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F - test

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Dr. Wilson Cordova,
 The F-test is a parametric test used to compare the means of two or
more groups of independent samples. It is also known as the Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA).
 Three kinds of analysis of variance :
 One-way analysis of variance – only 1 variable involved
 Two-way analysis of variance – 2 variables involved, the column
and the row variables.
– used to know if there are significant differences between and among
columns and rows
 Three-way analysis of variance – 3 variables involved
Why use?
 Tofind if there is a significant difference between and
among the means of the two or more independent groups.
When to use?
 Ifthere is normal distribution and when the level of
measurement is expressed in interval or ratio data (like t-
test & z-test)
How to use?
 To get the F computed value, use formula

Compute the following to construct the ANOVA table

1. TSS – the total sum of squares minus CF, the correction factor
2. BSS – the between sum of squares minus the CF
3. WSS – within sum of squares or it is the difference between the TSS
minus the BSS
F - Value
Sources of
SS df MS Computed Tabular

See the table at

Between 0.5 or the
BSS K-1 desired level
of significance
w/ df between
and w/in
Within groups
WSS (N-1)–(K-1)

Total TSS N-1

 The Mean Squares Between (MSB) is equal to BSS/df
 The Mean Squares Within (MSW) is equal to WSS/df
 To get the F-computed value, divide MSB/MSW

 F-computed value must be compared with the F-tabular

value at a given level of significance with the
corresponding dfs of BSS and WSS

 If F-computed value > F-tabular value,

Disconfirm null hypothesis in favor of the research
This means there is a significant difference between and
among the means of the different groups
Sample Problem 1 (one-way ANOVA)
A sari-sari store is selling 4 brands of shampoo. The owner is interested if there is a
significant difference in the average sales of the four brands of shampoo for one week.
The following data are recorded.
7 9 2 4
3 8 3 5
5 8 4 7
6 7 5 8
9 6 6 3
4 9 4 4
3 10 2 5
Perform the analysis of variance and test the hypothesis at .05 level of significance that
the average sales of the four brands of shampoo are equal.
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Is there a significant difference in the average sales of the
four brands of shampoo?
Ho: There is no significant difference in the average sales of
the four brands of shampoo
H1: There is significant difference in the average sales of the
four brands of shampoo
Solving by the Stepwise Method

+ + + - CF CF = 869.14

+ + + - CF TSS = 144.86

WSS = TSS – BSS BSS= 72.29

WSS= 72.57
Solving by the Stepwise Method
F - Value
Sources of Degrees of Sum of Mean
Variation Freedom Squares Squares Computed Tabular

Groups 3 72.28 24.09
7.98 3.01
Within Group
(N-1)–(K-1) 24 72.58 3.02

Total 27 144.86
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Decision Rule
If the F-computed value is greater than the F-tabular value,
disconfirm H0
Since F-computed > F-tabular (7.98 > 3.01) at .05 level of
significance and 24 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is
This means that there is significant difference in the average
sales of the four brands of shampoo
F-Test two-way ANOVA
with interaction effect

 Involves two variables, the column and the

row variables
 Used to find out if there is an interaction
effects between two variables
Sample Problem 2 (two-way ANOVA)
Forty-five language students were randomly assigned to one of three
instructors and to one of the methods of teaching then achievement was
measured on a test administered at the end of the term. Use the two-way
ANOVA with interaction effect at .05 level of significance to test the
following hypotheses:
H0: There is no significant difference in the performance of the three
groups of students under three different instructors
H1: There is a significant difference in the performance of the three groups
of students under three different instructors
Sample Problem 2
H0: There is no significant difference in the performance of the three
groups of students under three different methods of teaching
H1: There is a significant difference in the performance of the three groups
of students under three different methods of teaching
H0: Interaction effects are not present
H1: Interaction effects are present
Two-Factor ANOVA with significant interaction
40 50 40
Method of 41 50 41
Teaching 1 40 48 40
39 48 38
38 45 38
40 45 50
Method of 41 42 46
Teaching 2 39 42 43
38 41 43
38 40 42
40 40 40
Method of 43 45 41
Teaching 3 41 44 41
39 44 39
38 43 38
Solving by the Stepwise Method
1. Is there a significant difference in the performance of students
under the three different teachers?
2. Is there a significant difference in the performance of students
under the three different methods of teaching?
3. Is there an interaction effect between teacher and method of
teaching factors?

Solving by the Stepwise Method
Level of Significance
a = .05

df total = N-1
df within = k(n-1)
df column = c-1
df row = r-1
df c(r) = (c-1)(r-1)
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Statistics A B C
Two-Factor Method of
ANOVA with Teaching 1 40
significant 38 45 38
40 45 50
interaction Method of 41 42 46
Teaching 2 39 42 43
38 41 43
38 40 42
40 40 40
Method of 43 45 41
Teaching 3 41 44 41
39 44 39
38 43 38
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Grand Total
Two-Factor A B C

ANOVA with Method of

Teaching 1 198 241 197 636
significant (Total)
Method of
interaction Teaching 2 196 210 224 630
Method of
Teaching 3 201 216 199 616
Grand Total
595 667 620 1882
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Degrees of Freedom

df total = N-1 = 45-1 = 44

df within = k(n-1) = 9(5-1) = 36
df column = c-1 = (3-1) = 2
df row = r-1 = (3-1) = 2
df c(r) = (c-1)(r-1) = 2(2) = 4
Solving by the Stepwise Method

+ + …. + - CF
+ + …. + + + …. + ]

- CF CF = 78709.42
SStotal = 508.42
- CF SSwithin = 129.2
SScolumn = 178.18
SSrow = 14.05
SScr = 187.15
- - -
Solving by the Stepwise Method
F-Value Computed
Columns = MSC /MSW = 89.09/ 3.59 = 24.82
Rows = MSR /MSW = 7.02/ 3.59 = 1.95
Interaction = MSI /MSW = 46.79/ 3.59 = 13.03
F-Value Tabular at .05
Columns df = dfC / dfW = 2/ 36 = 3.26
= 2/ 36 = 3.26
Rows df = dfR / dfW
= 4/ 36 = 2.63
Interaction df = dfCR / dfW
Solving by the Stepwise Method
ANOVA table

Sources of F-Value
Variation SS df MS Interpretatio
Computed Tabular
178.18 2 89.09 24.82 3.26 S
14.05 2 7.02 1.95 3.26 NS
Interaction 187.15 4 46.79 13.03 2.63 S
Within 129.20 36 3.59
Total 508.58 44
Solving by the Stepwise Method
Decision Rule
If the F-computed value is greater than the F-tabular/critical value,
disconfirm H0

 Since F-computed (column) > F-tabular [24.82 > 3.26] at .05
level of significance with 2 and 36 degrees of freedom, the null
hypothesis is disconfirmed. This means that there is significant
difference in the performance of three groups of students under
three different instructors.
Solving by the Stepwise Method
 Since F-computed (row) < F-tabular [1.95 < 3.26] at .05 level of
significance with 2 and 36 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis is
confirmed. This means that there is no significant difference in the
performance of the students under three different methods of

 Since F-computed (interaction) > F-tabular [13.03 > 2.63] at .05 level
of significance with 4 and 36 degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis
is disconfirmed. This means that an interaction effect is present
between the instructors and their methods of teaching.
Solving by the Stepwise Method
 Students under instructor B have better performance
under methods of teaching 1 and 3 while students under
instructor C have better performance under method 2.
Thank You!!!

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