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Calculation of electricity bill

We have seen that States have different tariff plans of water. To calculate the water bill
of any State, calculate all the charges according to the tariff plan of that State and add
all the charges. For example

Now lets see how to calculate water bill using a sum

The following table shows the water tariff in Delhi

Monthly consumption (in Service charge (in ₹) Volumetric Charge per kL

kL) (in ₹)

Upto 20 ₹ 146.41 ₹ 5.27

20 - 30 ₹ 219.62 ₹ 26.36

> 30 ₹ 292.82 ₹ 43.93

Plus sewer maintenance charge 60% of volumetric charge.

Q. Mr. Mayank lives in Delhi. He consumed 27 kL of water in a month. Calculate his water bill from this month
Solution- According to the tariff plan of Delhi.

Service charge = ₹219.62

Volumetric charge = ₹(5.27 x 20) + ₹(26.36 x 7)

= ₹105.40 + ₹184.52

= ₹289.92

Sewerage charge = 60% of volumetric charge

= 60% of ₹289.92

= ₹173.95

Total Water Bill = Service charge + Volumetric Charge + Sewerage Charge

= ₹219.62 + ₹289.92 + ₹173.95

= ₹683.49

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