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WWF Pakistan

Established in 1970, WWF-Pakistan is one of the largest
environmental and nature conservation organizations in
Pakistan. The organization is an autonomous body,
registered under the Pakistan Societies Act of 1860. WWF-
Pakistan has presence in all the provincial capitals and has
considerable outreach in field sites and protected areas
across Pakistan.
WWF Offices
 WWF-Pakistan works around 20 offices with a team of
close to 250 dedicated staff members. With its head office
in Lahore, it has regional offices in Karachi, Islamabad,
Peshawar, Gilgit, Muzaffarabad,Multan and Quetta, and
project offices wherever there is need and the potential to
make a difference.
 Globally, WWF is present in over 100 countries, with
almost four million supporters, and 6,200 staff members.
WWF-Pakistan aims to conserve nature and ecological
processes by:
 Preserving genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
 Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is
sustainable, both now and in the longer term.
 Promoting action to reduce pollution and the wasteful
exploitation and consumption of resources and energy.
To ensure that businesses and markets offer products that
contribute to economic and social development and
safeguard earth's biodiversity.
Core Values(CIRC)


Courage is choosing to do the right thing,
especially when it is difficult.
Desirable Behaviors(Courage)
 Confront tough problems.
 Sell a bold vision for the future.
 Never pretend they don't know what they actually know.
 Do what needs to be done, based on what's best for
group, not their personal agenda.
 Never stall or procrastinate when faced with difficult

Undesirable Behaviors(Courage)

 Fear
 Overconfidence
1. Talk to a classmate you don’t like.

2. Stand up for what is right when others don’t agree.

3. Telling a friend he/she is doing something that is not right

even though they might get upset with you.

The quality of being honest and having
strong moral values
Desirable Behaviors(Integrity)
 Sticking to your personal code of conduct.

 Being open and honest.

 Having nothing to hide

 Stick to what you decide

Undesirable Behaviors(Integrity)

 Dishonesty
 Irresponsibility
 Cheating

 Disrespect
1. Informing a cashier that they gave you too much change.

2. Going back to the store to pay for something you forgot

to pay for.
WWF Working Areas
 Fresh Water

 Wild Life

 Oceans
 Forests
 Climate and Energy

 Food and Markets

WWF Working on Following Issues
 Plastic Pollution

 SolaPanda

 Pakistans Flood Crisis

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