Behavioral Intentions Towards Mobile Banking in State Bank of India

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State Bank of India is India's largest bank with a branch network of over 11000 Branches and 6 associate banks located even in the remotest parts of India. State Bank of India (SBI) offers a wide range of banking products and services to corporate and retail customers.

The State Bank of India is the largest commercial bank in India in terms of profits, Assets, deposits, branches and employees. In order to cater to different functions, there are several other establishments in and outside Mumbai, apart from the corporate centre, the bank boasts of having as many as 14 local head offices and 57 zonal Offices, located at major cities throughout India..

Perceived Usefulness (PU)

Perceived usefulness can be defined as the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance Perceived usefulness is strongly associated with productivity. H1: Perceived usefulness will have a positive effect on the behavioural intention to use mobile banking

Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)

Perceived ease of use refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort . H2: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on the behavioural intention to use mobile banking H2a: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on perceived credibility H2b: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness.

Perceived Credibility (PC)

Perceived credibility is concerned with security and privacy of the system with which personal information given and monetary transaction is carried out. H3: Perceived credibility will have a positive effect on behavioural intention to use mobile banking

Trust with the bank (TB)

Trust refers to the belief one has that the promise of another can be relied upon and that, in unpredictable circumstances, the other will act in a spirit of goodwill and in a caring way towards the trustor. H4: Trust with the bank will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile banking H4a: Trust with the bank will have a positive effect on perceived credibility of the channel

Perceived Self-efficacy (SE)

Self efficacy can be defined as peoples judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performance. It is concerned not with the skills one has but with judgments of what one can do with whatever skills one possesses. H5: Perceived self efficacy will have a positive effect on behavioural intention to use mobile banking H5a: Perceive self efficacy will have a positive effect on perceived ease of use

Perceived Financial Cost (PFC)

A customer switching from Electronic commerce to Mobile Commerce involves three additional expenses viz., Equipment costs, access cost, and transaction fees. This makes mobile commerce costlier to the customer. H6: Perceive financial cost will have a negative effect on behavioural intention to use mobile banking H6a: Perceive financial cost will have a negative effect on normative influence

Normative Influence (NI)

Normative influence is defined as the tendency to comply with the positive expectations of others. H7: Normative Influence will have a positive effect on behavioural intention to use mobile banking H7a: Normative Influence will have a positive effect on Perceived Usefulness


Data used in this study to evaluate the proposed research model were obtained from the employees working in the ancillary units located in an Industrial estate, having savings bank account with a specific branch of SBI in that locality. The data was obtained from the respondents by visiting them at their work premises. After ensuring that they have the mobile handsets through which mobile banking can be carried out, they were explained about mobile banking and the necessary software was installed in their hand sets

The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach was used to validate the research model. SEM approach was selected because of its ability to test causal relationships between the constructs with multiple measurement items. Further SEM approach is capable of testing the measurement characteristics of constructs. Amos 16.0 was used to carry out the analysis.


Model with results

Managerial Implication
Perceived financial cost was found to have stronger influence on behavioural intention towards mobile banking as the customer has to bear the brunt for carrying out transactions through mobile phones. Perceived ease of use followed by perceived usefulness was observed to be the significant factors. As perceived self efficacy directly or indirectly influences the behavioural intention, the banks have to focus on developing the self efficacy of the consumers by way of imparting training to the customers on the usage of mobile banking.

This study verified the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, perceived credibility, perceived self efficacy, trust in the bank, and perceived financial cost on behavioural intention in mobile banking. The findings of the study would be useful for the bankers in devising the strategies for enhancing the acceptance of mobile banking.

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