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Wind energy

Present by:
• Ilham Aalouwan
• Ahmed Hilali
• Meriem Aroua
• Salma Amri
Slide Title
• Definition of wind energy
• History of wind energy
• Types of wind turbines
• Mechanism of work
• Wind tree

• Wind energy harnesses the kinetic energy of moving air by using large wind turbines
located on land (onshore) or in sea- or freshwater (offshore). Wind energy has been
used for millennia, but onshore and offshore wind energy technologies have evolved
over the last few years to maximize the electricity produced - with taller turbines and
larger rotor diameters.

• Wind energy, which transforms the power of an inexhaustible resource such as wind into
electricity, is a sustainable and valuable investment for the future. Utilising wind requires
the construction of wind farms, either on land or at high sea, with dozens of wind
turbines. These giants have become part of the landscape in recent years
Types of wind turbines

There are two basic types of wind

• Horizontal-axis turbines
• Vertical-axis turbines
Mechanism of working

Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity to make wind—like a

fan—wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a
turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity.

Wind is a form of solar energy caused by a combination of three concurrent events:

1.The sun unevenly heating the atmosphere
2.Irregularities of the earth's surface
3.The rotation of the earth. 
What is a Wind Tree?
Installing traditional wind turbines takes a great
amount of money, energy, and space. The
technology works great and provides clean
energy, but it is not practical to install the
massive structures in the downtown of a city –
let alone in someone’s garden; that’s where the
Wind Tree comes in.
These artificial trees are designed with three
steel trunks and other smaller branches that
house miniature wind turbines in the shape of
leaves. A small gust of wind propels the leaves
into motion and – voilà – the Wind Tree begins
providing an environmentally friendly form of

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