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Esha Sharma 10P075 MDI

Major Premises of Taguchi Techniques

Focus on the robustness of the product. Make the product correctly in spite of variation in materials and processes. Design the product to be insensitive to the common cause variation that exists in the process. Quantify the effects of deviation using the Quality Loss Function The Quality Loss Function, L(y), provides both a conceptual and a quantifiable means to demonstrate the impact of deviation from target.

Noise Factors

Taguchi calls common cause variation the noise. Noise factors are classified into three categories: Outer Noise, Inner Noise, and Between Product Noise. Taguchis approach is not to eliminate or ignore the noise factors; Taguchi techniques aim to reduce the effect or impact of the noise on the product quality.

Quality Loss Function The Loss Function can help put the cost of deviation from target into perspective.  The loss represents a summation of rework, repair, warranty cost plus customer dissatisfaction, bad reputation, and eventual loss of market share for the manufacturer.

Taguchis U-shaped loss UFunction Curve

Taguchi loss Fn Scrap or Rework Cost.


Measured characteristic LTL Nominal UTL

Formula to find Taguchis Loss Fn

L (x) = k (x-N) Where L (x) = Loss Function, k = C/d = Constant of proportionality, where C Loss associated with sp limit d - Deviation of specification target value x = Quality Features of selected product, N = Nominal Value of the product and (x-N) = Tolerance


A part dimension on a power tool is specified as 32.25 0.25.Company records show 0.25 exceeded & 75% of the returned fo replacement. Cost of replacement is Rs.12,500.Determine k & QLF. Solution : Expected Cost of repair C = 0.75(12500) = Rs 9,375 k = C/d= 9375/(90.25) = Rs 1,50,000 QLF =L (x) 1,50,00(x-N)

Signal to Noise Ratio

Taguchi's emphasis on minimizing deviation from target led him to develop measures of the process output that incorporate both the location of the output as well as the variation. These measures are called signal to noise ratios. The signal to noise ratio provides a measure of the impact of noise factors on performance. The larger the S/N, the more robust the product is against noise. Calculation of the S/N ratio depends on the experimental objective: Bigger-the-Better Smaller-the-Better Nominal-is-Best

Flowchart of the Taguchi Method


Identify the main function Identify the noise factors Identify the Quality characteristics to be observed Identify the control factors and alternative levels Design the matrix experiment and the define data analysis Conduct the Matrix Experiment Analyze the Data and determine, Optimum Levels for Control Factors Predict the Performance at these levels


Most world class companies follow a three step process. They define and specify the objective selecting or developing the most appropriate signal and estimating the concomitant noise. They define feasible options for the critical design values, such as dimensions and electrical characteristics. they select the option that provides the greatest robustness or the greatest signal to noise ratio.


"The orthogonal array can be thought of as a distillation mechanism through which the engineers experiment passes." (Ealey, 1988) The array allows the engineer to vary multiple variables at one time and obtain the effects which that set of variables has on the average and the dispersion. From this the engineer can track large numbers of variables and determine: 1- The contribution of individual quality influencing factors in the product design stage. 2- Gain the best, or optimum condition for a process, or a product, so that good quality characteristics can be sustained. 3- Approximate the response of the product design parameters under the optimum conditions.




In this array, the columns are mutually orthogonal. That is, for any pair of columns, all combinations of factor levels occur; and they occur an equal number of times. Here there are four parameters A, B, C, and D, each at three levels. This is called an "L 9 " design, with the 9 indicating the nine rows, configurations, or prototypes to be tested. Specific test characteristics for each experimental evaluation are identified in the associated row of the table. Thus, L 9 means that nine experiments are to be carried out to study four variables at three levels.

Advantage of using Taguchi Method


The Taguchi method can reduce research and development costs by improving the efficiency of generating information needed to design systems that are insensitive to usage conditions, manufacturing variation, and deterioration of parts. Shorter development time Identification of important design parameters affecting operation, performance, and cost Manufacturing and operations costs can also be greatly reduced

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