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Fibroadenomas of

the Breast
What is Fibroadenomas?

A fibroadenoma is a solid
breast lump.
●Fibroadenoas are important as they
comprise almost 50% of all breast biopsies
(this rate climbs to 75% for biopsies in
women younger than 20 years).
●1 :6 women have a fibroadenoma at some
time in their life.
How do fibroadenomas affect your risk for breast

●  Fibroadenomas do not seem to increase breast cancer

risk by much.
What causes the fibroadenomas?
● It is still unknown
● But it but associated with an increase of estrogen
What can increase the risk of fibroadenoma?
What are the Treatment of fibroadenomas ?
● Most fibroadenomas don't need to be treated. But doctors might
recommend removing them in some cases, especially if they keep
growing or change the shape of the breast.
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