Group 1 Character Formation

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Filipino Character Traits




The Philippines is a meeting point for cultures from all over
Asia and the Pacific because it has been a crossroads
between east and west and the merging of cultures from
other countries culture and its people. It come from various
ethno-linguistic groups that are native to the islands or
migrants from various Asia-Pacific regions, Filipinos are
the people who are naturally born to or recognized with the
Philippines country.
China, US and Spain mainly influence the modem Filipino
identity. Though Filipinos are racially similar to Malays but
in terms of culture they are more like Spaniards. Thus, it
could be chimed that Filipinos are the most hot- bloodied
and brace citizens in the Tropical Asian cultures Like other
countries. the Philippines has its opposing values and
labels, it is believed by the Filipinos that the country have
the best values in the world.
Though it has experienced colonization by several
countries, but the core values it has gained from the
Filipino ancestors remained intact and are still
honored today like the bayanihan or spirit of
kinship and camaraderie implanted by Malay
ancestors and close family ties inherited by Chinese
Popular Characteristics Of Filipino

1. Filipinos Love To Prepare Great Tasting Food

One of the most popular qualities of Filipinos is that they

put a premium on how they serve other people. If ever
you get invited to visit a friend’s house, you will be
surprised at the very warm welcome you will receive
from Filipino parents and family members! Usually, they
will let you in on their house in an instant and ask the
visitor to sit down and get comfortable. But the best part
of it all? At least one family member will prepare a snack
complete with drinks so that you can eat while waiting.
Popular Characteristics Of Filipino People

2. Most Filipino Have Strong family ties

The Filipinos have very close family ties and enjoy spending
quality time every weekend. Young adults may have work that is
far from home, but it is common for them to go back home,
especially for celebrating special occasions and holidays. In fact,
traditional families also close their small businesses so long as
they get to set aside time to see their family members. Since they
are family-oriented, it is common to see the whole family living in
just one place! And when we mean family, we literally mean the
extended family to the point that they occupy a whole street!
Popular Characteristics Of Filipino People
3. The Filipino People Are Respectful

As we have emphasized in the basic greetings

in Tagalog, one important aspect that you
should remember is that Filipinos are very
respectful and will always use the word “po”
and “opo” at the end of their sentences when
speaking with people that are older than
them, their family, persons of authority, and
even strangers.
4. Many Filipinos Are Hardworking And Resourceful

- Colonized and oppressed by several countries before,

the Filipinos have become hardworking people to the
point that they are juggling multiple jobs just to make
more money. Instead of just bickering and blaming
everything on the government, Filipino values dictate
that one should look for new ways to ensure that ends
meet even while they are still young. For this reason, you
will find a lot of working students who are getting part-
time positions or looking to sell food and items online
with the goal of sustaining their educational needs.
5. The Filipino People Are Passionate

- No matter what challenges the day has for every Filipino,

you will be surprised at how positive their perceptions are
and how much enthusiasm they have about life and work.
If you are looking for people who will tirelessly help you
in a time of need, you can never go wrong with connecting
with the Filipino people
6. Filipinos Are Educated

- Despite being a third-world country, the Philippines is one of the

Asian countries that provide an amazing and educated workforce
across the globe. Despite the hardships within the country, the locals
strive to pursue further studies to earn a degree and land a high-
paying and stable job. For this reason, many Filipinos actually do
not just settle for a college degree but also try to get scholarships for
graduate studies.
7. Filipinos Are Always Positive
Due to the geographical location of the Philippines, the country
is no stranger when it comes to destructive thunderstorms and
life-threatening floods. But despite the challenges in life, the
locals remain on the positive side because they believe that there
is always a rainbow after the rain. Instead of complaining, they
try their best to adapt quickly and make hard decisions in an
“This is a quote. Words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader get


Positive Traits

1. Hospitality

Hospitality is a trait displayed by

every Filipino characterized by
heartwarming generosity and
friendliness exhibited to
foreigners and locals alike.
2. Respectful

- This is often observed not

just by younger people but
also by people of all ages. In
the Philippines, respect for
one’s elders is a tradition.
3. Strong family ties and religion
Filipino value their families so much that they tend to
keep families intact through generations.
4. Gratefulness and Helpfulness

Aside from being hospitable,

Filipinos are also well known for
being generous. They share what
they have to the people around
them even they have only one
5. Hardworking

Another good thing most Filipinos have is

being hardworking people. They are
willing to work almost the day to provide
the needs of their families.
6. Collective pride-

Filipinos are mighty proud of their cultural heritage and are doubly proud
when they hear of Filipinos making it big in other countries. For them,
there is no “half-Filipino”. A person born with Filipino blood, no matter
how small the percentage is, is regarded with respect and pride.
7. Industriousness

Once berated by national hero Jose Rizal for following after the
colonizers’ siesta rule and indolence, the typical Filipino is hard
working and has no qualms about working beyond their
8. Honesty
Have you heard of the Honesty store in
Batanes, where no one guards the store,
thus letting residents and tourists
purchase goods and pay whatever
amount they want? How about the cab
drivers who return wallets and other
belongings to their passengers? These
show how honest Filipinos can be, and
this is also the reason why tourists trust
them completely.
9. Courteousness

Aside from saying “po” and “opo”, Filipinos are known

worldwide to be very polite. They make sure that they give
their visitors a warm welcome.
10. Bravery

The Filipino spirit is marked with courage, especially in times

of distress and other problems.
11. Unity:

Also referred to as the “Bayanihan”, Filipinos help one another

when their fellowmen need them.
12. Religious

The Philippines is predominantly a Catholic country, and

wherever Filipinos go, they always make it a point to honor
God Almighty. Tourists can attest to the many churches, old
and new, erected in the country.
13. Loving and Caring

As a Filipino, it’s also part of us the traits of being caring and loving
specially with our love ones. We care for them more than we care for our
own selves, we will sacrifice everything that we have just to provide all
their needs. We are usually not the type of person who are very vocal in
telling them how much we care and love them but we show them by our
actions and our own little ways.

1. Fatalism

- An attitude of "what goes around comes around". Filipinos

have a tendency to surrender the future to luck.
2. Mañana Habit (Procrastination)

True blooded Filipinos have the attitude of causing delays in

accomplishing things or transaction.
3. Ningas Cogon

Most Filipinos are very good at the start when doing

something. Nevertheless, after a few hours or days, that
excitement to do or accomplish something is lost and become
too lazy to finish what were have started.
The most well-known traits and attitudes of the Filipino

5. Crab mentality

- This is an attitude of some Filipinos where they tend to push

each other down to clear the way for their own way.
The most well-known traits and attitudes of the Filipino

6. Tardiness

- Only in the Philippines that we have the so-called "Filipino

Time" but not exactly referring to the Philippine standard time,
but then again we use it to refer to the tardiness of the persons
that we are waiting or who keeps on coming late to the set time
schedule of events.

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