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While the music plays, pass the bottle to your
classmate. When the music stops, the person
holding the bottle will get one roll of paper
from the bottle and answer what is being
asked, and if the person holding the bottle
gives an incorrect answer, other students will
be given a chance to answer.
The Three
By Leonard Everett
The teacher will select one item
from the box. Depending on the
chosen element, he or she will
provide definitions, and the
students will have to guess which
story element is the right answer.
The Five Elements
of the Short Story
is a person, or sometimes even
an animal, who takes part in the
action of a short story or other
literary work.
the time and place in
which the story
is a series of events and
character actions that relax
the central conflict.
a struggle between two
people or things in a
short story.
is the central idea or
belief in a short story.
1. Which of these would be an example of
an internal conflict?
a. a strong storm is heading to the island
where the main character lives.
b. the main character fights with her older
sister about everything.
c. the main character tries to escape from
d. the main character needs to decide if she
will tell her family her secret.
2. Bebelyn describes the events that happen in
the beginning, middle, and end of the book she
just read. This means that Bebelyn is describing
the _________.
a. character
b. conflict
c. plot
d. theme
3.What story element provides the
drama in a story?
a. plot
b. setting
c. character
d. conflict
4. All the action that goes on in a
story makes up the _________?
a. conflict
b. setting
c. theme
d. plot
5. Choose two words that best go with the
answer choices
a. who, why
b. where, when
c. where, why
d. why, when
6. Which of these could be the
setting of a fairy tale?
a. a king and queen
b. people change as they get older
c. a faraway castle
d. a wicket witch puts a curse on a
7. All of the following are examples
of themes EXCEPT:
a. survival
b. growing up
c. a prince
d. friendship
8.The people in a story are called
a. theme
b. plot
c. character
d. setting
9. the series of events from the
beginning until the end of a story
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Plot
d. Theme
10. the general truth or the life
lesson(s) that of a story
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Plot
d. Theme
Answer key:
1. D 6. C
2. C 7. C
3. D 8. C
4. D 9. C
5. B 10.D
Kingdom of Majesty
Long on the Arabian Peninsula, there ruled in one of those cities
a king whose daughter had come of marriageable age. Three
princes from nearby cities came to court the princess. However,
the Princess disliked them and begged her Father not to let her
marry any of them.
The Majesty postponed the marriage of his daughter and
ordered the princes to explore the world for one year and one
day. Whoever returns with the most wondrous item will win the
Princes’ hand in marriage.
Kingdom of Highness
The three princes found 3 different items: a crystal ball, a flying carpet and a
magical ointment. The princes returned to the palace and presented the items they
found before the Majesty. But the Majesty had a hard time choosing so he asked
advice from a wise old man from Arabia, Sire.
The princess did not choose any of the three princes. She chose the wise old man,
Sire, instead.
The princess picked up the magic ointment, took the old Arabia hand, and with a dab
of the ointment rubbed the back of his hand, incredibly, the old man had
straightened up to become tall and dark, with the lines of an earnest Sire chiseled on
his cheeks. Restored to the strength and handsome stature of his youth, he smiled at
the princess.

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