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Clinical case on

oedematous child

Roll no- 78, 79, 80

• History
• Physical examination
• Investigation
• Management
• Theory background
• Name - mg TPH
• Age - 4 yr & 2 month
• Address - ShweKyin village, Magway township
• Admission time – 11 January 2020 ( 2 pm )
• C/O - fever for 5 days
- cough for 2 days
- facial edema for 2 days &
- Become generalized within 2 days
History of present illness
• Fever for 5 days
• Intermitted
• Lowgrade
• No association with chill and rigor, vomiting & skin rash
• No evening rise in temperature and night sweating
• Cough for 2 days
• Dry cough
• No spasmatic cough
• No association with convulsion , vomiting & conjunctival
• No history of atopy
• Edema
• Abrupt onset, start From face & become generalized within 2 days
• No oliguria
• Amount – she said to be normal
• Color –
• No frothy
• No skin infection
The mother denied the following symptoms
• Breathlessness
• Proximal nocturnal dyspnea
• Orthopnoea
• Palpitation & chest pain
• No history of yellowish coloration of skin & sclera
• No history of abdominal pain & distension
• No history of haematamesis & melaena
• No associated with diarrhoea
• No history of passing worm form mouth or bottom
(regular deworming 2 times per year)
• No loss of appetite before & after getting Edema
• No history of taking any medication before the onset of
( no history of taking any particular food which can cause
• No features of acute renal failure such as Oliguria, anuria
• No features of hypertensive heart failure (breathlessness,
PND, orthopnoea, palpitation , chest pain, haemoptysis)
• No features of Hypertensive encephalopathy ( headache,
projectile vomiting, confusion, seizure , convulsion)
• No history of hypovolaemic shock ( restlessness, drowsiness,
cold& clammy extremities )
• No history of TB , Pnemonia , chickenpox , measles , UTI
Past medical History
• No previous history of similar attack
• No history of hospitalization
• No history of sore throat , tonsillitis, skin rash, arthritis
• No history of blood transfusion
• No history of travelling to malaria endemic area
Drug History
• No history of regular taking drug
• No known drug allergy
Immunization history
• Complete ( mother said complete for his age)
Nutritional history
• Exclusive breast feeding
• Weaning diet start after 6 month
• no history of food fads
Family history
• 3 family members
• No similar illness between family members
• Balance income & outcome
• Mother is looking after child
• Mother is primary school level
Urine RE – macroscopic- color – yellow
- clarity – clear
- specific gravity - normal
- pH- 7 ( normal 4.8 – 7.5)
- protein ++ mg/dl
- Blood +++ Ery/microL
• Urine RE – microscopic - epithelial cells 0-1 /HPF
- pus cells 5-7 / HPF
- RBCs 3-5 /HPF
- cast(nil) , crystal( nil )
• Blood for CP – WBC (9.8
- RBC (4.75
- HGB (9.5 gm/dl)
- HCT (28.6
- Platelet count ( 449
- PCT (398
- sodium chloride (129.9 mmmol/L)
- potassium (3.01mmmol/L)
- chloride (109.8 mmol/L)
Renal Function test - creatinine 2.0
- Urea 26.3

Liver function test - total protein 5.3 (normal 6.6-8.7gm/dl)

- albumin 2.0 (normal 3.8-5.1 gm/dl)
- globulin 3.3 (normal 1.8-3.6gm/dl)
Cholestrol -234.8 (normal <200mg/dl)
• Right minimal pleural effusion

• normal
Blood pressure BD chart
General condition – well & alert
- no dyspnoeic
- nutritional status is average for his age
- general edema presen
- no skin infection & scar
• Respiratory symptom – shape of the chest is normal
- RR is 32 breaths / min
- no respiratory distress
- movement equal on both sides
- air entry is equal on both sides
- no basal crepitation
• CVS - HR 120 beats/min
- normal 1st&2nd heart sound
- no other added sound or murmur
- apex beat is palpable at left 5th intercostal space within
the mid clavicular line
- no bilateral basal crepitation
- no liver tenderness
- no dependent edema or sacral edema
- BP 130/100 mmHg
Abdominal examination
On Inspection,
- abdomen is flat
- move with respiration
- no striae
- no abdminal tenderness
- flanks are not full
• Palpation - temperature is normal
- no tenderness
- no rigidity
- no guarding , no palpable mass
- liver is not palpable
- kidney are not blotable
• Percussion - no shifting dullness
• Urine albumin – can be assessed by using dip stick or by boiling
• Urine 10 parameter – urobilinogen 1mg%
- bilirubin 1mg%
- ketones 5
- blood +++
- protein trace
- nitrite negative
- leucocyte +
- Glucose negative
- specific gravity 0.103
Urine RE – macroscopic- color – yellow
- clarity – clear
- specific gravity - normal
- pH- 7 ( normal 4.8 – 7.5)
- protein ++ mg/dl
- Blood +++ Ery/microL
• Urine RE – microscopic - epithelial cells 0-1 /HPF
- pus cells 5-7 / HPF
- RBCs 3-5 /HPF
- cast(nil) , crystal( nil )
• Blood for CP – WBC (9.8
- RBC (4.75
- HGB (9.5 gm/dl)
- HCT (28.6
- Platelet count ( 449
- PCT (398
- sodium chloride (129.9 mmmol/L)
- potassium (3.01mmmol/L)
- chloride (109.8 mmol/L)
Renal Function test - creatinine 2.0
- Urea 26.3

