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Presented by
Dr Ujwal U
House Surgeon
Department of Panchakarma

1. Introduction
2. Properties of Svedana Dravya
1. Snigdha Sankara Sveda
2. Ruksha Sankara Sveda


स्तंभ गौरव शीतघ्नं स्वेदनं स्वेद कारकम्। (च.सू.22/11)

 Swedana is defined as the process by which the sweat or perspiration is produced in the body
by using various methods
 Swedana provides relief from Stambha (stiffness and catches), Gaurava (heaviness) and
Sheeta (coldness) in the body or body parts.
 Svedana is especially useful in diseases caused by vitiated vata and kapha dosha. It is
used as poorvakarma as well as pradhana karma, especially in vata dominant diseases.
 The reason behind doing svedana after snehana is that the doshas which have previously
been loosened from the srotosanga by snehana,can be directed by srotovilayana to the
koshta so that when the time for purification comes,they can be easily expelled through
nearest route.

 Ushna
 Tikshna
 Sara
 Snigdha
 Ruksha
 Sukshma
 Drava
 Sthira

 Sankara means Bolus

 तल वस्त्रान्तरितैरवस्त्रान्तरितैर्या पिंडैर्यधोक्तैः.
उपस्वेदनं संकर स्वेद इति विद्यात् ॥ (Ca.Su 14/41)
 It is a procedure in which sudation is given by the required medicines while having them tied
in a cloth in the form of bolus/pottali. Sometimes, it can also be done without having them in
a pottali form.
 Type of Sagni sveda
 It comes under the Carakokta 13 svedas
 In this various substances like sesame seeds,black gram,horse gram are taken
 Ashtanga Sangraha differs from this opinion.Vagbhata says that stones,iron balls etc should
be taken for this purpose
 Vriddha vagbhata called it as “Pinda Sveda”
 Susruta has included this type in Usma sweda and in Upanaha sveda also.
 It is of two types

1. Snigdha sankara sveda

2. Ruksha sankara sveda

 It is done with Medicines such as tila,masha,rice etc. and done with the help of amla
drava,milk etc. It is beneficial in Vatavyadhis
 Following are the types of snigdha sankara sveda which are in practice:

1. Shashtika Shali/Shali Shashtika Pinda Sveda

2. Patra Pottali/Patrapinda Sveda
3. Jambeera pinda Sveda/Naranga kizhi
Shashtika Shali Pinda Sveda

 It is famous in South India by the name navarakizhi/njavarakizhi

 Njavara in Malayalam stands for the rice that grows in 60 days
 The term Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda is made up of 4 words
 Shashtika means sixty,Shali means rice,Pinda means bolus,Sweda is sweat,
 It is a procedure by which the whole body or any specific part is made to perspire by the
application of certain medicinal drugs with Njavara rice puddings externally in the form of
boluses tied up in a muslin bag
Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda is an unparalleled treatment in Vata, Pitta and Rakta (vitiated
blood) morbidity or any disease or painful conditions caused by morbid Vayu, Pitta and or
Rakta, usually degenerative and inflammatory diseases or diseases caused due to
contamination of blood.
Medicines and Materials required

 Njavara rice : 400 g

 Balamula kvatha : 2 L
 Cows milk : 2 L
 Amalaki kalka
 Prescribed oil/kuzhambu
 Droni
 Bowls
 Heater
 Square cloth pieces 20×20 – 8 no
 Threads,Spatula,Steel vessels,Flexible thin plastic scrapper

 SandhigataVata
 Amavata
 Mamsagata vata
 Katisula/katigraha
 Greeva sula/ Greevastambha
 Gridrasi
 Ankylosing Spondylitis etc

 Severe varicosity of veins

 Severe Inflammation
 Deep vein thrombosis
 Fractures
 Fever
 Hypertension
Duration of the course
30-45 minutes. The number of days of treatment varies from 7-21 days depending on the
nature and intensity of the disease.
Provides strength to the tissues, mainly muscle tissue
Rejuvenates and energizes the body
Prevents wasting of muscles and degeneration of joints and soft tissues
 Relieves pain, stiffness and swelling associated with arthritis and other painful conditions
 Pacifies the morbidity of Vata, Pitta and Rakta in the skin, afflicted joints, muscles and soft
 Soothes the nerves and improves blood circulation
 Removes stress, relaxes mind
 Improves circulation to skin, improves colour and complexion

 Patra means leaves & Pinda means bolus.

