5-2 mm ferrule has positive effect to fracture resistance
• Improvement in adhesive  partial coverage restoration as an
• More preservative- prevent tooth structure loss
• Coverage and protect weakened cusps
• Eliminate need for axial wall destruction
Survival rateofofrestoration
rate tooth

Failure mode of restoration

Catastrophic Reparable
• Complicated Fracture • Fracture of restoration
• extraction • Uncomplicated fracture
• Dislodgement
Types of post
Fiber post
Cast post
• High fracture resistance • Similar
ic f a ilu re modulus
r op h
Si milar e of C a ta s t
• Stress concentration & transmission
n c id e n c s
• Stress distribution
ra te
• I su cc e s
• High risk of root fracture Survi v a l & • Low risk of root fracture

• Catastrophic failure – unreparable • Favorable failure

Postless approach – less incidence of

Failure mode – chance of repair
catastrophic failure
Postless approach
• Postless build up c crown
• sufficient inter-arch space and tooth structure
• Endocrown
• insuffiecient interarch space
• Gain retention from pulp chamber
• Simple and less invasive
• Time & cost
• Short term Success rate 94-100%
• Quality & quantity of adhesive
• Bond btw restoration & underlying tooth structure
• Immediate dentin sealing

Improvement of adhesive  use of post

Partial coverage more preserve

the remaining tooth structures

Main factor that affect the success of ETT Not the strongest restoration

Restorative procedure  most conservative & reparable


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