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Techno-Industrial Disasters

L 9 Techno-Industrial Disasters 1
As a result of this session, you should be able to:
• Describe the causes and effects of techno-
industrial disasters
• Outline major health effects of techno-
industrial disasters
• Identify the steps in responding to techno-
industrial disasters
Techno-Industrial Disasters
Explosion - India

Tanker Blast
Techno-Industrial disasters

• Man-made disasters as a result of

• Due to accident, negligence or incompetence
• Chemical and oil spills
• Ecological – fires, soil erosion
• Transport-related – airline, rail, marine,
History: Techno-Industrial Disasters

• Worst in Europe - Courrières mine in France -

1906. 1,099 workers.
• Worst in the USA - Texas - 1947. Explosion
aboard a docked ship - 578 dead; 3,500
injured. Ignited by a discarded cigarette.
• Worst in Thailand - Toy Factory Fire -1993. 188
dead; >400 injured.
History: Techno-Industrial Disasters

• Worst in History - Bhopal, India (1984)

– Methyl isocyanate leak at Union Carbide plant.
– > 3,000 people dead; 15,000 - related illnesses.
– Today, > 100,000 with permanent injuries, light or
Bhopal Tragedy
Accident Analysis –
Chemical Investigation

Post- Bhopal Tragedy

Accident Analysis
• Active Failures
• Latent Failures
Active Failures
• Occurs at interface between humans and
components of the systems within which they
• Have an immediate impact on the patient.
Active Failures

Industrial electrical burn

Active Failures

Conveyor Belt Injury

Latent Failures

Union Carbide Plant – Bhopal, India

Train Derailment – Ambur, India
Latent Failures in Techno-
Industrial Accidents
• Represent problems with
• Design
• Construction
• Maintenance of equipment
• May lie dormant before their adverse
• Are not revealed until active failures occur
Injury profile of Techno -
Industrial Accidents

Penetrating injury
Injury profile of Techno -
Industrial Accidents
• Eye injuries - People blinded by blast flash
• Ear injuries - Deafness, rupture of ear drums
• Penetrating wounds
• Orthopedic injuries
• Head injuries - When patient is hurled through
the air by hurricane force wind or trapped
under collapsed buildings
Case Study
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Chemical Spills
• Prudent to decontaminate
• Removal of clothing
• Tepid bathing of skin
Transportation issues
• Minimal or no injury - transported to
designated non-health care facilities for
• Private transportation - results in patients
arriving at health care facility, prior to
• Risk to health care professionals who would
then also require decontamination.
Hospital Notification following
Techno-Industrial Accident
• Receipt of a warning
• Large number casualties with similar
• Hospital may receive untreated casualties
direct from the site
Hospital-based Preparedness
• Prepared for risk-specific hazardous materials.
• Specific antidotes
– Organophosphates – Atropine, P2AM
– Cyanide- Sodium Thiosulphate
• HAZMAT suits and PPE for staff
Hospital-based Preparedness

• Hospital decontamination areas

• Education of staff and community regarding
local and regional risks
• Mass Casualty Incident Management system
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

• First responders - protect themselves by PPE

– Respiratory equipment
– Garments and barrier material  
• Maximum protection - positive pressure
respirators and total body encapsulation
• Simple surgical mask and a pair of latex gloves
provide minimum protection
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Review of Objectives
• As a result of this session, you should be able
• Describe the causes and effects of techno-
industrial disasters
• Outline major health effects of techno-
industrial disasters
• Identify the steps in responding to techno-
industrial disasters

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