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Emotional User Experienced

Design on Instagram
 Internet usage has increased rapidly over the last decade. In the main Internet usage, social
media are popular with 86.3 percent. According to the statistics, majority of social media
users in Malaysia are teenagers aged between 13-34. They use the medium on a frequent
basis and at an extended period of time to perform various functions including
communication and socialization, education, information retrieval and entertainment.
Hence, social media design is critical in attracting the users. In order to engage users,
emotive design is needed in designing the social media platform. Poorly designed of social
media may frustrate users and result in a high “bounce rate”, or users using the social media
without exploring other usability within the social media. Therefore, Instagram has make
some improvement to attract users attention as Instagram profile is the first opportunity to
make a great impact and comes with a content strategy that gives Instagram algorithms
exactly what the user need. In the past, there are few studies were carried out on the topic
of emotional in user experience design, emotions is one of the factors that can attract the
user attention. A good emotional website or application design not only attract on user
attention, but also make them feel good and have trust on the website or application. This
research is conducted systematically to advance the experience of emotional user experience
in Instagram design. The research formulated its research framework based on Kansei
Engineering (K.E.) methodology. Therefore, this research will conduct a survey involving
respondents among teenagers aged between 13 to 17 years old in SMKBTK, Selangor using a
distributed questionnaire.
Problem Background
 Over the years, usability which emphasizes on the ease of use and functionality
based on observed cognitive skills has become the focus area of research in the
human computer interaction field (Carvalho & Oliveira, 2017). But as the time goes
on, as stated by Norman (2004), the use of aesthetic and affective aspects of web
user experience (Dillon, 2002; Norman, 2004) become more prominent to a growing
interest on emotional factors. According to Interaction Design Foundation,
emotional design strives to create products that elicit appropriate emotions, in
order to create a positive experience for the user. This research evaluates the
structure of emotion in Instagram design and the influence of design elements to
emotion among teenagers towards Instagram user experience and strives to analyze
the factors of emotions that may influence Instagram user experience design that
cultivates emotional connectivity. Instagram has make some improvement to attract
users attention as Instagram profile is the first opportunity to make a great impact
and comes with a content strategy that gives Instagram algorithms exactly what the
user need. This research investigates associations between the structure of emotion
and how it influence teenagers emotional responses and to observe the potential
effects of emotion on the Instagram user experience design among teenagers. This
requires the establishment of a method to evaluate website emotion.
Problem Statement
 According to the Individual and Household Survey Report on ICT Usage and
Access, in the main Internet activity, social media are popular with 86.3
percent. Majority of users of social media in Malaysia are teenagers aged 13 to
34 reported by Ahmad, Ismail, & Nasir (2015). As stated by Mahadi (2013), the
largest users of the social network in Malaysia are 18-24 years old (34.5%),
followed by 25-34 years old (29.5%) and 13-17 years old (16.3%). Social media is
a platforms that people use to connect with other people, share media content
and create social networks.
 ‘Life in Likes’ fills a gap in research showing how teenagers use platforms which
the social media companies say are not designed for them. The study suggests
some children are becoming almost addicted to ‘likes’ as a form of social
validation that makes them happy and that many are increasingly anxious about
their online image and ‘keeping up appearances’. Eventually the ‘likes’ is
actually design for emotional to attract on the users attention, however,
teenagers misused as makes a comparative and worrying about whether people
would like their posts, and thinking about how to present their offline life so it
looked good on social media. 
Problem Statement
 ‘Follow’ button in Instagram layout also one of the emotional design users can
choose to follow a person’s updates.
 Many studies have also shown that social media use causes individuals to
create negative social comparisons with the people that they follow or are
friends with on social media websites, which leads to negative effects on self-
report (Vogel, Rose, Okdie, Eckles, & Franz, 2015); (de Vries & Kühne, 2015);
(Vogel, Rose, Roberts, & Eckles, 2014).
 Instagram allows user to follow celebrities and other famous people to see
what they post about their day-to-day lives, whether it is selfies at their
modeling photo-shoot, or pictures of their luxurious vacations in foreign
beautiful countries.
 Research suggests that engaging with strangers’ social media updates affects
social media users in a different way than engaging with friends’ posts and
may have different implications for their emotional wellbeing (Chou & Edge,
2012, Lup et al., 2015).
Research Questions & Objectives
Research Questions Research Objectives
What are the structure of emotion in To investigate the structure of emotion in
Instagram design that embed target emotion Instagram design and the influence of design
and the influence of design elements to elements to emotion among teenagers aged
emotion? between 13 to 17 years old in Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Tasik Kesuma,
Beranang, Selangor
What is the factors of emotions that may To analyze the factors of emotions that may
