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Geophysical and petrophysical interpretation of

seismic imaging
PENG 205


 1. Yussif Hamza UEB0503520

 2. Datsa Kwadwo Enoch UEB0504520
 3. Ayambil Mamudu Fuseini UEB0508020
 4. Owusu Ishaak Harun Rasheed UEB0500620
 5. Obeng Mohammed UEB0508220
 6. Ernest Yirenkyi Baidoo UEB0506720
 7. Solomon Miracle UEB0500120

 Geologists analyze collected data and use them to create maps of geological structures that could contain energy resources
beneath the subsurface
 One of the methods used in this endeavor is the seismic imaging.
 What is Seismic Imaging?
 Seismic imaging directs an intense sound source into the ground to evaluate subsurface conditions and to possibly detect high
concentrations of contamination or anomaly.
 Geophysical seismic interpretation is part of geophysical hydrocarbon prospecting. It evaluates and analyses seismic reflection
data aiming at the detection of the position of hydrocarbon reservoirs.
 What to expect
 Parameters sort out
 Techniques used
 Analysis of seismic images
What are the parameters needed?

 Reflector Skewness (ratio between maximum and minimum amplitude

 High frequency limit
 Interbedding
 High amplitude zones

 NOTE: Skewness is the angle between two facies at a point


There are three techniques involved in geological and petrophysical interpretation of seismic
imaging. These are;
 Structural
Structural seismic interpretation is directed toward the creation of structural maps of the
subsurface from the observed three-dimensional configuration of arrival times.
 stratigraphic
Seismic sequence stratigraphic interpretation relates the pattern of reflections observed to a
model of cyclic episodes of deposition.
 lithologic
Lithology interpretation is aimed at determining changes in pore fluid, porosity, fracture
intensity etc. from seismic data.
Spectra Decomposition(Time Spectra Analysis)

 Spectral decomposition(time frequency analysis) is a powerful analysis tool used to identify the frequency content
of seismic data which aides in the imaging and mapping of bed thickness and geologic discontinuities.
 It allows for a more detailed interpretation of time-series by providing the evolution of the frequency spectrum
through time and has proven to be a useful seismic attribute for exercises such as reservoir characterization- to
squeezing out reservoir detail of fault definition from seismic data.
 Spectral decomposition provides a novel means of utilizing seismic data and the Discrete Fourier Transform
(DFT) for imaging and mapping temporal bed thickness and geological discontinuities over large 3D seismic
 By transforming the seismic data into the frequency domain via the DFT, the amplitude spectra delineate temporal
bed thickness variability while the phase spectra indicate lateral geologic discontinuities.
 The significant amplitudes spectral profiles show that low-frequency seismic presents significant anomalies for
the fluid saturated sections, and high-frequency signals attenuated while propagating through pay zones .
Spectra Decomposition(Time Spectra Analysis)

 The modern use of spectral decomposition treats reflection events always frequency dependent
in practice .
 The Wolf Ramp: Reflection Characteristics of a Transition Layer-The modern use of spectral
decomposition has shown that reflection events in practice are always frequency dependent, a
phenomenon we call reflectivity dispersion.
 There are few causes for reflectivity dispersion , e.g. rough surface scattering, reflection from
an interface porous media, vertical transition zone. Biot Reflection the great problem of
reflectivity dispersion arising from a poroelastic contact in earth which acts as DHI Direct
Hydrocarbon Indicator.
Spectra Decomposition(Time Spectra Analysis)
Seismic UNIX Complex Wavelet analysis

 Complex continuous wavelet transform of seismic section after migration is employed to analyze seismic traces with the help
of Seismic UNIX (SUCCWT). The rectification in the location of a reflector and then positioning it in its true location is
seismic migration.

