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English VI

Unit 7
Arts & Entertainment

• Discussing attitudes toward rock music

• Discussing attitudes toward modern art
• Listing different kinds of garbage
• Talking about different ways to refuse an invitation
• Reviewing uses of the Passive Voice
Talk about Art…

• Do you like art?

• How is art seen in Honduras?
• How often do you go to art exhibitions?
• Which is your favorite type of art?
• What can you recommend to improve
art interest on Honduran people?
• Do you like rock music?  Why? Why not? 
• Who is your favorite rock star?
• Which is your favorite rock song?
• Where do you listen to rock music?
• Which is your favorite rock music station?
DJ: Hello, listeners. This is Lex Benedict on WNOW. I hope you’re enjoying yourselves
this evening. We have some guests with us tonight that all you college students out
there should be interested in. They are the members of a hot new rock band called
“The Institute of Music”, and they are all graduates of State University. Their first
concert was held last week at the University’s science auditorium, where they were a
great hit with the students. They say that attendance at the concert was higher than at
most lectures. Now, let’s hear the musicians introduce themselves.

Professor: Ok. I’ll start... I’m Professor Barry Jameson, and I’m the lead singer of the

DJ: It’s very unusual to find a geography professor who is also in a rock band. Can you
tell us when you started being interested in music?

Professor: Well, I was given a guitar by my wife when I was accepted as a professor
here at State University. I’ve been playing ever since.

DJ: OK. Let’s take a break while we listen to your new song, “Examination Blues” … and
here it is...
What did you learn from the radio interview between Lex Benedict and the rock band in the
computer lesson? Mark the correct column: True, false, or not in text.

True False Not in text

1. The name of the group that is being interviewed is “The Institute of Music.”

2. The group play jazz.

3. Barry Jameson teaches at State University.

4. All the members of the group are married.

5. The group’s new song is called “Don’t Test Me.”

6. The group’s first concert at State University was held a week before the radio

7. The group plans to give another concert at State University.

Did you understand all the words in the radio interview? Match
the definitions in B to the words in A.

c 1. a graduate a. a short rest
e 2. a hit b. a large building used for concerts
d 3. a lecture c. someone who has completed a university degree
f 4. the lead d. a long talk on a particular subject
a 5. a break e. something that is very successful or popular
b 6. an auditorium f. the main person in a band or group
Read the question that Lex Benedict asked the rock group.
Then match the answers below to the correct questions:

Questions: Answer:
d 1. Do you all teach at State University? a) We’d love to give another concert at
2. Who had the idea to start a rock State University.
group? b) It was John’s Idea. He’s crazy about
e 3. Will you be playing at other colleges? rock music.
4. Do you want to give another concert c) None of us are thinking of giving up
at State University? or present jobs at the moment.
5. Would you like to give up your d) No, not all of us work at State
c present jobs to play in the rock group University.
full time? e) Oh, yes. We’ll be playing at lots of
other places.
What We Think About Rock Music
Discuss the following questions with the other members of your group. Then complete
the questionnaire according the key below.

1. Who likes rock music? 1 2 3 4

2. Who has been to a rock concert?
3. Who has met a rock star?
4. Who belong to a fan club?
5. Who can play a musical instrument?
6. Who played in a rock band when he/she was a student?
7. Who watches MTV?
8. Who would like to make a music video?
9. Who prefers to listen to song in English?

Key: 1 – None of us 2 – Some of us 3 – Most of us 4 – All of us

Should an artist be free
to use whatever materials
he likes, even garbage?

Do you like
modern art?
Why? Why not?
What kinds of
garbage do you
think could be
used to create art?
The Garbage Man
by Philip Dubmor

Have you ever thought about the cigarette packs and food wrappers that people in your
city throw away? Harry Morgan has; he collects them. Have you heard of recycling? Well,
Harry doesn’t just recycle; he creates works of art from the things he collects.

Ever since Harry was a child, he has been interested in making models out of unusual
things. Over the years, he has used a variety of materials. “The good thing about
garbage,” Harry’s been heard to say, “is that there’s always plenty of it." Some of his
earlier works were made from bicycle parts, broken machines, and even old farm
equipment. They have been made from every piece of garbage that Harry could get his
hands on. Harry’s latest collection, which is being exhibited at the Plaza Art Gallery, is
even more unusual. He has made sculptures which are built from wastepaper only. One
of these, which is called “Harmony,” is made of empty cigarette packs and matchboxes.
Another work, called “Love in the Morning,” has been made out of breakfast cereal
boxes and pieces of old newspaper.

This is hardly what one would call art. Or is it? Why not come and judge for yourself?
Visit the Plaza Art Gallery and explore the world of Harry’s art. Harry is quickly becoming
the “Champion of Garbage Art," and soon many people may find themselves joining the
Harry Morgan fan club.
The Garbage Man
Do you remember the reading about the artist, Harry Morgan? Complete this newspaper
review of his exhibition with the words below
- Collection - Exhibition - Fan - Materials – Models - Sculptures - Works of art

Josh Hammond’s Art Column


(1) exhibition
The Plaza Art Gallery is now showing a very interesting (1)_______________
of Harry Morgan’s “garbage art”, Harry is know as the “champion of garbage art” because he creates
(2) works of art from the garbage he collects. Over the years he has used a variety of
(3) materials for his art. He used to build (4)
(3)____________ (4) models
__________ from bicycle parts and broken machines! His
latest work, which is being excited at the Plaza, includes (5) sculptures made only from wastepaper.

