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-- Barbosa, Jonjo
n--Porlas, Mark
--Acuin, Angela--
Arsenio, Eliza--C
la mor, Esperanza
--Culasino, Gen
ny A nn--Maga, Alyssa

• Students should be able to Discuss how the ideas

postulated by Copernicus, Darwin, and Freud
contributed to the spark of scientific revolution;
• Analyze how revolution is done in various parts of
the world like in Latin America, East Asia, Middle
East, and Africa

What is 'Intellectual Revolution'?

Intellectual revolutions can be defined as the historical

changes in the thoughts, beliefs and social institutions
due to new ideas and principles.

When science and technology are the center of an

intellectual revolution, it can be called a Scientific

Copernican Revolution
Is a major shift of worldwide views from believing that the Earth is the center of the universe
to believing the Sun centered solar system which is proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus.

Nicholaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

Copernicus was a Polish astronomer and

mathematician. His heliocentric model of the
universe proposed that the sun is the center
of the universe. It opposed the geocentric
model, which said that the Earth is the center
of the universe, as proposed by Ptolemy and
Aristotle and supported by the Church.

Geocentrism Heliocentrism
The sun and moon's revolution explained the The heliocentric model states that the Sun is the
existence of days and nights. He believed that center of the universe and the Earth is just one of
the earth was at the concept known as the planets revolving around it. "DE
(On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres)

Darwin Revolution
Charles Darwin
• An English naturalist, biologist and geologist.
• The Darwinian Revolution was considered to be one of the
most controversial intellectual revolutions of its time.
• On the Origin of Species. Darwin introduced the theory of
evolution, which postulated that populations pass through a
process of natural selection in which only the fittest would
• He stated that organisms have the ability to adapt to their
environment and would gradually change into something
that would be more competitive to survive, a process known
as evolution.

Darwin’s works also proposed that Natural Selection is the main
rational behind humans’ current existence and attributes. He
suggested that humans evolved from pre-existing organisms as
opposed to the creationist view that God created humans.


What is Natural Selection? What are the main points or arguments

that Darwin used to support his idea of Natural Selection?

Natural selection is the process through which populations of living
organisms adapt and change.

Darwin’s grand idea of evolution by natural selection is relatively simple

but often misunderstood. To see how it works, imagine a population of

There is variation in traits
• Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all
different in some ways.

For example, some beetles are green and some are brown.

Those organisms with heritable traits better

suited to the environment will reach maturity
and survive. This variation means that some
individuals have traits better suited to the
environment than others.

There is differential reproduction

• Since the environment can’t support

unlimited population growth, not all
individuals get to reproduce to their full
potential. In this example, green
beetles tend to get eaten by birds and
survive to reproduce less often than
brown beetles do.

There is heredity End result
• The surviving beetles (more of • The more advantageous trait, brown
which are brown) have offspring coloration, which allows the beetle to have
of the same color because this more offspring, becomes more common in
trait has a genetic basis.` the population. If this process continues,
eventually, all individuals in the population
will be brown.

• Third, Darwin’s works suggested that humans are not so different versus
other organisms - that humans, crabs, dogs, trees, worms and other
organisms are equal. They are all species.

• From this new thinking, Charles Darwin changed how society viewed

• Even though Darwin’s works were controversial, his supporters increased

across the world, even among religious personalities.

• Later, studies by other scientists supported or revised Darwin’s Theory of

evolution. Today, Charles Darwin is recognized as the pioneer of the field
of evolutionary biology.

Sigmund Freud

• Born on May 6, 1856 was an Austrian

physician who emphasized the role of
psychoanalysis in dealing with personality.
• Freud theorized three (3) aspects of
personality that significantly.

• influenced human behavior. These are the structures or levels of

the mind (conscious, and unconscious); the structures or the levels
of personality (id, ego, superego) and the psychosexual stages of
development (oral to genital).

Three levels of Mind
The conscious mind
(lowest level) consists of our thoughts, desires, and wishes which we
are aware of or can be recalled at any time.

The pre-conscious mind

is located between the unconscious and conscious mind. It consists of experiences that
we are not aware of but are made conscious by simply focusing on them. For example,
if one were to ask another what she ate yesterday for lunch, this would require recalling
preconscious thoughts.
The unconscious mind
(sometimes referred to as sub-conscious) is the highest level of the mind that contained
repressed urges, thoughts, memories, and wishes which are disturbing and threatening. They
could not be easily accessed unless they are brought out into the surface by psychoanalysis
or psychotherapist. Thoughts within the unconscious mind are unorganized. They are based
solely on pleasures and desires and are usually in conflict with society.
Three structures of Personality
The ID
is the animalistic nature of man - the MAKAHAYOP personality. It is destructive
and pleasure-seeking structure of personality. It is where the sex urge (libido) is
is the human nature of man- the MAKATAO. It builds; it acts according to laws
and morals. It is bound by limits of reality. The ego controls the ID and acts as
mediator between the super ego and ID.
is the MAKA-DIYOS. It strives for perfection. It is always to be good and
honorable. When the ID and super ego are in conflict, the SUPER EGO tries
to compromise between the ID and the EGO (Myers).

Another theory that influenced society was the idea of certain
stages of development in man. Freud discussed the importance of
early childhood experiences in these stages. Each stage is
characterized by seeking pleasure in specific pleasure sensitive
The five (5) psychosexual stages of development are;

· The term Information Revolution describes the current
economic, social and technological trends beyond the
Industrial Revolution.
· The information revolution's main idea is it provides
easier access of information through the use of
internet and technology.

