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Introduction to Livestock Management

LSMG-301 2(1-1)


Rameez Abid

Date 1
What is Taxonomy?
 Taxonomy: Science of classification
applied to living things, which involve
identification, naming and classification
 System of classification: Devised by
Swedish botanist Linaeus (1707-98) has
been accepted as mean of reference
 Species : In this system each individual
type of animal is called species.

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 Classification Order: Species, genus, family,
order, class and similar classes are kept a
phylum, which finally ends up with kingdom.
 Scientific name: by binomial nomenclature
(first name indicates the genus & second name
represents the species)
 Writing the scientific names : First name
starts with a capital letter while second with
small letter and both are underlined or written
in italics e.g. human scientific name is Homo

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Non-Ruminants & Ruminants

 Animals having  Animals with four-

single chambered chambered stomach
stomach are Non- are Ruminants
 Examples: Cattle,
 Examples:
Elephant, Buffalo, Sheep,
Rhinoceros, Goat, Nilgai, Giraffe,
Hippopotamus, Deer, Yak, Bison,
Horse, Zebra, Ass, Llama & Camel
Pig, Monkey, Dog, (3 chambered)
Rabbit & Hamster

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Classification of Domestic Animals
Classification of Farm Anim als

Kingdom : Animalia

Class: Mam milia

W arm blooded hairy anim als
Hairy anim als

Order Artiodactyla Perrisodactyla Carnivora Proboscida Lagom orpha

Even toed Hoofed non-rum inants Flesh eating Thick skin with sinuses Growing incisor
Jumping locom otion

Fam ily: Equidae Canidae Felidae Elephentidae Leporidae

Single stom ach

Genes: Eqauus Felidae Felis Elephus Loxondata Oryctolagus

Species: Caballus & Assinus Familiaris Catus Maxinus Africana Cuniculus

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Examples: Horse & Donkey Dog Cat Elephant Elephant Rabbit
Family Bovid ae
Stomach 4 chambered

Genus Ovis Genus Capra Genus Bos Bubalu s

Specie s Arie s Specie s Hircus Specie s Taraus & Indic us Specie s Bubalis & Carabanesis

Sheep Goat Cattle Buffa lo

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Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum Chordata (back bone)
 Class Mammalia (mammary
gland, hair)
– Sub-class Eutheria (with placenta)
 Order Ungulata(hoofed)
 Sub-order Artiodactyla (even toed)

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 Super-family: Tylopoda (3 chambered

 Family Camilidae
– Genus Camelus
 Species Camelus
dromedarius (One
humped camel)
 Camelus bactrianus
(Two humped
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 Super-familyPecora (true ruminants,
 4-chambered stomach)
 Family Bovidae (hollow horned)
 Genus Bos
 Species Taurine group
 Bos taurus (hump less cattle)
 Bos indicus (humped cattle – Zebu cattle
Bos/Bubalus bubalis (water buffalo)

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 Genus Ovis
 Species Ovis aries (farm sheep)
 Genus Capra
 Species Capra hircus (farm goat)

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 Sub-order Perissodactyla (uneven toed)
 Family Equidae
 Genus Equs
 Species Equs caballus (horse)
 Equs asinus (donkey)
 Mule = Ass X Mare
 Jennet = horse X Female ass

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 Breed

 Sufficiently large group of

animals developed by the efforts
of man, members of which have
a common ancestry and posses
similar morphological,
physiological and economic
characters that are inherited
more or less firmly.

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