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Group intervention related to

My self-recognition and the

recognition of the other one in
the School

 2 Minutes
Rules for the Activity

 1. If you wan to participate please Rise your Hand.

 2. We need to respect each other.
 3. When someone else is talking we need to be in silence and listening.
 4. If you feel like really active and you need to run a marathon please ask for 5
mints out of the class, be respectful with the other.
 Students will be seated in pairs and the Counselor (Alejito) will decide how you
´re going to be sited.
 5. We have time to share each other during the activity so please Respect the times
scheduled for each one.

 3 Minutes
¿What means Self Recognition?
 For this Activity we will have a Group Participation: (En caso
contrario la participción será elegida dedocráticamente)

 1¿ What do you understand for Self-Recognition?

 2¿Why do you think is important the self Recognition in your life?

 3¿Wich Factors could attempt against the self recognition or the

construction of the self?

 Even if you participate or don’t please write the answer in you

response sheet.
 5 Minutes
Components of the structure of
the Self: Identity
 Lo Dado: Corresponde a lo dado geneticamente y madurativo.
(Maduración Neurológica desde el Nacimiento y hasta el final de
la adolescencia). Procesamiento de la información, funciones
ejecutivas. Los aspectos Biologicos propios del crecimiento (Voz,
Aparicioón del Vello, Estatura, Etc..) La existencia no es una
decision, Es algo dado de antemano.
 Lo Apropiado: Apropiación del mundo, del no-yo. (Ambiente,
valores, cultura) Este aspecto no tiene efecto a nivel lineal en el
individuo, sino mas bien adquiere un carácter de intermitencia o
 La Autodeterminación: Estructuración de la personalidad del
sujeto a partir de lo dado y de lo aprendido, lo que se sostiene en
el tiempo.  10
Let’s Draw ourselves

 Now Please, each one of you try to make the best draw of yourself, please try to
be as realistic as you can. If you are tall if you have blond hair or black hair, if
you have small eyes or a big ones, please try to show yourself as you are in this
picture and this is the opportunity to color yourself!!!

 5 Minutes
Let’s Draw ourselves

 Now Please in each draw each one of you are going to set a list of at least 5 items
related to:

 1. 5 or more things that you can identify as “Lo dado”

 2. 5 or more things that you can identify of yourself as “Lo aprendido”
 3. 5 or more things that can determinate “lo Apropiado” (Caracteristicas de tu

 10
Time to share with your Partner

 Now for this activity, please with the partner that you are sit, you´re
going to share your draw and you´re going to explain each other the
characteristics that you have set for: Lo dado, lo adquirido y lo

 Your partner needs to provide you a feedback about if he considers

that the person that you are describing is in fact you or if is there
characteristic that are missing or if you have set Characteristics that he
can not see in you already!

 10
Relationships in the School and
experiences with partners
 The importance if make relationships in the self Discover thought
the school and social environments. (Elements in common)
 Recognize in the other the things that you share in common and
also the thing that make you different.
 Who do you like to go out with, for a weekend or out of the
school, why?
 What do you thing are the most important elements in the
relation with others?
 What is Empathy for you?

 5 Minutes
Do you treat the other how you would
like to be treated?
 Now it´s time for a Small Survey, now you are going to answer a shot Survey
where you are going to set in total confidence the true about how do you feel in
your group of friends

 10

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