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Hukum Kontrak Internasional

Oleh Dr. Jelly Leviza, SH. M.Hum

Materi Kuliah Pada Program Magister

Kenotariatan Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2022
Daftar Isi

A. Hukum Kontrak sebagai Hukum Privat

B. Unsur & Ciri-Ciri dari Suatu Kontrak
C. Ruang Lingkup Kontrak Internasional
“Batasan Kontrak” (1)
Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.

 A covenant or agreement between two or more persons, with a

lawful consideration or cause.
 A deliberate engagement between competent parties, upon a legal
consideration, to do or abstain from doing, some act.

 A contract or agreement is either where a promise is made on one

side and assented to on the other; or where two or more persons
enter into engagement with each other by a promise on either side.
“Batasan Kontrak” (2)
• Hukum kontrak merupakan bagian
hukum privat sebab pelanggaran
terhadap kewajiban-kewajiban yang
ditentukan dalam kontrak, murni
menjadi urusan para pihak yang

• Kontrak dipandang sebagai ekspresi

kebebasan manusia untuk memilih dan
mengadakan perjanjian.
“Batasan Kontrak Internasional” (1)
 International contracts are those
agreements aimed at creating a legal
relationship between two or more
subjects belonging to different
countries or, otherwise,

 belonging to the same country, but

aimed at producing legal effects
outside it (example: international
distribution contracts).
“Batasan Kontrak Internasional” (2)

• International contract law concerns the legal rules

relating to cross-border agreements.

• When parties from different countries enter into a

contract, they are governed by international contract
law unless they agree to abide by the laws of one of the

• It is frequently applied to international sales contracts.

“Kontrak Internasional dengan HPI”
• One key element of international contract law includes the provision that
the parties' nationality does not play any role when applying the law,
thereby placing all parties on an equal playing field.

• Rules of the contracts are interpreted by what a reasonable person would

consider fair and appropriate given the circumstances.

• International contract law is a branch of private international law, which

relates to the cross-border dealings of individuals or companies.

• This differs from public international law, which concerns the interaction
between governments and other state agencies.
“Kontrak Internasional Bukan Kontrak Nasional”
Sudargo Gautama

“Kontrak Nasional” tidak lain adalah kontrak yang dibuat oleh

dua individu (subjek hukum) dalam suatu wilayah negara yang
tidak ada unsur asingnya.

Sedangkan ”Kontrak Internasional” adalah suatu kontrak yang

di dalamnya ada atau terdapat foreign element (unsur asing)
“Unsur Asing dalam Kontrak Internasional”
Hannu Honka

1. Kebangsaaan yang berbeda

2. Para pihak memiliki domisili hukum di negara yang berbeda
3. Hukum yang dipilih adalah hukum asing
4. Penyelesaian sengketa di langsungkan di luar negeri.
5. Pelaksanaan kontrak di luar negeri
6. Penandatanganan kontrak di luar negeri
7. Objek kontrak di luar negeri.
8. Mempergunakan bahasa asing.
9. Mempergunakan mata uang asing
“Batasan Kontrak (Nasional) di Indonesia”
Buku III KUHPerdata

 Pasal 1313: “Perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu orang
atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap satu orang lain atau lebih.
 Pasal 1234: “Tiap-tiap perikatan adalah untuk memberikan sesuatu,
untuk berbuat sesuatu, atau untuk tidak berbuat sesuatu”.

 Syarat sah perjanjian (kontrak) dimuat dalam 1320.

 Perjanjian berlaku mengikat bagi yang membuatnya (Pasal 1338).
“What are the different
types of contracts that
you know?”.
“Pluralisme Hukum Kontrak Internasional”

Terdapatnya perbedaan status personal

hukum membawa pertanyaan: “Hukum
mana yang akan berlaku terhadap kontrak
Pluralisme Hukum

Hukum Pluralisme
Kontrak Hukum Harmonis
Internasional asi
Sumber Hukum Kontrak Internasional

Alternatif hukum yang bisa diberlakukan adalah: hukum nasional

salah satu pihak atau hukum nasional pihak lainnya, hukum
kebiasaan internasional, hukum internasional

 CISG 1980
 UNIDROIT Principle
 International Chamber of Commerce Model
 Rome Convention relating to Contractual
“Kontrak Internasional atau Perjanjian Internasional?”

 UU No. 24 Tahun 2000 tentang Perjanjian Internasional

menyebutkan bahwa: “Perjanjian Internasional adalah perjanjian,
dalam bentuk dan nama tertentu, yang diatur dalam
hukum internasional yang dibuat secara tertulis serta menimbulkan
hak dan kewajiban di bidang hukum publik”.

 Sempat timbul polemik mengenai apakah perjanjian bernuansa privat

atau perdata.
United Nations Convention on Contracts for
the International Sale of Goods (CISG) 1980
 International sales contracts are governed by CISG from 1980.

 Developed in the hopes of promoting international trade by developing a global set

of rules for contracts.

 The convention is a compromise between legal systems of common law, civil law &
socialist law.
Kontrak Internasional Berbeda dalam
Common Law dan Civil Law
• A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more
parties that creates a legal obligation between them.

• The rules related to contracts can vary substantially between different

types of legal systems. In common law jurisdictions, for example, the
participants in a contract are typically allowed a very wide scope
concerning the terms of the agreement and the repercussions of breaking
the pact. In civil law jurisdictions, however, established legal principles are
often applied to individual contracts.
Itikad Baik & Fair Dealing

• This type of contract law is broadly based on the idea of good faith and
fair dealing in contracts.
• These principles are the basis of contract law in most jurisdictions.

• Good faith includes: fair negotiations, an obligation to cooperate & good

faith when terminating a contract.
• It also ensures that unfair contracts or deals are not enforced.

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