Liver function test - total protein 5.3 (normal 6.6-8.7gm/dl)

- albumin 2.0 (normal 3.8-5.1 gm/dl)
- globulin 3.3 (normal 1.8-3.6gm/dl)
Cholestrol -234.8 (normal <200mg/dl)
• Right minimal pleural effusion

• normal
Blood pressure BD chart
• Treatment – oral nifedipine 2.5 mg bd
- oral penicillin 125 mg bd
APSGN is the commonest cause of an acute nephritic syndrome in
children resulting in abrupt onset of glomerular injury and inflammation
that leads to a glomerular filtration rate with sodium and water retention.

Patient may present with ,

- macroscopic or microscopic haematuria
- signs of fluid overload such as hypertension & oedema
- renal dysfunction
History & clinical features
• Any age- most common between at the age of 2 and 15 years
• Pharyngeal or less commonly , skin infection with groupA streptococcus
• Symptoms usually develop
 1-2 weeks after a throat infection or
 3-6 weeks after skin infection
• Gross haematuria 30-50%
• Volume overload severe congestive heart failure & pulmonary oedema
• Hypertension up to 80%
• Hypertensive encephalopathy 5%
• Urinalysis
- proteinuria <2g/m2/day , not nephrotic range (<+++)
- haematuria – RBC & RBC cast (60-85%)
• For streptococcal infection
- skin/throat swab culture
- ASO titer
• Renal function test
- blood urea
- creatinine &electrolytes
• Indication for hospitalization
- hypertension
- oliguria
- generalized edema
- signs of heart failure
- elevation of serum creatinine or potassium
- hypertensive encephalopathy
General measures
• Strict monitoring – daily fluid intake, urine output, weight, BP, urine albumin
• Closed monitor fluid intake& output
- “no added salt” diet
- if oliguria <0.5ml/m2/day , restrict fluid intake to replacement of
insensible losses ( 400ml/m2/day) plus previous day urine output
- if overload , give furosemide 1-2 mg/kg up to twice daily to induce a
negative fluid balance
Eradication of streptococci
Phenoxymethyl psnicillin – can’t alter natural history of disease
- prevents spread of nephritogenic stains of
GroupA streptococci

If hypersensitive to penicillin oral erythromycin 30-50mg/kg/day 4

divided dose
Significant hypertension but asymptomatic
• Treat fluid overload (usual cause)
• Nifedipine – starting dose 200-300microg/kg three times daily
or Amlodipine – starting dose 100-200microg/kg once daily
• Avoid ACE inhibitors ( leading to reduce renal function)
• Beta blockers can exacerbate hyperkalaemia
Symptomatic, severe hypertension or hypertensive emergency/encephalopathy
• Features – headache, vomiting, loss of vision, convulsion, papiloedema
• Emergency management – to reduce BP sufficiently to avoid hypertensive
• Target of BP control
Reduced BP to <90th percentile for age, gender and Height percentile
Total BP to be reduced = observed mean BP – desired mean BP
• Osmotic diuretics, such as mannitol 0.25mg/kg push may increase dose
gradually to 1mg/kg if necessary for satisfactory response
Treatment of circulatory congestion and pulmonary edema

• Prop patient up
• Give oxygen
• Sodium & fluid restriction
• Diuretics such as furosemide (2mg/kg), double dose if no response in
four hours
• Consider dialysis if no response to diuretics
• Digitalis is ineffective
• Preload & after load reductions ( nitrates, morphine, diuretics)
• Acute left ventricular failure
• Hypertensive encephalopathy
• Acute renal failure

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