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Which refers to the only planet in the

solar system that gave rise to complex life?

A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Mercury
D. Venus
2. What makes the planet Earth habitable?

A. It is farther from the sun.

B. Its atmosphere is filled with ammonia.
C. Gas giants like Venus, grab strong asteroids
and comets.
D. It has the right ingredients of life, including
water and carbon.
3. Which term refers to the breaking down or
decomposition of rock into smaller pieces?

A. Erosion
B. Deposition
C. Weathering
D. Cementation
4. Weathering, erosion, and deposition are some
of the detrimental effects caused by human
activities. In this case, how can you develop
ways to prevent the damages brought by these
exogenic processes?

A. Live near the riverbanks.

B. Plant trees and be responsible.
C. Continue open-pit mining activities.
D. Let the government officials think of this

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