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At the end of the lesson, I can:
• explain how a prose or poem may be influenced
by culture, history, environment or other factors;
• analyze literature as a means of understanding
unchanging values in the VUCA (Volatile,
Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world; and
• appreciate literature as a means of understanding
the human being.
Prose is a form of written or
spoken language that typically
exhibits a natural flow of speech
 and grammatical structure.
A prose analysis requires you to take a passage
and to analyze it in the finest of detail, as if with
a magnifying glass. You should be commenting
on points of style and how those points can give
insight into an idea/s present in the passage. We
exploit the little things, examining how they
function to arrive at larger meanings/ further
implications/ a theme.
• SPECTACLE (N) appearances, especially a
notable, or unusual sight
• GROAN (N) cry, roar, utterance, expressing pain
• GRASP (V) catch
• TRANGRESS (V) Trespass, Violate
• REPRESSION (N) Turning resistance
• RECOURSE (N) A source of help in a difficult
I am a nurse. I can still remember vividly that I
have always been ambitious ever since I was a
As an elementary student, I would bask with joy
when I could land to the top ten of the honor
roll and most of the time I did. I took the
national College Entrance Exam and was proud
to get 91% my general average.
When I finished high school, my father encouraged me to
take up Nursing. He imagined me that I would look very
elegant and chic wearing well-ironed spic ad span white
uniform of a nurse with its distinguished white cap.
I was only on my second year college in Nursing when I
was faced with stresses—which had drained me mentally
and physically. Giving first time intramuscular injection to
an indisposed patient, rendering catheterization to
nervous male and female patients, giving full bath to a
sick, irritable patient. The stresses that I was experiencing
were heightened I was required to deliver a healthy baby
girl through normal delivery. Delivering ten babies were
prerequisite (requirement) for graduation in nursing.
The tensions that I was experiencing were maximized
when I assisted in the operating room by handing surgical
instruments to the surgeons. Keeping up with the whims
and perfectionism of the doctors compounded to the
stress. You would see how the doctors would skillfully
open the stomach with the use of scalpel. Moreover, the
intestines of the patient looked like sausages. Even if it
was twelve midnight, I was very much wide awake in the
operating room because of my sheer interest in the
operative procedures.
Other tension-producing academic
requirements were for the incessant quizzes, the
difficult periodical tests, studying for very long
hours at night, added by the physical strain
brought about by commuting from Paranaque to
Quezon City near Diliman, plus handling life-
threatening illnesses of the sick patients.
All of these situations were tough to handle and
were factors that lead to physical and mental
fatigue but with the help of Almighty God,
hardwork, persistence plus the help of your
friends and loved ones, one’s ambition are
capable of being fulfilled.
• What are the stressful
experiences of a nursing
student as narrated by Olivia?
• Was Olivia able to reach
her ambition?

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