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African Leopard
By Nawaf

By Nawaf
The African leopard
structural adaptations

The African leopard also known as the Panthera Pardus are related too a few
members of the big cats such as the jaguar, lions and tigers. Some similarities
between the relatives of the African leopard is the sharp claws and night vision.
Also some differences are their weight, size and how they look. The African
leopard has sharp claws which helps them to catch animals and climb trees, the
eyes of the African leopard helps them too see at night because they have different
structural retinas located in the eye which helps them see better than humans.
Another structural adaptation is its spotted fur that makes them camouflage to their
surroundings, the African leopard has really strong leg muscles which gives them
the ability to run and catch prey.

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The African leopard
behavioral adaptations

The African leopard is a solitary animal which means they live,

hunt and survive alone and not in a group. The only time they are
seen with another leopard is during mating season or when the
mother leopard is taking care of her cubs. The male leopard has a
much bigger territory than the female leopard they mark their
territory by using urine, poop and claw markings. African leopards
are nocturnal animals and hunt during the evening and the

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The African Leopard predators

The African leopard is currently classified as vulnerable with around 700,000 left in the
wild. The African leopard has 2 wild predators which are groups of hyenas and lions but the
main cause of them becoming vulnerable is because of humans, poachers hunt leopards for
their soft fur so they can make it into coats or robes.
The African leopard prey
The African Leopard are generalists which means they can eat
many different types of animals. They get their nutrients by
eating meats such as mammals like baboons, rodents which is
a term for animals similar to rats, hares and antelopes. They
also eat reptiles, fish and birds.

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Which climate they live in
and where they live in

The African leopard can live in both warm

and cold climates, they live in many habitats
like rainforests, desert and semi desert areas,
mountain ranges, savannah grasslands and
arid regions. The African leopard are found in
countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia,
South Africa and Botswana.

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Method of
The African Leopard is a sexual animal, they have no breeding season so the African
Leopards breed every couple of months. The female African leopards hold their baby for
around 3 months before giving birth. The baby leopards would stay with their mother for
around a year and a half before they separate and live their adult hood.

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Symbiotic relationships
Mutualism: Mutualism is when both organisms benefit in their relationship.
Parasitism: A relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed.
Commensalism: A relationship where one organism benefits and the other isn’t harmed and doesn’t

African leopard symbiotic relationship:

The African leopard has a symbiotic relationship with its prey and its considered parasitism, when
the African leopard hunts its prey, the African leopard benefits because they will use it as food and
the prey would get harmed.

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Scientific name:

Structural adaptations:

Behavioral adaptation:

What animals they are related too :

Vulnerable status:



African leopards left:

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Leopard hunting:
Links 2#

Countries they are found in:,Range%20%26%20habitat,Africa%2C%20
Symbiotic relationship:

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