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Essay writing
How to Write an Essay in 5 Easy Steps

 Pick a topic.

 If possible, choose something that interests you.

 Brainstorm.

 Write down any idea that comes to your head about things you’d like to include,
including key points, examples, and illustrations.

 Organize.

 Pick out a thesis, or main point you are trying to prove. This will
become your first paragraph.

 Identify three points to back up this thesis. These will become

your 3 supporting paragraphs.

 Think of a conclusion, which will become your fifth paragraph.

 Write.

 1st paragraph- State your thesis and add a transitional hook that alerts the reader
to what they can expect in the body of the paper

 2nd paragraph- This should be your strongest argument or point. Include

examples and illustrations.

 3rd paragraph- This should be your second strongest argument or point. Include
examples and illustrations.

 4th paragraph- This should be your weakest argument or point. Include examples
and illustrations.

 5th paragraph- This is your conclusion. Restate the thesis, summarize your three
points, and make a strong final statement that ties up and concludes the essay.

 Revise.

 Read your paper over after not viewing it for a while so you can
see it with fresh eyes. Look for ways you could strengthen your
argument or grammar. Have a friend read it over and give you

 Make sure you understand the topic you’re going to write about

 Write a strong, clear, concise thesis to set the tone/intent/direction

 Outline your thoughts and ideas in a rough draft 

 Circle back to your introductory paragraph if it’s giving you a hard time 

 Every paragraph needs a sentence to frame what it’s going to discuss

 Cite reputable sources and use these quotes to support your opinion

 Stay focused on the topic you clarified in step #1

 Finish by summing up the point you made and how you came to it

 Check for errors and to make sure your essay hits the nail on the head 
Essay topics

 Advertising: traditional media versus social media

 Social media in the modern world

 Freedom of speech and its impact on social media

 Accuracy of the media news

 The new trends in communication

 The growth of video blogs

 Influence of bloggers on social media

 Why is radio still prevalent in the modern world?

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