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Deliver a prepared or impromptu

speech on an issue employing the

techniques in public speaking


Welcome, Students !
learning process

• Checking of attendance • Vocabulary Activities • Speech Presentation

• Classroom rules and • Video Presentation • Rubrics

• Discussion • Enrichment Activity

• Simple recall (Crossword Puzzle)
• Assignment
Victorino Mapa High School's
Classroom Rules and
with Ma'am Galampanao

• Treat others with respect all the time.

• Focus and participate in class.
• NO using of cellphones and NO browsing in
other social media sites.
• Enjoy and listen attentively.
Class Objectives

At the end of the period, at least 80% of the students with at

least 80% level of proficiency, should be able to:

• Discuss the different methods and aspects of speech

delivery/public speaking;
• Use different styles of speech delivery appropriate for certain
• Get ideas/tips from the given sample/presentations;
• Present/deliver a prepared or impromptu speech employing
the techniques in public speaking
what's on your mind?

What comes to your mind when you see

or hear the word

Public speaking?
Activity 1: Locate me!
Directions: Look for words related to the topic Public Speaking in the given maze
and shade your answers. The words can be diagonal, horizontal, or even in a
vertical way.

Activity 1: Locate me!
Directions: Look for words related to the topic Public Speaking in the given maze
and shade your answers. The words can be diagonal, horizontal, or even in a
vertical way.
Public Goal
Topic Presentation
Template Practice
Public speaking

Public speaking, also called oration or oratory, is the

process of communicating information to a live
audience. Its goal is to educate, entertain, or influence
the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an
electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech
and make it more interesting to other listeners.
Types of speech
Informative Speech
Its purpose is not to persuade or influence opinion
one way or the other. It is to provide sufficient
relevant material, (with reference to verifiable
facts, accounts, studies and/or statistics), for the
audience to have learned something. What they
think, feel, or do about the information after
they've learned it, is up to them.
Types of speech
Impromptu Speech
Impromptu speeches are those that the speaker
does not prepare for. They can be done informally,
but they do have some formal applications. No
notes or any other visual aids are used. When a
person is asked to say an impromptu toast or
speak to a class without notice, they are giving an
impromptu speech.
Types of speech
Extemporaneous Speech
A well-prepared speech that relies on research,
clear organization, and practiced delivery, but is
neither read nor memorized. It is a perfectly
balanced speech that involves the speaker's use of
notes and. What makes this different from an
impromptu speech is that the speaker can use a
loose guidline for this type of speech.
Types of speech
memorized Speech
Memorized speech delivery is when a speaker
recites a written speech that they have committed
to internal memory with no written prompts. Not
being restrained by notes or visual prompts allows
the speaker more freedom to walk around the stage
and the audience.
Types of speech
Persuasive Speech
The goal of a persuasive speech is to convince an
audience to accept, or at the very least listen to and
consider, the speaker's point of view. To be
successful the speaker must skillfully blend
information about the topic, their opinion, the
reasons for it and their desired course of action,
with an understanding of how best to reach their
Types of speech
Entertaining Speech
This is the territory where speeches to mark
farewells, thanksgiving, awards, birthdays,
Christmas, weddings, engagements and
anniversaries dwell, etc.
In short, any speech, either impromptu or
painstakingly crafted, given to acknowledge a
person, an achievement, or an event belongs here.
effective public
speaking technique
Care about your topic
Passion goes a long way when it comes to being an effective speaker. When you
sincerely care about your topic the audience will pick up on that and they will view
you as being more authentic and believable.
Remember Your Speaking Goals
Choose the focus of your speech. Early in the process of developing your speech,
identify the reason why you are speaking. Make it to a point that you stick to this goal
during your presentation so you would not get sidetracked or off-topic.

Practice Your Speech

The old saying, "practice makes perfect," really is true when it comes to developing
effective speaking skills. The more you practice your speech, the more familiar it will
be to you and the more comfortable you'll be giving it.
It is normal to be nervous about public speaking. In fact the fear of public speaking is
called glossophobia. However, when you are about to give a speech you should still try
to relax if you can. Note that it is normal to feel anxious.

