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the impact of emotional

branding on consumer
behaviour :a case analysis of
kinder joy
EMOTIONAL BRANDING : Provoking a consumers emotions to build a brand consumer connection is emotional

A good emotional branding approach aligns a broad spectrum of co nsumers with the brands goal or vision

The scientific definition of emotions remains unanswered. One description calls them "experiences of our appraisal and
subjective connection with things, people, events and our own acts"

Branding via emotional appeal is like writing a good tale. Successful narratives use ethos, logos, and pathos to persuade.
Because its boundaries are unclear, emotional branding is difficult to define
objective of the study
Primary objective:
• To understand the impact of emotion on purchases.
Secondary objective:
• To study the impact of the emotion “surprise” on emotional
branding of a product kinder joy.
• To study the impact of surprise emotion on the consumers and
preference to purchase.
• The role of trust on purchase intention of the product.
research methodology
This systematic review includes literature gathering and material assessment. This quantitative correlation analysis
uses random sampling. Research technique underpins the study. It determines project strength, dependability, and
correctness. Research technique includes sample selection, data gathering, and data tools.


In order to comprehend the idea of emotional branding via the lens of surprise as it relates to Kinder Joy and the
factors that impact emotional branding in purchase intentions.
data collection method
Phase 1 – Questionnaire
The questionnaire was sent to the respondents in the form of a paper copy, and an online questionnaire with
the same questions was also distributed by mail and Google forms. Both versions of the questionnaire
included the same information.

Phase 2 - Analysis
After collecting data, we recorded it and entered it into SPSS in a format the program could utilize. We put
our sample population through a battery of tests, and then we evaluated the data we had collected. The
researcher's job is to examine the kind of data and the potential sources that may give the necessary findings
once the issue has been defined and the precise information needed to solve it has been determined. There are
two general categories of data-gathering mechanism
SAMPLING METHOD :The study follows convenience non-probability sampling, which means every
individual does not have the same likelihood of choosing.

SAMPLE SIZE: It refers to the number of elements of the population to sample. The sample size
chosen for the survey is 101 samples.

TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS: Since there are multiple variables, the study needs to use
multivariate analysis and also descriptive analysis approach

DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS: A descriptive statistic is a summary statistic that quantitatively describes or

summarizes features from a collection of information, while descriptive statistics is the process of using
and analyzing those statistics.
In this study, I found that emotional branding (joy, trust, contentment, and surprise) affects product
purchase intentions. Most endorse emotional branding.
The majority of respondents in this study believed that the surprise element on emotional branding
evokes delight and surprise after acquiring the goods. I found that unexpected presents and toys brought
children happiness. Most responders trust the brand's gentler delight above other items. Only surprise
related responders to gentler delight. Kinder delight touched almost half of respondents. Most
respondents thought that influence, not emotional branding, influences purchase intentions. Most
respondents felt happier if food was safe. And respondents think nicer pleasure costs more. But
Customer engagement is the emotional connection between customers and brands. Customer
involvement affects brand image and purchase intention.
This project explains how emotional branding boosts sales and brand image. where 101 Indians from various areas
responded. SPSS examined questionnaire data. The investigation examined how emotional branding affected pleasure,
trust, surprise, a nd fulfilment. Based on the investigation, these elements strongly affect emotional branding. After
correlation analysis, all variables were positively correlated. This survey found that most respondents support emotional
branding. Thus, the survey helped us understand customers' buying intents, how emotions affect them, and why they buy
kinder delight. The survey showed that most respondents liked the unexpected emotional branding toward gentler bliss.
Bibliography: 1. 2. Joëlle Vanhamme Version of record first and Satisfaction published: 01 Feb 2010: The Link Between
Surprise Kim, M. G., & Mattila, A. S. (2010). The impact of mood states and surprise cues on

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