Through the past years, it was evolved and improved by

the professionals for the users to conveniently obtain
while they do their other activities.

· Yes, this revolution was widely accepted by the world it gave such a huge
change on how we live our lives today. It made our lives so much easier
in communicating, playing, working and learning new information.


· Information Revolution influenced many factors in the society because
it led us to the age of the internet.
· The world has experienced phenomenal network growth during the last
decade and further growth is imminent.

• This revolution made our lives easier because we all have the access
to the information that we need in the internet. This revolution helped
change the society and improve the economy of countries across the
globe. That because of this revolution advancements of technologies
were made like internet, cellphones, laptops, artificial intelligence and
many more.

• Covers the entire area of Central America,
from southern Mexico up to the border of
South America.
• The Mayan civilization is one of the
prominent civilizations during the ancient
period that lasted for approximately 2000
years. As well as the Inca, Aztec, and

Olmec Civilization Mayan Civilization Aztec Civilization Inca Civilization

Olmec Civilization (1400-500 BC)
• The first major Mesoamerican civilization
• Developed in the tropical rain forests of Mexico’s
gulf coast

• Known for the statues

they carved

• They invented a calendar and system of writing made

up of carved inscriptions
• Strongly devoted to religion and priests were highly

Mayan Civilization (AD 300-900)
• Has an advanced understanding of astronomy.

• Use two complicated calendar systems to measure


• Developed the technology for growing different crops and for building elegant
cities using ordinary machineries and tools.

• They built a hydraulic system with complex waterways to supply water to different communities.

• One of the world’s first civilizations to use a writing system known as

Mayan hieroglyphics. They are also known in mathematics and
created a number system based on the numeral 20 and developed
the concept of zero and positional value.

Aztec Civilization (1200) Inca Civilization (1400’s)
• Mandatory Education • Incan built a large and elaborate system
• They use a type of antispasmodic medication of roads
• Chinampa agriculture and invention of Canoe • Stone-paved roads and stone buildings
• Aztec Calendar • Terraces farming

Asian Revolution
• very large continent, this is not only where most of the religion is stemmed
like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism and many more.
• occupies the eastern four-fifths of the giant Eurasian landmass.

ASIAN CIVILIZATION (3,500 - 7,000 B.C.)

• Asian intellectual revolution has made a margin on the large contribution of the
ancient Asian civilization.

Chinese civilization ( 1600–1046 BC)
• The ancient Chinese civilization and the state supported the arts and
sciences, this allowed them to have rich accounts of science and arts
• Invention of compass, paper, gunpowder, silk, noodle, porcelain, and
paper money
• The fertile plains of the river valley facilitated agriculture
• They were able to do it by knowing the science and chemical properties
of the iron and coal.
• Ability to engineer vast regions

Indus civilization ( 2500–1700 bce )
• Indians has a very high regard on
“Veda”, knowledge
• Their unique writing system

Rapid Change
• The 19th and the 20th Century in Asia are known as a time of rapid
• A new vocabulary emerged

Japan Civilization
• Focused and prominent in vehicle
technology, consumer electronics, robotics,
medical devices, space exploration and the
film industry.
• Made rapid strides to industrialize after the
Meiji Restoration of 1868
• Trains, Ships, and Telegraph Wires
• Operated many factories and establishments
in fields like light industry and agriculture
• Industrial Revolution and Capitalism

Middle African Revolution
African civilization is considered the oldest civilization
on the earth. The African intellectual revolution is
known as the first societal intellectual revolution.
African development has vastly contributed to the
early knowledge used by humankind.

• The early use of chemistry dates back to the ancient civilization of Egypt.
The Egyptians figured out the use of fire in extracting copper from their
ores. Through chemistry, they also found a way to create synthetic
pigment using crushed mineral salt as their material.

• The earliest ironworking site so far was discovered in Carthage, North
Africa. Archeological expeditions found iron production that dates
around the middle of the 8th- century BCE. The ever-growing production
and trade of forged metal started the iron age in the ancient world.

• African developed a unique
architectural development. The stone
architecture in Zimbabwe is the largest
stone structure south of the Sahara and
was constructed somewhere in the 11th
century. One of the feats of these
structures is they are not constructed
with the use of mortar which is popular
at that time. They also develop the use
of Cubitmeasurement.

• Dogon people of Mali understand the
details of the star system of Sirius.
They figured out that Sirius is a binary
star system composed of two-star,
Sirius A and Sirius B. The Dogon
people are also aware of the orbit
system of the two stars, and they
based their rituals on it.

Thank you!
-- Barbosa, Jonjo
n--Porlas, Mark
--Acuin, Angela--
Arsenio, Eliza--C
la mor, Esperanza
--Culasino, Gen
ny A nn--Maga, Alyssa
• Copernican Revolution-
• Darwin Revolution
• Meso-America- Alata, E. J. P., & Pawilen, G. T. (n.d.). In M. J. T. Calano (Ed.), (2022, June), Chapter 2 Lesson
2. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from General Concepts and Historical Developments of Science, Technology, and
• donna ruth talo. (11:33:34 UTC). Lesson 2 intellectual revolutions that defined society [Education].
• Mesoamerica (article). (n.d.). Khan Academy. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from
• MESOAMERICAN INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION.docx | Maya Civilization | Mesoamerica. (n.d.). Scribd. Retrieved
October 14, 2020, from
• Asia-
• Middle African-

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