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Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities through a

Community-based, Inclusive Approach

Action Plan
Course B & C, 2020

Country: Belize
Participants Names: Rossana Briceno, Myra
Arzu, Yara Cal, Tanya Marin, Francelia Cantun
Yara Cal
Rossana Briceno

Tanya Marin

Myra Arzu Francelia Cantun

Program Objective:

To develop plans or strategy and initiate new

actions for promoting the social participation of
persons with disabilities through livelihood and
other support, based on the learning from
experiences of Okinawa, Japan and other
(A) Cite good ideas that you have learned
from this training course.
1. Barrier-Free Tourism in Okinawa.
2. Accessibility Movement in Okinawa.
3. Independent Living Movement in Okinawa.
4. Employment Support Center for Persons with
Intellectual Disabilities.
5. History and activities of Okinawa Associations
for Persons with Disabilities.
Action Plan Returning Home
Employment Support Center for Persons with Intellectual
• We will be focusing on an employment support program
for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
• Our goal is to assist those PWD’s who are interested in
working in our community. Our focus is not only on
achieving employment, but also for them to acquire the
skills to become productive and valuable employees.
• Our Plan is to open a Bakery where traditional home-made
breads and treats will be baked and packaged daily.
Coconut Tart Sweet Bread

Cinnamon Rolls
Creole Bread

Jam Rolls

Doughnuts Journey
Coconut Crust
2) Why is it the most priority (important) idea for you?

We believe that Employment Support for PWD’s is a key part of

living a meaningful and inclusive life in our community.
We have seen too many barriers that exist with our Belizean PWD
population when it comes to employment. They are either
unemployed or underemployed, hindering the opportunity for
financial, and social stability. Currently, our students often leave
school with little to no community-based vocational experience or
training for employment.
For this reason our team’s mission is to help PWD’s in Belize reach
their full potential and become as independent as possible through
employment support and training.
3)Your concerns and problems, as well as
advantages and resources available in your country:
Concerns & problems: We do not have an industrial
oven to bake large quantities of bread.
We will need to purchase kitchen appliances,
utensils, and a butane tank with fittings.

Advantages & resources available: We all have a

designated room available. Supplies and ingredients
are readily available in Belize.
4) Objectives of your action plan:
Establish a support program where PWD’s will be able
1. Acquire the necessary skills and sustainable training
in order for them to be productive and successfully
functional in society.
2. Develop a program that brings enough income that
will cover expenses, and provide them with a stipend.
3. Produce and sell freshly made baked breads such as:
cinnamon rolls, jam rolls, creole breads, doughnuts
etc. to parents and the wider- community.
Action Plan for BBB’s Bakery
Activity By Whom When How

Baking of Breads Older Students September 2021 With guidance from

(Mon-Fri) teacher and
volunteer parents

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