Thesis Workshop Theoretical Framework and Literature Research ENG SV

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The thesissemester

Training theoretical framework and

literature research
This training

1) What would you like to learn?

2) Which bottlenecks do you expect during the thesis?

Today’s aims

I Insight in the function of a theoretical


II Tips for literature research

III Tips for writing your theoretical

I Theoretical framework
I Why a theoretical framework?

The thesis as a house



Theoretical framework
Set up of your thesis
Introduction: management issue (practical)
Research questions (theor.)

TF: Definitions core concepts

Existing views and insights

Conclusion: insight from theory + (field)research

Advice (translation of conclusion to practical recommendations to answer to man.issue)

Method & Results

Function of a TF

Link to other research

• Existing views and insights (what is already known).

Discussion of the why of your thesis:

• “gap” in literature: what is not known yet or what
remains to be proven? (= why is your thesis
assignment relevant – what new knowledge will you
deliver at the end?)
Function of a TF

• Input for your field research: which questions do

you need to pose?
• Informing a reader about existing views and
insights about your thesis topic and about theories
and models you will be using for your
• Relevant argumentation by which you explain the
reader why these theories and models are
applicable for your research (and thus why you will
not be using others)
Steps to take when writing a
theoretical framework

Writing a TF

•Discussion: writing your own critcal text in which you

discuss existing views and insights about your core
concept(s). Vary in summarising, paraphrasing and
quoting a source.
•Sources: mention sources you used in-tekst and in
reference list according to APA guidelines
From ITP to TF

- ITP > What is your thesis assignment?

- What are you core concepts?

Content of a TF

1) Definitions of a few core concepts (1-2)

- should be part of management issue
- should focus of your research
- should be as specific as possible
Content TF

2) Existing views and insights (seeAcademic Review)

-What are the most relevant insights so far about your
-What do authors still not agree on? (give a short
summary of the discussion)
-What has not been looked at yet, or not fully or only in
a specific situation/company/culture (etc.)
II Searching literature
Steps to take when writing a
theoretical framework

•Searching: search engines, search terms

•Selecting: assessing results, play with focus

•Documenting: search engines, search terms, results

•Analysing: structure, summarise and interpret what

authors said
Search methods

•Decide which search engines you would like to use

(e.g., or
•Decide which search terms you are going to use
•Asses the quality of your sources
Start searching now!

Search terms: core concepts of your thesis

Search terms

corporate Social Responsibility
environmental sustainability
economic sustainability

In short: vary and be creative!

Assessing sources

- Select at least 5 sources

- Scan the sources.
- List the sources from most to less relevant (+
motivate why!)

Discussion in class in 5 minutes.

III Writing your TF

• Structure: which elements are mentioned by (many)

authors in definition and/or model?

• Summarise: what did authors mention about

seperate elements? What do/don’t they agree on?

• Interpret: what does this relate to your project?

Which defintion or model is most relevant to your

• What defintion will you base you thesis on? Add it

at the end.
Theory about writing

Phase 1 - Examine: separate main- and


Phase 2 - Structure: make an outline.

Phase 3 – Formulate: use your own words.

Phase 4 - Revise: rewrite in good tone and style.

Mind map
Exercise Mind map (1)

Topic: your thesis

Phase 1: what literature is there?

- Write down the core concept

- Write down what ideas are related to it
Exercise Mind map (2)

Phase 2: Structure
- Make visual what is the most important
- Make visueal which core concepts are related to
each other (and: how).
- Make the connections between these relations

Discussion in …… minutes
What did we do?

- Why a theoretical framework?

- How do you search for relevant literature?
- How do you process the literature?
- What should be part of your theoretic framework?

- Be well-prepared before you meet the client (together

with your examiner) > know your theoretical
- Know the ins and outs about your topic
- Make a mind map and visualise.

• Without a framework it is hardly

possible to do solid research

• The coming two weeks you will be

mainly occupied with writing your
theoretical framework.

• We expect you can do that based on

today’s input.

Thanks for your attention

Good luck on writing your theoretical

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