Unit 1 - 2022

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1. What’s your name? Mariluz

2. Where are you from? Peru
3. Where do you live? In Juliaca.
4. How old are you? I am 25./ 25
5. Are you married? Yes, I am./ No, I am single.
6. Do you have any brothers and sisters?
I have four sisters. (and=y)
7. Where are you working now?
I have a part-time job at a coffee shop./ I am not working right now.
8. What do you do?
I’m a student.
How was your

rock climbinG.
horseback riding
scuba diving

present simple (do/does)

I love chocolates.
past simple (did)
I loved chocolates,
I went(go) to the restaurant.
present progressive (verb to be ( am / is/ are)
I am eating chocolates.
future will (will)
I will eat chocolates.
present simple

do= I, you,we, they

does= he, she, it
Agreeing and disagreeing
A. Agreeing
1.When we agree with an affirmative statement
so + auxiliary verb + subject

A: I like dancing. (PRESENT SIMPLE(DO/DOES))

B: So do I.
so + auxiliary verb + subject

A: I danced yesterday. (past simple (did)

B: So did I.
so + auxiliary verb + subject

A.I AM BEAUTIFUL. (verb to be) (am/is/are)

B: So is she.

A: I can dance. (modal verb)

B: So can he.
so + auxiliary verb + subject

A: I am dancing.
B: So is she. (Harol)
B: so am I (Saul)
so is she (SAMIRA)
B: So am I - Mabel Pachari
so am I (SAMIRA)
J: So am I. (Jennifer)
D: So is she (dalton) c: So are we (celey)

so am I
B: So is he (Shanina)
B: So do I (Melany)
so am I (MISHEL)

B: So IS He (Jhudelia)
A: I am dancing.
B: So is she (Ana)
C: So are we. (Wagner)
D: So am I (Rosa Oviedo)
E: So am I ( abraham cahuana)
A: I am dancing
B: So am I ( Flor Soncco)
A: I am dancing. (VERB TO BE) I - - - am
B: So am I. (Gonzalo Luque)

A: I am dancing.
B: So am I (Sayudi)
A: I am dancing
B: So am I. ( Maribel)
A: I am dancing.
B:So am I (Paola )
So am I (Jair)

A.I am dancing
B. So am I (Yenyfer)

I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
you are
they are
we are
so + auxiliary verb + subject
1. A: I like soccer.
B: So do I. / So does she. (celey gissel cari cansaya)
2. A: I cleaned the house yesterday.
B: So did I. / So did he. (Melany cielo)
3. A: I could play the violin.
B: So could I. / So could he. (Ana Celia)
4. A: Pamela is good.
B: So am I. Shanina
B: So are they .
1. When we agree with a negative

Neither + auxiliary verb + subject

A: I don’t like dancing. ( PRESENT SIMPLE (DO/DOES)
B: Neither do I.
Neither + auxiliary verb + subject

A: I can’t play volleyball. (modal verb)

B: Neither can I.

A: I didn’t cook yesterday.(past simple(did)

B: Neither did we.
Neither + auxiliary verb + subject

1. A: I didn’t like soccer.

B: Neither did I. / Neither did they. (Gonzalo Luque)
2. A: I couldn’t swim.
B: Neither could I . / Neither could she. (Maribel)
3. A: I am not beautiful. (am, is are) (Jennifer)
B: Neither am I.
C: Neither is he.
4. A: She doesn’t have a car.
B: Neither do I. / Neither does he. (Wagner)
Reading and answer the questions
1. What is Tough Mudder?
It’s a really hard endurance test.

2. Who suggested doing the Tough Mudder?

His friend Garry.

3. What did they have to do first?

The first was diving into a dumpster full of ice cold wáter.

4. Can you do the Everest obstacle alone?

No. It’s imposible if you don’t work as a team. Your Friends at the top must help

5. How did they feel at the end ?

He and his friend Garry felt great.
B. Disagreeing

1. When we disagree with an affirmative statement

Subject+ Auxiliary+not
A: I love soccer. (present simple(do/does))
B: I don’t.
We don’t.
He doesn’t.
Subject+ auxiliary+not

1. A: I danced yesterday. (past simple (did))

B: I didn’t.
She didn’t.
They didn’t.
2.A: I could play the guitar. (modal verb)
B: I couldn’t.
He couldn’t.
3.A: I was sad yesterday. (verb to be (was/were))
B: I wasn’t.
B: They weren¨t. (Jhudelia)

was=I, he, she, it

were=we, you, they
Subject+ auxiliary+not
1.A: Pilar loved chocolates. (past simple (did))
B: : I didn´t. / He didn´t. (melany cielo)
2.A: Pilar was happy yesterday. (verb to (was/ were))
B: I wasn’t. / We weren’t. (Gonzalo)
3.A: Pilar could run fast.
B: I couldn’t. / They couldn’t. (Ana Celia)
4.A: Pilar cries every day for him.
B:I don´t. / She doesn´t.
5.A: Pilar is beautiful.
B: He isn´t.
C: We aren't.(dalton)
B. Disagreeing

2. When we disagree with a negative statement.

Subject+ Auxiliary
A: I don’t love soccer. (present simple(do/does))
B: I do.
He does.
They do.
2. Practice
1.A: Pilar doesn’t love rock music.
B: I do. / She does. (Maribel)
2.A: Pilar can’t sing.
B: I can/ We can (Jhudelia)
3.A: Pilar isn’t honest.
B: We are. / He is. (Wagner)
4.Pilar didn’t cry for Ricardo yesterday.
B: I did./They did. (Paola )
so+ auxiliary+subject. 1. subject+ auxiliary+ not
2. subject+auxiliary.
3. Practice
running marathons
making videos
doing volunteer work
writing poetry
playing the guitar
taking selfies
collecting comic books
exploring nature
making big dinners
taking walks
doing yoga
collecting autographs
taking classes
making music
let’s talk

A: Do you like (-----------)?

B: Yes, I do
No, I don’t.

1. Memorize the VOCABULARY.

3. Send a video about the conversation.

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