influence Instagram user experience design influence Instagram user experience design
that compose the external appearance of a among teenagers aged between 13 to 17
website from user’s view-point? years old in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Beranang, Selangor
What is the potential effects of emotion on To examine the potential effects of emotion
the Instagram user experience design? on the Instagram user experience design
among teenagers aged between 13 to 17
years old in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
Bandar Tasik Kesuma, Beranang, Selangor
Research Scope
 The empirical studies were focused on the main internet activity on social
media. In this research, Instagram was chosen as stimuli. This is based on its
tremendous interest among social media as people is turning to Instagram.
 The design element addressed in the research focused to content, color and
layout aspects as described in web design literature (Garret, 2002; Powell,
2002; Veen 2001).
 Subjects employed to provide input in the evaluation were chosen from
specific target users group, which were teenagers age between 13 to 17 years
old from SMKBTK, Beranang.
Research Significance
 This study identified the the structure of emotion in Instagram design and the influence of
design elements to emotion among teenagers towards Instagram user experience and
strives to analyze the factors of emotions that may influence Instagram user experience
design that cultivates emotional connectivity. Instagram has make some improvement to
attract users attention as Instagram profile is the first opportunity to make a great impact
Therefore, these findings of the study have great significance value for those as follows:
1. Teenagers
 As the main sample of this study teenagers who classified as moderate user of Internet use of
social media that may influence emotions among teenagers
2. Marketing professionals
 Marketing professionals can use recommendations that have been derived from this study to
create a more effective marketing campaign.
3. Researcher
 Provide new understanding for future research pertaining potential effects of emotion on the
Instagram user experience design among teenagers which is lacking of research done. To provide
new insight for future research as currently there are lack of research done on emotional design
on Instagram especially among Malaysians.
Literature Review – Social Media
 Instagram was founded in 2010 (Bergstrom & Backman, 2013). It is a mobile
app, which allows users to share their photos and videos to their followers
(Dubovik, 2013). According to Instagram (2014) as quoted in (Dennis, 2014)
Instagram starts by providing photo-editing and sharing functionality and then
added in video sharing and photo messaging functions directly to other users.
Instagram allows users to record photos or videos wherever they are at any
time and share with their followers nationally and internationally (Jadhav &
Kamble & Patil, n.d.).
 Businesses today spend more time than ever planning the overall aesthetic of
their Instagram feeds, and with good reason. Building an attractive Instagram
feed is important if want to get more followers and engagement.
Literature Review – Instagram
 Instagram was founded in 2010 (Bergstrom & Backman, 2013). It is a mobile
app, which allows users to share their photos and videos to their followers
(Dubovik, 2013). According to Instagram (2014) as quoted in (Dennis, 2014)
Instagram starts by providing photo-editing and sharing functionality and then
added in video sharing and photo messaging functions directly to other users.
Instagram allows users to record photos or videos wherever they are at any
time and share with their followers nationally and internationally (Jadhav &
Kamble & Patil, n.d.).
 Businesses today spend more time than ever planning the overall aesthetic of
their Instagram feeds, and with good reason. Building an attractive Instagram
feed is important if want to get more followers and engagement.
Literature Review – Emotional Design
 According to Snow, it can be defined as a design method in any website or application
interface design that UX/UI web designer use to deliver a positive emotion such as happiness,
comfort, joyfulness to user when visiting the website or application. Hence, web designer
create a connections that can form between users and the items they use hence create
emotions that can arise from them. Therefore, they will using creative interface elements
such as colors, microcopy, layouts, and shapes on the interfaced design.
 Besides that, web designer also create negative emotions to trigger the right emotional
response from the website or application users in their UI designs to impress users for better
UX. In this web design interface, emotions is one of the factors in website that can attract
the user attention (Gorp & Adams, 2012). According to (Deng & Poole, 2010) emotional
responses are a key factor for the user preference for a specific site. Therefore, emotional
design has become a powerful tool in creating an incredible user experience on the web and
making users return to the website page (Idler, 2012).
 Emotions usually arise in response to circumstances of events in an individual's environment
that are judged according to their needs, goals, or concerns. With website design, it is
expected that emotions will be stimulated in the user based on the response to certain
design elements. Consequently, users may find satisfaction when the color of the site is
interesting and attractive and when graphic designs create with fun or pleasure. In addition,
it is important that website design meets the needs and give some feeling of the user.
Literature Review – Emotional Design
 In emotional design, there are three levels of processing when emotional connections are
formed between humans and objects. Each level influences design in its specific ways while
heavily connected in the emotional system. Each level has its respective role.

