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Small Talk

American Way
Small Talks

● In America it is common to make Small Talks

● It is Conversation with strangers or acquaintances

about non-controversial topics
● It can come as a joke
● Or comment
● Compliment
● Or an advice (not a deep one though)

● Small talk is supposed to be harmless, so it’s not okay if a stranger says

something that makes you uncomfortable.

● Weather
● Arts and Entertainment
● Food
● Sports
● Popular television shows
● Favourite drink
● Pets, pets, pets and pets
● And in fact about everything
Don’t be nervous

One of the easiest conversation starters is a compliment. “I love your shirt! Where did you
get it?” People love to be complimented.

You can follow up by asking, “What brings you here?” or “How did you get involved with
[organization hosting the event]?”

Asking questions like “Are you from around here?” or “What do you do when you’re not
working?” help demonstrate your genuine interest in getting to know someone. This will
start an engaging conversation.

You'll hear small talks from your friends from your co-
workers, fellow students, your waiter at the restaurant,
cashier at the store, just everywhere
Let’s think???
Etiquettes of ST

Do not assume but Ask?

Learn to “LISTEN”
Be Open Minded------ LET THEM BEEEE!
● Keep it positive
● Help the conversation to smooth
● Help it to continue
● If you don’t like, change the topic
● Do not end it abruptly
Keep it Short or offer to continue the talk later
Topics to avoid

● Finances
● Politics and Religion
● Death
● Appearance
● Personal Gossip
● Offensive Jokes
● Narrow Topics
● Past Relationships

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