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Sajid Ali Umrani (The CEO of the Venture)

Youhana Ilyas (Marketing Manager)
M.Shazad (Finance Manager)
Idea Pitching Presentation

M.Huzaifah (CRM Manager)

Well I Sajid will look after all operations going on and will provide the initial capital
to the startup.Youhana will be doing all marketing tasks like adv,and what
customers needs are also making our product aware to general public.Whereas
M.shazad will be coping with finance related work like making budgets for all other
departs maintaining cashflows etc. And M.Huzaifah job is to Maintain good
relationship with customers like providing quality after sale service so that clients
could repeat their purchases and remain loyal to the company.
The Name Of Our Ecommerce Website Is Quite strange but the logic behind this name is that
S stand for Sajid,Y stands for Youhana,S stands for shazad and H stands for huzaifah.
Business Concept:
Product or service:
Our idea is to actually setup an Ecommerce website where we are gonna sell our products which are as
 E-Books
 Novels
 Audio Books
 Journals Etc.

Why we went for this idea?

Bcz you know that with the enhancement of technology people are getting lazy too ,they don,t have the time
to actually sit in a library or at any place to read books and novels so for them we are going to publish
updated and variety of Books and Novels on our website so called

What’s Different & Valuable about our product?

Well we know that Many platforms are providing such services like amazon kindle etc so what makes
us different from them is the quality and cheaper prices which we think would attract more customers
toward us rather then our competitors.
Our Target Market:
Demographic Segmentation:
 Age: In-between 18-50 are our target customers
 Gender: Both Male & Female
 Income: As I mentioned we gonna sell cheaper so for initial phase might be
affordable for all income groups.
 Also avoid racism, religion etc

Geographical Segmentation:
Well Geographically our product/services are available for anyone from any part of the
world language might be issue but for that we had provided a translator in website with
more then 30 languages so that might be helpful to capture more market share.
As we are selling online so geographic boundaries aren’t an issue for us.

We are targeting Globe so revenue might not be constant due to variety of customers as
online earning is called “hawai Rozi”in Pakistan so it differs by time.
Startup Capital Required:
 Website cost: Maybe a good site could cost us around 5k.
 Translator Extention subscription might cost us 5 to 8k monthly.
 Inventory would of 10k bcz of low budget provided for startup
 Rest would be spent on marketing bcz online selling requires digital marketing
in order make our target audience aware about our product.
 Initial Phase no Sallary for partners it was decided collectively by four of us.
Critical Risk Factors & There Solutions:
Risk Factors Involved Are:
 Chances Of website Being Hacked
 Distruptive Internet connection might be a big problem
 Presure From Competitors
 Lack of research personnels.
 Loose Clients to Big Giants like Amazon kindle etc.
 Lack of Good Quality Writers bcz of low literacy rate in our country.

Solutions To These Problems, How w gonna cope up with these problems:

 Will take subscription of security company who’s gonna make our website secure by
every possible mean
 Make Good Realtions with Internet Company or awhaile premium packages to avoid
internet issues.
 To remain Competitive we gonna Give good discounts like BOGO or cheaper prices
then Competitors.
 Will Provide training to our writers or research personnels to enhance their quality
and produce quality stuff for our Target Audience.

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