 It is a variety of pinda sveda in which different types of leaves having analgesic and anti
inflammatory properties are fried in specific oils and bolus bundles are prepared and
pinda sveda given.
 Patra Pinda Sweda is an unparalleled treatment in Vata morbidity or any disease or
painful conditions caused by morbid Vayu, usually degenerative diseases.
 Leaves which can pacify morbid Pitta are used in the bolus for tackling inflammatory
diseases of joints and soft tissues.
 Morbid Kapha and its symptoms like catches, heaviness, coldness etc can be got rid of by
using Kapha destroying leaves in the bolus.
Patra Pinda Sweda is used mainly to provide relief from pain, inflammation, swelling and
stiffness associated with bone, joint and or musculoskeletal pains.
 Sandhigatavata. •Gridrasi.
 Amavata. •Cervical Spondylosis
 Mamsagatavata. •Bursitis
 Spina bifida etc
Diabetes mellitus (can be done for a short period with caution, giving proper medicines to
treat diabetes or in controlled and uncomplicated diabetes)
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
Severe varicosity of veins
Deep vein thrombosis
 Severe inflammation

 Grated leaves of Eranda,Arka,Amlika,Nirgundi,Dhattura,Nimba etc - 1 kg

 Fried powder of Shatava and Methika
 Scrapings of coconut – 100 gms
 Rasnadi churna – 5gms
 Taila – as required
 Sliced Lemon – 2
 Saindhava lavana – 50 gms
 Cotton cloth – 45×45 cm – 4 pieces
 Tags,Vessels for frying & heating ,towels,spoons
Duration of Elakizhi massage course –
45 minutes,The number of days of treatment varies from 7-14 days depending on the nature and intensity
of the disease
 Relieves pain, stiffness and swelling associated with arthritis and other painful conditions
 Pacifies the morbidity of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the afflicted joints, muscles and soft tissues
 Improves the movements of the joints
 Removes water retention in the tissues and effusion of joints
 Soothes the nerves and improves blood circulation

 Jambira=Citron fruit or lemon, Pinda=bolus, Sweda=fomentation or sudation

 Type of Pinda sveda in which hot fomentation is given to the patient by tying sliced lemon
processed with other medicinal herbs tied in a bolus.
 It is an unparalleled treatment in Vata and kapha morbidity or any disease or painful
conditions caused by morbid Vayu and or kapha, usually presenting with pain, stiffness
and swelling.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (Amavata)
Osteo Arthritis
Cervical spondylosis
Lumbar Spondylosis and Lumbago
 Frozen Shoulder
 Bursitis
 Ankylosing Spondylitis
 Muscular cramps
 Low back pain etc

High Pitta condition, acute and persisting inflammation

Diabetes mellitus (can be done for a short period with caution, giving proper medicines to
treat diabetes or in controlled and uncomplicated diabetes)
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
 Severe inflammation

 Jambeera chopped into pieces – 750 gms

 Methika,Shatavaha,tila churna,Haridra churna & kulatha churna – 250 gms
 Lasuna – 2
 Saindhava lavana – 500 gms
 Nimba taila – 500 ml
 Cotton cloth (45×45 cm) = 4 pieces
 Oils for abhyanga -100 ml
 Oils for heating pottali – Q.S
 Threads,Vessels for heating,Stove,Towels
DURATION – 45 minutes,done for 7 or 14 or 21 days as per the need
 Relieves pain, stiffness and swelling associated with arthritis and other painful conditions
 Pacifies the morbidity of Vata and Kapha in the afflicted joints, muscles and soft tissues
 Improves the movements of the joints
 Soothes the nerves and improves blood circulation.

 It is done with dry feces of cow, camel, horse, etc., valuka, iron ball, etc. It is beneficial in
kaphaja and amavata like diseases. Its main purpose is to induce rukshana karma, which is
essential in treatments of amanjaya and kaphaja disorders.
Following are the type of Ruksha sankara sveda which are in practice.
 Valuka sveda
 Choorna pinda sveda

 It is a variety of ruksha sankara sveda

 Valuka means Sand
 Here,Sand is heated, put into cloth and made into bolus and this bolus is used for providing
 It is applied directly to the part of the body like joint etc without any prior application of
 It is especially useful in kaphaja diseases and various ama dosha conditions.

