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student of 14-F group Dehtiarenko Lesia

St. Volodymyr Monument

is situated at St. Volodymyr hill. The monument

opening ceremony was held on 10 October, 1853.
The height of the whole monument is 20 m , the
height of the statue itself is 4.5 m . The platform
under the statue is 70 m higher than the level of
the Dnipro, the mount itself serves a huge
pedestal created by nature. The Prince Volodymyr
is represented in full height, with proudly raised
head, at the moment after the christening process
had taken place. He is holding the cross - the
symbol of his great role in christening Rus in his
right hand. There is the great prince's cap in his
left hand. The authors of the monument's project
are H.Demut-Malinovsky and P.Klodt.

Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky

was built on Sofia Square. Money for

the monument was collected from
the city residents.The statue is cast
from copper.The monument
represents Bohdan Khmelnytsky in
hetman’s clothes with a mace in his
hand on a horse. The height of the
monument is 10.85 m. Today Ukraine
honors the great hetman with
respect, despite his historical

The monument to Princess Olga

in Mykhaylivska Square.The place

was set for the monument Taras
Shevchenko, but one morning the
Kyiv people saw there the monument
to princess Olga. The local authorities
explained: Your poet is probably the
gentleman and he has given his place
to the lady». It is made of Italian white
precious marble. In the center of the
composition there is the stately,
beautiful, and extremely clever
princess. Olga reigned the
KyivskaRus during twenty years in the
middle of the 10th century.

Taras Shevchenko

was a poet, also an artist and a

humanist. His literary is regarded to be
the foundation of modern Ukrainian
literature and, to a large extent, of
modern Ukrainian language. The
monument is situated in the center of the
Shevchenko Park. The height of the
statue is 6.45 m, it has been cast of
bronze. The monument stands on the
pedestal made of red granite, which is
7.3 m high. The lines from Taras
Shevchenko's Testament are carved on
the pedestal.

Monument to the founders of Kiev

The sculptural composition is

represented as a boat, with the
statues of legendary bro- thers Kyi,
Schek and Khoryv and their sister
Lybid. The monument is made of
forged copper. At the bottom of
granite pedestal there is a pool.
The length of the boat is 9 m.
Height of men's figures is 4.3 m ,
and the height of Lybid's statue is
3.8 m .

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