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★ Reading habitually may help you live


Why do we ★ Readers are more likely to have

leadership positions and/or

care so much
professional careers later in life.
★ Reading can reduce stress by up to

about reading ★ Reading increases your emotional

intelligence and, consequently, your

? career outlooks.
★ Reading fiction can make you a better
Choice Novel OnePager PBA
What is it? A one pager is a single-page response to your reading that connects the ideas in the book to your
thoughts creatively. The purpose of the one-pager is so that your audience will understand the big ideas,
themes, and connections within the book.

Important things to know:

● All of these items will be on ONE SLIDE of your Google Slide presentation (no exceptions.) You can
choose to set your page as landscape or portrait by going to File → Page Setup in the top left corner.
○ If you would like to create the assignment on paper, you will need to take a picture of it or scan
the document to Google Slides.
● It can be as creative as you want to make it, but be sure to add color to make it stand out to your

Your OnePager is due on Oct. 10 (A-day) / 11 (B-day).

Your OnePager Must Have:
1. Title and border 5. Interesting quotes
○ Write the title of the book and author’s name somewhere on ○ Find two interesting quotes.
the page (this can be done creatively!). ○ Include quotation marks and a citation. If your
○ Include a border that reflects the unit of learning or theme. passage/quote is a part of dialogue, include the character’s
This can include words, pictures, symbols, or quotes from name who said it.
the text. 6. Text opinion
2. Two meaningful questions with responses ○ In five to seven sentences add what your overall opinion of
○ These should not be yes or no questions, but how or why the novel is and what you would say when you recommend
questions. the book.
○ Answers should cite text evidence. 7. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics
3. 5 Examples of Notice & Note Signposts with responses to the ○ There is little to no problems with grammar, spelling,
Signpost Questions: mechanics.
○ You will need to include the direct quote from the book 8. Be colorful and neat.
and the page or Chapter number. ○ Your entire page should be filled with all of the “Must Do”
○ You can only use two examples from the same signpost. elements.
4. Images ○ If you find you have extra room, repeat any of the above
○ Include THREE images that represent themes, characters, steps/ elements.
conflict, or the setting of the book. ○ No space should be blank. COVER THE WHOLE SLIDE!
○ These should be strongly connected to the book and should
stand out.
Also, Include 2 of the following:
1. Poem 4. Song
○ Write a poem about a part of the novel (such as a ○ Find two songs that represent a theme of the
character, conflict, theme, etc.). If you struggle novel. Include the song title, singer/ band, and
with writing poetry, consider an acrostic poem – an explanation (at least 3 sentences) of how
each letter represents a word. the lyrics connect to the book. You can cite
song lyrics in your explanation, but it is not
2. Personal statement
○ required.
Write THREE personal statements or connections
5. Connections
about what you’ve read (these are not simple
○ What connections can you make between
○ what you read today and the world outside of
EX: “I could relate to the main character feeling
the story? There may be a connection to
lost in the book because it reminded me of when I
happenings at school, the community or the
got to high school and didn’t know anyone.
world, to similar events at other times or
3. Figurative language places, to other people or problems that you
○ Create THREE examples of figurative language are reminded of, or to other stories/books that
(simile, metaphor, hyperbole, alliteration, etc.) you have read.
emphasizing some part of the novel (characters, ○ Write three insightful, descriptive connections
conflicts, themes, settings, etc.) between you and the reading.
OnePager Rubric:
Component Possible Points Your Score

Book Title, Author and Border around slide 10

Two meaningful questions with answers 10

Notice and Note Examples w/ Signpost Question Responses

(Must have 5 total)

Three images (can be hand drawn or digital, should be in color) 15

Two interesting quotes with Chapter or Page Number 10

Text opinion (5-7 sentences) 15

Option 1 (Choose from Slide 3) 10

Option 2 (Choose from Slide 3) 10

Grammar Usage & Mechanic, Neatness, and Creativity (overall) 10

Examples of
One Pager Assignments
“My mother died 4 years ago.” Bud Caldwell, p. 42 “When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it” Bud
Caldwell, p. q6
Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul

“It’s Bud, not Buddy, M’am.” Bud Caldwell, p. 1

Two Meaningful Questions Notice & Note Signpost Examples
1. How did Bud feel when Todd Amos lied to Mrs. 1. Again & Again: “Here we go again”
Amos about beating him up? Ch.1, p. 3--Bud explains how this will
a. He felt that Mrs. Amos would always be his third foster home.
believe Todd no matter what happened. 2. Contrasts & Contradictions: “How
2. Why did Herman lock himself in the room when he dare you…” Ch.2, pg. 11--Todd is
found out Bud was his grandson? beating up Bud and Mrs. Amos
a. Herman E. Calloway locks himself because immediately takes Todd side instead
he is sad that his daughter died (Bud’s of finding out what is going on
mom) and he could not see her. between the two boys. .
3. Memory Moment: “I remember
Text Opinion:
Momma…” Ch.1, pg. 7-8--Bud is
The book, Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis, tells the
Brave thinking about when his Mom brought
story of a 10 year old boy named Bud Caldwell. Bud loses his mom
Uncertain at a young age and is forced to live in a series of bad foster home a flyer for Herman E. Calloway,
Destitute homes. This encourages him to search for his father, though he whom he suspects is his dad.
only has a few clues to go by. When one of the clues leads him 4. Words of the Wiser: “Rule #3” Ch.2,
towards a man named Herman E. Calloway, Bud is shocked at 11--from Bud’s notebook, gist of rule:
Creative Lies should be simple and easy, so you
what discovers. I think this story is a great representation of
Aspiring finding closure after losing a loved one, as well as discovering can remember them.
Lost one’s true identity. It also shows the challenges someone as 5. Contrasts & Contradictions: Ch.2,
Driven young as Bud can face when faced with adult type situations. p.16 --Even though Todd was the one
Wondrous While I would recommend this story to everyone, I highly who started beating up Bud, Bud
recommend it to young adults who have faced challenges similar started apologizing for everything.
to the ones that Bud deals with.
“Never Ever Say Anything Bad About Someone You Don’t Know.” Bud
Caldwell, p. 98

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