 Kapahaja disorders
 Shotha,sula
 Amavata
 Urustambha
 Medoroga
 Granthi

Severe varicose veins
Deep vein thrombosis
 Severe inflammation

 Cleaned sand – 2 kgs

 Thick cloth (18 inches) – 2 nos
 Cotton thread – 5 feet long
 Vessels for heating sand
 Spoons
 Sterile napkins
Duration – 30 minutes
 Relieves pain, stiffness and swelling associated with Rheumatoid arthritis
 Expels morbid ama, vata, kapha and meda
 Relieves stiffness and rigidity.
 Removes the blocks created by fat and corrects fat metabolism.
 Improves the movements of the joints
 Removes water retention in the tissues and effusion of joints

 Churna means powder (herbal)

 Here pottalis are prepared from various herbal powders
 Its benefits are similar to Valuka pinda sveda and the only difference between the two is
that it imparts effects of the medicines along with dry heat as given in valuka pinda sveda.
 It is also a rukshana procedure
 It is famous in South india by the name Podikizhi.
 Sandhigatavata
 Vatarakta
 Gridrasi
 Katigraha
 Cervical Spondylosis etc.

 Suitable choorna – 1 kg
 Cotton cloths (45×45 cm) – 4
 Tags – 4
 Rasnadi churna – 5 gms
 Towel - 1
Duration – 45 minutes
 It is useful in sama and kaphanubandhi vatavyadhi like amavata.
 It can also be used in spondylitis, obesity, gridhrasi and other neurological disorders.
Dhanya Pinda Sveda
 Here Selected dhanya is heated,well packed in a cloth,which is applied over the affected part
of the body. Rest of the method is like Pinda sveda only
 INDICATIONS – Useful in involuntary painful contractions of muscles,arthritis etc

Kukkudanta Sveda (Mutta kizhi)

 Kukkudanta sveda is nothing but eggs and lemon fomentation.
 It also comes under the type of ushna sveda,
 Egg yolk along with the pieces of lemon are used in this procedure
 Boiled egg yolks and lemon pieces are fried in suitable oils and made into bolus
 Arditavata
 Greevagraha
 Hanugraha
 Apabahuka
 Traumatic conditions

 Kamala (jaundice)
General Precautions During Pinda Sweda

Swedana duration (Time) should be fixed according to age, disease condition, patient’s
tolerence and season.
 The swedana to head (Shiras) should be avoided as the dilation of the blood vessels brings
too much blood to the brain cells causing their destruction.
General mode of action of Pinda sveda(all

 In tissues, there are number of small capillaries, having very minute pores, which helps in
nourishing the tissues and at the same time they help to drain-out the impurities.
 Pinda sweda activates the action of these pores. The technique is a combination of
snehana, mardana and swedana.

 The application of heat in different forms of Svedana promotes local circulation and metabolic
activities and also opens the pores of the skin to permit transfer of medicaments and nutrients
towards to needed sites

 The drug applied in skin by its Veerya it enters in the Romakupa. The Veerya of the drug
further enters the Siramukha through the Svedavahi siras and exhibits action. These Siras take
the Veerya of the drugs after undergoing Paka by Bhrajaka Pitta in Tvak
 As per the modern science, producing more heat over the Superficial tissue increases the
 Because of this increased metabolism there will be an increased demand of oxygen and
nutrition. It will increase the output of waste product and removes from the body,thus the
person feels lightness.
 In meantime because of increased waste products, the level of metabolites may also increase
which goes to the walls of capillaries and arterioles and stimulate the vasodilatation.
 Vasodilatation increases the blood supply which ultimately results in relaxation of muscles
and nerves, and person feels lightness.
 The Drugs which is used for the therapy can penetrate the epidermis & undergoes
percutaneous absorption,once the drug reaches the underlying tissues it will be absorbed into
the circulation by the diffusion process. This indicates the entering of the drugs applied over
the skin in to the capillaries and there by entering to the systemic circulation

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