Add Visual Aids

Visual aids can serve as a powerful illustration of your speech. Humans use their sight
more than any other sense. To be effective, your visual aid must be of high-quality and
easily visible to all members of your audience.
Dress Comfortably, But Professionally

How you dress depends on who your listener will be. But the general principle is that
you want to dress professionally to make a good impression. Make sure to observe
good grooming and hygiene rules too.
Use Gestures (But Don't Overdo)
Natural movement during a speech is a sign of an effective public speaker. Hand
gestures and even taking a few steps across the stage can be a good public speaking
techniques as long as they're natural, purposeful, and not overdone.
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

• Movements and gestures

Try to make every gesture natural, appropriate, and consistent both with the ideas in
the message and with your own personality. Be natural, relaxed, and reasonable. Try
to appear calm, poised, and confident before and after your speech.
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

2. Posture
If you have confident body language and pretend you feel powerful, you're more
likely to actually feel it. Stand straight with your shoulders back and feet shoulder
width apart. Imagine your shoulders opening up from one another so that they rest
centrally. Place your hands either side of your body so that you can easily make hand
gestures when you need to. Face the audience as much as possible. If you're in a large
room, tilt your whole body towards different parts of the audience so everyone feels
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

3. Using space
When you speak in public, a certainn amount of space on the stage is yours by right.
Move around the stage in a way that shows you are comfortable in the spotlight. Show
your listeners they can have confidence in what you are telling them by commanding
the space around you.
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

4. dealing with objects and technology

When you deal with objects in a presentation, from a remote clicker to a handout to
the slide screen itself, find a way to help that object further your message and its
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

5. facial expressiveness
People depend on facial expressions to interpret motives and emotions so an audience
will respond better to you if you are expressive. Emphasize your expressions so that
everyone in the audience can interpret meaning from them. Your face should reflect
the emotions within your stories.
correct stance and proper behavior when
delivering a speech

6. voice
Your vocal expression is physical and so your body language has an effect on your
voice and can enhance or detract from the message of your speech. Take note:
Importance of verbal and non-verbal communication:
• 7% - words
• 38% - tone
• 55% - body language
Combine these 3 elements and your audience will be more engaged and connected
with you.
Speech delivery

The students will deliver a speech in front of

the class. The following rubrics will be used
to judge the delivery of the speakers.
Speech delivery Rubrics

Eye Contact
Makes eye contact to
Makes eye contact with
most of the people in
Makes eye contact
with some audience in
Makes very little eye
contact to the audience in
everybody in the room
the room the room the room

Volume and All the audience in the Some of the audience in Half of the audience in
Only the front audience
back of the room can the back of the room the room can only hear
can hear the speaker
Clarity hear the speaker can hear the speaker the speaker

The speech flows

The speech flows The speech flows nicely The speech flows fair
nicely with minimal
perfectly with no with no pauses and
Flow constant pauses and no minimal distracting
pauses and some with a lot of pauses and a
noticeable distacting lot of distracting fillers
distracting fillers fillers

Speaks with some

Speaks with clarity, a bit Speaks with a lot of
Confidence Speaks with clarity, mispronounce words,
of enthusiasm and mispronounce words,
enthusiasm, poise and some enthusiasm, a bit
poiseand a moderate shows dullness and no
and Attitude confidence
of poise and a little of
confidence at all
Activity time
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the boxes to complete the box of the crossword
puzzle. Use the clues below the words needed in the boxes.
Direction: Complete the crossword puzzle below.

3. the assembled spectators or listeners
4. an aim or purpose
6. a person who speaks
7. the people who make up a community
9. the sound made when people speak or sing
10. to learn something so that you will
remember it exactly

1. an event, performance, or activity designed to
entertain others
2. relating to seeing or sight
5. of, relating to, or consisting of gestures
8. the manner or style of giving a speech
Direction: Complete the crossword puzzle below.

V O I C E 3. the assembled spectators or listeners
N 4. an aim or purpose
T 6. a person who speaks
E D 7. the people who make up a community
S P E A K E R E 9. the sound made when people speak or sing
T V G O A L 10. to learn something so that you will
A U D I E N C E I remember it exactly

1. an event, performance, or activity designed to
entertain others
M E M O R I Z E L R Y 2. relating to seeing or sight
N A 5. of, relating to, or consisting of gestures
T P U B L I C 8. the manner or style of giving a speech
Memorize the argumentative essay on "Scaling Up Literacy
Skills Amidst and Beyond the Pandemic," to be presented next
Thank you for

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