 Emotion was measured by adapting items, which are affectionate, friendly, loved, peaceful,
passionate, delightful, captivated, connected, bored and attached
Literature Review – Emotional Design
 From this initial emotional theory, Plutchik then developed the Emotional
Wheel. It is designed to help users understand the nuances of emotions and
how emotionally different from each other. This wheel can be used by
designers to study emotional complexity and act as "color palettes" for
emotional designs - with the idea that different emotional blends will create
multiple levels of emotional response and reaction intensity
Literature Review – User Experience (UX)
 In general, user experience is how people feel when using a product or service. In
most cases, the product will be a website or application of some form. Each
instance of human object interaction has user-related experience, but, in general,
UX practitioners are interested in the relationship between human and computer
users and computer-based products, such as websites, apps and systems.
 According to Alben, UX is all aspects of how people use interactive products. The
way they perceive in their hands, how well they understand how it works, how
they feel when using it, how well they serve their purpose, and how well they fit
the whole context where they use it. Besides that, Nielsen-Norman Group argue
that, describe UX as all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its
services, and its products. Mäkelä & Fulton Suri argues that UX is the result of
motivated action in a particular context. Meanwhile, Hassenzahl & Tractinsky
states UX as a result of the user's internal circumstances such as the tendency,
expectation, need, motivation and mood, the features of the planned system that
include the complexity, purpose, usability, function, and context of the
environment in which interaction occurs in an organizational or social setting,
activity understanding and voluntary use.
Literature Review – Kansei Engineering
 The term “Kansei” used in K.E. refers to an organized state of mind which has
emotions and images held in the mind towards physical objects such as
products or environment. For example, “luxury”, “elegant”, “flashy”,
“young” and alike as in the “that dress looks luxury and elegant”, or “that car
looks flashy and for youth” are all Kansei Words describing feelings or
emotion to certain product, situation or surrounding. Although in most cases
Kansei is used in the form of adjective, nouns as well as short sentences can
also be employed (Nagamachi, 2003).
 K.E. is a technology that unites Kansei into engineering realms. It is the field
where the development of product that pleases and satisfies human is carried
out technologically. This is done by analyzing human’s Kansei and
incorporating them into product design. It collects the user’s emotional
responses and establishes mathematic prediction models of how the
emotional responses are connected to selected product properties.
Methodology –Research Design
Research Question Research Objective Activity/Tools/Technique/Method Deliverable

1. What are the structure 1. To investigate the structure Content analysis Method of emotional
of emotion in Instagram of emotion in Instagram evaluation using Kansei
design that embed design and the influence of Engineering that can be used
target emotion and the design elements to emotion to evaluate website
influence of design among teenagers. emotional
elements to emotion?
2. What is the factors of 2. To analyze the factors of
emotions that may emotions that may
influence Instagram influence Instagram user
user experience design experience design among
that compose the teenagers.
external appearance of
a website from user’s
Methodology –Research Framework
Conceptual framework is an important aspect to understand the concept of research study.
The main theme of the study was to establish the link between factors of emotions that may
influence Instagram user experience design among teenagers. The research has been
conceptualized within a framework to clear cut picture of study.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

 Factors Of Emotions That May  Teenagers Performance
Influence Instagram user • Teenagers visits the Instagram
experience Design
• Frequency of accessing the
 Technology Characteristics Instagram
o Usability
o Functionality
 Teenagers Characteristics
o Emotion
Methodology –Research Methodology
This chapter consists of research approach and phases involved in conducting the research.

• Identify Problem
Research • Define Objective
Planning • Define Scope & Significance

• Setting pilot study

Data • Distributed survey
Collection • Interview and observation

Data Analysis • Analyze data using SPSS

Documentatio • Documentation of analysis

 In this study we investigated Malaysian teenager’s usage, competencies and
practice of social media with regard to emotional. The findings of our study
indicate that teenagers are keen users of Instagram. Many of them use more
than one social media site and they often use the medium at an extended
period of time. The respondents have moderately high objective and
subjective competences of Instagram. They use Instagram mainly for sharing
of information and building relationships. Since, Instagram emotional design
has a positive and significant effect on emotional attachment.
Research Timeline

Activity by Weeks from the start of the project

 Research Planning Mar - 19 Apr - 19 May -19 June- 19 Sept - 19 Oct - 19 Nov - 19  Dec - 19 

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

 Research Planning                

 Data Collection                

 Data Analysis                


 Report Submission

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