(6) collection , I can definitely say that I’ve become a (7)(7)______

After seeing Harry Morgan’s (6)_____________ fan of his
garbage art and I recommend anyone who has the chance to see it as soon as possible!

The Harry Morgan Exhibition is on at the Plaza Art Gallery on 50th Avenue for the month of November.
Read the following ad for Harry Morgan’s exhibition and write down three new facts that
the ad tells you about the exhibition.

The Plaza Art Gallery

Is pleased to present the latest collection of

Harry Morgan – the “Garbage Artist”
The exhibition will be held during the month of November,
Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Come hear the artist talk about his work every Tuesday at 12 o’clock.

Entrance: Free
The Plaza art Gallery is situated at: 41925 Fifteenth Avenue, Roxburgh


Tell you partner about an art exhibition you went to.

• What did you see?
• What did you think of it?
• Where and when did you see it?
• What did others think of it?
How about coming with me to the Plaza Art

Politely refuse the invitation:

• Sorry, I can’t.
• I’d like to but…,
• I’m afraid it’s not possible.
• Oh dear, I won’t be able to, etc
Picasso Exhibit
- Jenny, have you been to the
Picasso exhibit at the Tate yet?
- No, I haven’t, but I’d like to see it.
- Well, how about going with me
- Sorry, I can’t. Tomorrow is my
father’s birthday, and we’ve been
planning a party for him for
Picasso Exhibit
Do you remember the dialogue in the computer lessons? In the dialogue
below a girl is inviting a boy to go out with her. Choose the best phrases
to complete their dialogue.

Jean: Ben, are you free tomorrow? How about coming with me to
the latest exhibition at Wheeler Gallery / “The Phantom of the
Opera” at the Rose Theater / the concert at the City Concert Hall?

Ben: Sorry, I can’t Jean. I have an exam. / I have an appointment

with the dentist / I promised to help a friend move to a new

Jean: Perhaps we could make it next week / tomorrow / this

weekend instead.

Ben: I’d like to, but I’m very busy at the moment.
Underline the phrases in the dialogue from activity a. that you can use to invite or to refuse an invitation.
Mark which of the following phrases can be used for inviting or refusing an invitation.

Inviting Refusing

1. How about going to an art exhibition?

2. Perhaps we could make it another time.

3. Can you come to the ballet tomorrow?

4. Sorry. I can’t

5. Are you free for a movie?

6. I’m afraid it’s not possible.

7. Would you like to see a play?

8. Oh, dear. I won’t be able to.

Read about Rowena Richard, an artist who sculpt in wood. Circle the
correct form of the verb to complete the text.

Rowena Richard is an 80 year-old artist who works with wood. She

(1) began/was begun creating works of art at the age of 60. One
day, she looked out of her window and saw a log of wood which
(2) left/had been left on the sidewalk. She got the idea to make it
into a sculpture. She (3) told/was told that her first work showed
exceptional talent so she decided to continue sculpting in wood.
One day she (4) offered/was offered an exhibition at her local

The exhibition was a great success and since then she (5) has
given/has been given the opportunity to (6) exhibit/be exhibited
her work all over the country. Her work is now very famous and
she (7) pays/is paid a lot of money for her sculptures.
- Pamela! How’s the new job?
- Oh, I was offered the job, but I
decide not to take it – not
enough money for all that
Some verbs, such as GIVE, ASK, TELL, OFFER, PROMISE, SEND, SHOW, TEACH, and PAY, can
have two objects: one DIRECT and one INDIRECT. Either the direct object or the indirect
object can become the subject in a passive sentence:

• "My grandmother gave me a watch for my birthday."

• "The watch was given to me for my birthday.“

(direct object)

• "I was given the watch for my birthday.“

(indirect object)

• My teacher gave us extra work.

Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice with an indirect form:

1. The teacher gave a prize to the best


2. The university gave a scholarship to Bob.

3. Sofia gave the man a kiss.

4. The police officer gave me a warning.

5. She bought flowers for her mom.

6. We sent a neckclace to my mother in law.

Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice
with an indirect form.

1. The best students were given a prize by the teacher.

2. Bob was given a scholarship by the university.

3. The man was given a kiss by Sofia.

4. I was given a warning by the police officer.

5. Her mom was bought flowers.

6. My mother in law was sent a neckclace.

Complete the sentence
Work with a partner. You have five minutes to write endings to the following sentences.
Then choose one or two of the sentences and make it the basis for a short dialogue.

1. I was offered the job, but___________________________________________________________________________

2. I was promised a promotion, but___________________________________________________________________
3. I was asked to work late, but _______________________________________________________________________
4. I was told to dress smarty for the interview, but____________________________________________________
5. I was paid a lot of money for the project, but______________________________________________________
6. I was awarded a prize for my idea, but_____________________________________________________________
7. I was given a new office, but _______________________________________________________________________
8. I was sent on a training course, but ________________________________________________________________
9. I was shown how to use the computer program, but ______________________________________________
10. I was taught how to write a business letter, but____________________________________________________
Image credits
• Cantarranas [Imagen].

• Iwat1929/

• Icon made by Becris from

• Maury flores – pintura

• Mosaicos de utila [Imagen].

• Harry Morgan [Imagen].

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