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Definition of Technical Terms
Occupational Hazards - are various environmental
factors or stresses that can cause sickness, impaired
health, or significant discomfort in workers and can be
classified as chemical, physical, biological or
Chemical Hazards are substances used and/or
produced at work that have the potential to harm
the health and safety of people at work.
Infection is a condition when microorganisms
invade the body and multiply causing illness.
Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency
in their working environment.

There are three main types of nail salon

1. Chemical Hazards
Salon staff constantly works directly with
and around hazardous substances:
●Nail polish, artificial nails, primers, polish
remover, and more.
●Filing nails creates dust that can be harmful to
●Disinfecting chemicals.
●Cloths, cushions, cotton balls, and other
fabrics soaked in cleaning chemicals or glue
These hazards pose serious risks to staff’s
health and safety:

●Inhalation of chemicals or dust can lead to

irritation, headaches, dizziness, sickness,
occupational asthma, or even cancer.
●Ingestion can cause throat irritation and
●Direct contact with the skin or eyes can
cause irritation, rashes, or occupational
eczema and dermatitis.
Poorly-handled waste chemicals and
fabrics continue to spread fumes and pose a
fire hazard.

Safety Measures for Controlling Hazardous

 Know the chemicals you use. 
 Ventilate the work space. 
 Store chemicals safely. 
 Good housekeeping. 
 Personal protective equipment. 
 Health surveillance. 
2. Ergonomic risks

Safety Measures for Ergonomic Hazards:

• Staff should sit up straight and keep their

arms supported by a cushion or pad on the
• They should use an adjustable chair that
supports their lower back. Feet should lay flat
on the floor without straining the thighs

• Use a cushion or other means to prop up the

customer’s hand or foot to prevent staff from
leaning forward.
• Staff should take regular breaks between
customers to stretch.

• 3. Risk of infection

Safety measures for preventing infections:

1. Cleaning is the removal of soil and a
reduction in the number of micro-organisms
from equipment surfaces by washing in
detergent and warm water.
Methods of Cleaning:
Rinse the equipment in warm water (15-30°C) to
remove any blood or body fluids. Hot water used
at this stage will cause coagulation and the
substances will stick to the instrument. Cold
water will harden fats making cleaning more

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