 Seismic lithology is the process by which rock properties such as lithology, porosity, and
pore fluid content-are determined by analysis of seismic and other data. I emphasize
other data because the seismic method is limited in what can be achieved in a vacuum,
but can be remarkably robust when combined with other information and constrained by
geologically reasonable assumptions. Therefore “petrophysical imaging” is a seismic
lithology method which does not attempt to recover absolute rock properties but rather
involves the construction of an image of subsurface rock property variation.
 Qualitative evaluation of hydrocarbon resources involves the integration of seismic and
well data interpretations. P-wave seismic dataset, whether 2-D or 3-D, could be analyzed
for mapping geological structures, understanding subsurface stratigraphy as well as
delineating areal distribution of reservoir sands and their fluid.

 used as guides in mapping the continuity of the horizons. These analyses precede the
interpretation of the seismic horizons. Five faults were map all through the field and it
was found out that the major faults are growth fault,
 Qualitative interpretation ,this involves the use of the suite of logs, such as resistivity
(ILD), gamma ray, neutron and density logs to identify lithology within the five wells,
and the following generalized formula were used to estimate the petrophysical
parameters such as water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, porosity and permeability
 This is the true resistivity of a formation. It is measured by a deep reading resistivity log
such as deep induction log (ILD) or deep laterolog (LLD). The ILD log signature across
each reservoir formation in each well is examined and sampled to obtain its average
value in each of the hydrocarbon reservoir. This gives the true resistivity Rt of each

 IGR is the Gamma ray index

 This involves the estimation of petrophysical parameters such as porosity, water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, permeability,
movable hydrocarbon index, bulk volume water, and residual oil saturation. Cross-plots of the estimated parameters were generated.
 Volume of shale (Vsh) The volume of shale Vsh was mathematically obtained from the following relationships (Eq. 3) using the
IGR using Microsoft excel package. 1. Dresser Atlas (1979) formulae:
 2. Linear relationship: Vsh = IGR,
 3. Steiber (1984) relationship:
 4. Bateman (1977) formulae:
 (1)I GR = GRlog − GRmin GRmax − GRmin ,
 (2) Vsh = 0.33[2(2×IGR) − 1.0] (For older and consolidated rocks),
 (3) Vsh = 0.083[2(3.7×IGR) − 1.0] (Tertiary and unconsolidated rocks).
 (4)V sh = 1.7[3.38 −(IGR + 0.7)2]1∕2.
 (5)V sh = (0.5 × IGR)
 Porosity (Ø)
 Based on the available data, density-derived porosity ØDEN was computed and corrected for shale effect using
the Dresser Atlas, (1979) equation. The density-derived porosity ØDEN is given by
 ∅ DEN =(ρma −ρb ρma −ρ f).
 ∅= (ρma −ρb ρma −ρ f)− Vsh(ρma −ρsh ρma −ρ )
 Criteria of the ø grades
 Ø < 5%: negligible. 5% < Ø < 10%: poor. 10% < Ø < 15%: fair. 15% < Ø < 25%: good. Ø > 25%: Excellent.

 Absolute permeability (K)

 Absolute permeability is the ability of a rock to transmit a single fluid when it is 100% saturated with that fluid. It is
measured in millidarcy (md). The absolute permeability K is given by
 K 1∕2 = 100 × Ø 2.25/Sw irr
 Relative permeability (Kr)
 The relative permeability Kr is the ratio between effective permeability of fluid at partial saturation, and the permeability at
100% saturation (absolute permeability).
 K rw =[(Sw−Sw irr)]3

Seismic Unix Complex Wavelet analysis

 It can extract both local spectral and temporal information.
 spectral and temporal information.
 it is computationally very fast.
Spectra Decomposition
 Boosted the higher frequency content from the seismic data.
 There is a unique decomposition

Seismic Unix Complex Wavelet analysis

 Difficult to use
 Relatively more expensive to use
Spectra Decomposition
 Can only extract temporal information
 It is slow to process

 Seismic Imaging and Interpretation Techniques

 Sunjay (Geophysicist) Geophysicists,2008,Vol-I(Chapter1-6)PP998, Vol-II(Chapter7-
 Practical Seismic Data Analysis by HUA-WEI ZHOU,2014, Cambridge University Press,PP510
 Seismic True-amplitude Imaging Jörg Schleicher, Martin Tygel, and Peter Hubral,SEG,
Published 2007, 400 pages,
 3d Seismic Interpretation By M Bacon,R Simm, T Redshaw,2003,Cambridge University
 Spectral Analysis in Geophysics (Development in Solid Earth Geophysics) Dec 1974 by M.

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