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Magnetic field

The formula of Electric field

intensity and magnetic field
density ?
•Problem 8.1. Two infinite long
straight conductors , which are
parallel to each other, are
separated by a distance b. The
conductors carrying currents I1
and I2 in the directions shown in
figure bellow . Determine the
mutual force per unit length of
the conductors.
•Problem 8.3 : Determine B at
point P due to a very long wire
carrying a current I. The point P is
at a distance r away from the
Ampere’s Circuital law similar with ?

∮ 𝑜
𝐵.𝑑𝐿=𝜇 𝐼
9.1. In a certain region the magnetic vector potential
is given by A= k , where k and α are constants. Find B
this form of a magnetic vector potential may be
produced by a current sheet having linear density
A/m of sinusoidal variation.

See 9.2 also

Problem 8.4: A square path of side d with its center on the z axis at z=z1 is used to evaluate

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