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Social and Emotional Impact of Family Problems on

Grade 12 Learners of Jarmmeth College Inc. SY


By: Arjay C. Rebujio

From: Grade 12 STEM Damascus
How Did You Develop An Interest To The Topic?
I developed an interest in this kind of topic because, as a learner and a child
who was experiencing family problems while growing, I wondered what my
fellow classmates' experiences were like and how they acted socially and
emotionally, and I thought about how they coped.
The Problem
This study aims to identify the Social and Emotional Impact of Family Problems
on Grade 12 Learners of Jarmmeth College Inc. SY 2021–2022. Specifically, the
following questions:
1. Are your social life issues affected by family problems?
2. Are your emotional life issues affected by family problems?
3. What are some of the most regular family issues you deal with on a daily
The Purpose of This Study
The goal of this study is to make people aware that family problems are
something serious and might change a child's or learner's well-being. The
Social and Emotional Impact of Family Problems on Grade 12 Learners at
Jarmmeth College, Inc.
The Participants/Subject

Jarmmeth College, Inc. There are five sections, and the researcher estimated
that there are almost one hundred fifty grade 12 students in Jarmmeth
College, Inc. I, the researcher, will reduce the number of respondents and go
with 20 respondents to determine the target population.
The Research Questions

The research questions consist of six questions. These are the

questions asked;
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Does your family problems affect your social life issues?
1.4 Does your family problems affect your emotional life issues?
1.5 What are the common family problems you face everyday?
1.6 How do you cope/overcome family problems?
The Design And Procedures
This study will concentrate on and display the researcher's data and information.Acceptable data analysis and
interpretation involve the study methodology, population and samples, research instrument, data collection strategy,
and statistical treatment of the data. This chapter discussed the Social and Emotional Impact of Family Problems on
Grade 12 Learners of Jarmmeth College Inc.

According to Creswell, J. W. (2013), quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and the
statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by
manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques. The Purposive sampling will be used to
grade 12 learners of Jarmmeth College, Inc. who will take part in this study.

The web application used is Google Forms, which the researcher used to gather the needed data. The participants
are the grade 12 learners from Jarmmeth College, Inc. The participants' answers are confidential and will not be
open to anyone else. They will only be used for research purposes.
The Findings And Result
The result that the researcher obtained from the submitted responses using Google Forms showed
the question from the problem statement and the percentage that it gained.
The first question asked in the research survey is gender. The result is that 15 (75%) of them are males,
and the females number only 5 (25%). By analyzing the overall findings from question 2, most of them
are 13 (65%) 18–19 year olds, 6 (30%) 16–17 year olds, and 1 (5%) 19 and above. The third question
asked is, ''Does your family problems affect your social life issues?" and 13 (65%) of them answered yes,
while 7 (35%) answered no. Fourth question: 16 (80%) of them answered yes, while only 4 (20%)
answered no. The fifth set of questions is analyzed, and the results are 10 (50%). Misunderstanding is the
common family problem they face every day. 5 (25%) are caused by financial issues, 10 (50%), 2 (10%)
are caused by a relative's having mental health issues, 1 (5%) is parents arguing, 1 (5%) is attitude
arrangement, and 1 (5%) is nothing. They don't face common family problems. And the last question is
answered, and the result is 12 (60%) self-distraction, 2 (10%) physical creation, 1 (5%) instrument
support, 1 (5%) behavioral disagreement, 1 (5%)deep understanding about each other's side, 1 (5%) self-
distraction and self-blame, 1 (5%) playing games, and 1(5%) nothing. These are the choices they picked
for the sixth question. These are the ways they coped with their family problems.
This researcher wants to conduct a study about Social and Emotional Impact of
Family Problems on Grade 12 Learners of Jarmmeth College, Inc. Understanding
every learner on how they get affected by this problem. A research that implies to
know what are the different types of family problems they encounter, how they
overcome the problems and what are the coping mechanisms they use. We
conduct a survey for the grade 12 learners that are experiencing family problems
and as of reading, understanding we find out what we need to know.

This study was proposed and will recommend it to:

1. The Grade 12 learners should know and understand more deeply on the family

2. The instructor must pay attention to the learners who are having a hard time
caused by family problems.

3. The researcher should never be biased with his study.

Thank you very much for

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